00:00All right, Samuels, this way.
00:30Dan, well, all the brass come to see me off, huh?
00:41This must give you a lot of pleasure.
00:44You're wrong, Dan.
00:45I hope you'll be back soon.
00:49Well, that's mighty nice of you, Colonel.
00:54Sure, Colonel, I reckon three years in prison will go pretty fast.
00:58I tell you what, when I come back, we'll just forget the whole thing.
01:01Let bygones be bygones, huh?
01:06Let's go, Sergeant.
01:15Take those off him.
01:17But, Colonel, this man's been trusted with the lives of a whole regiment.
01:21Now take them off.
01:23Yes, sir.
01:29What's all this?
01:31There's still a little time yet, and there's someone out there waiting to see you.
01:37Go ahead.
01:43You two men stay with him, but hang back far enough to give him a little privacy.
01:50I don't like it, Colonel. You're taking an awful chance.
01:53I know, Sergeant. General Cherry doesn't like it either.
01:57I suppose it's the least we can do.
02:00After all, he has served the Army well.
02:03It is his wife, sir, and she is pregnant.
03:03Let's go.
03:34At 24, he had been the youngest general in the Civil War.
03:37Within five years, he had been reduced in rank and sent west to be forgotten.
03:41But he was not the kind of man to let the world forget.
03:44His name, George Armstrong Custer.
04:12I'll take him back to the barracks.
04:39You'll be all right, sir.
04:40The other one, I...
04:43Oh, I should have had that horse checked for weapons.
04:47Don't blame yourself, Sergeant. It wasn't your fault. Any of it.
04:51But you'd think that the man, after all the years he's been around the Army, he'd...
04:55Act like one of us?
04:59He's more Indian than anything else.
05:03Maybe we'd act the same way, given the same circumstances.
05:09Who's to say?
05:24I couldn't get a thing out of her.
05:27No, nothing that will do any good. She'd rather die first.
05:32Let's see what I can do.
05:42Red Moon woman.
05:44You said you were his friend.
05:46That's right, I was.
05:48I'm your friend, too.
05:50But you sent him to prison.
05:52Not I. It was the Army, for what he did.
05:57Feed starving people. My people.
06:02I know it's hard to understand, but the food he gave your people was not his to give.
06:08It belonged to the Army.
06:10Not me. My people need me.
06:15You may be right. Maybe I even agree with you.
06:19But what he's done now has made his trouble much worse.
06:23And there's nothing I can do for him.
06:25He's going to have to go to prison for a long time.
06:28No, for you will not find him.
06:59That patrol won't find him, sir.
07:01No, I suppose not.
07:05He's the kind that can infiltrate a double picket line and be standing right beside you before you even knew he was there.
07:12Yep, he was a good scout.
07:14But he sure fixed his wagon.
07:16Ain't gonna let him off with no three years this time.
07:20Yeah, it's a tragedy of it.
07:23The review board would have been a certainty.
07:26Samuels wouldn't have had to serve, oh, six months at the most.
07:32Six months to a man like Dan.
07:34Being cooped up seemed like a lifetime.
07:37Cooped up for something the Army should have done itself.
07:40He just couldn't wait. Couldn't play it like a civilized man.
07:44Where do you think he'll go?
07:46South eventually. Cheyenne country. His wife's people.
07:50Where he could hold a woman and maybe he'd come back after her.
07:54There's no reason why we can't hold her.
07:56After all, she did get the horse ready for him.
07:59It won't work, sir. We can't put a pregnant woman in prison.
08:04All right. Turned her loose.
08:07Maybe she'll lead us to him.
08:12Yeah, but who knows where.
08:16And when.
08:18Probably some Cheyenne lodge a long way from here and a long time from now.
08:24But we have very little choice, sir. We can't hold her forever.
08:28Samuels has got to show his face someplace, sometime.
08:32And the Army will pick him up. We can't just leave him to the Provost Marshal.
08:36It might take years and they'd never find him.
08:38Maybe. Maybe not.
08:41He killed one of my men.
08:43I'm responsible for that because I sent him out there.
08:46And I'm going to see that Samuels answers for it.
08:50That's why I'm going after him.
08:52You just said a patrol could never find him.
08:54No, sir. Not a patrol. And not waiting to track the woman.
08:57Just one man against him, thinking as he does.
09:00No. I can't allow it. The risk could be too great.
09:03Sir, I'm responsible for the death of one of my men.
09:06I can't ignore that.
09:08Ah, Custer, I'm sorry for what was said before.
09:10But it was completely unforeseen that that boy was...
09:12Sir, I request an indefinite leave of absence.
09:16To conduct some personal business.
09:19Well, I suppose if I don't let you go, you'll go anyway.
09:23All right. For one week. One week only.
09:27Otherwise, you'll stay out there forever looking for him.
09:30Thank you, sir.
09:35Oh, uh...
09:37Thanks for not saying I told you so.
09:54I sent a man to get you a horse and some food.
09:57My advice to you is to head south to your people.
10:01You can't help your man, so you might as well forget him.
10:05He won't come there. You'll never see him again.
10:42I'll be back.
11:12I'll be back.
11:14Land Springs?
11:16Ain't far.
11:18Why do you want to know?
11:20A friend of mine would like to see you.
11:22I'll be back.
11:24I'll be back.
11:26I'll be back.
11:28I'll be back.
11:30I'll be back.
11:32I'll be back.
11:34I'll be back.
11:36I'll be back.
11:38I'll be back.
11:40I'll be back.
11:42Why do you want to know?
11:44A friend of mine would have told me about it.
11:47Sure, it was the prettiest camping ground you ever saw.
11:51And the only water for miles.
11:53I think you told me it was southwest of here.
11:56I told you wrong.
11:58Do you know it?
12:00You figuring on going that way?
12:02Yeah, I don't know.
12:04If it's north, it might be out of my way.
12:06Who was this friend that told you?
12:08A fellow by the name of Dan Samuels.
12:10Do you know him?
12:12Everybody knows Dan.
12:14Come here often.
12:16Been in lately?
12:18Depends on what you mean by lately.
12:20You say you're a friend of his?
12:22That's right.
12:24Dan and I have been friends for a long time.
12:26Are you?
12:28Mister, I'm a friend of any man, red or white,
12:31as long as you come here to trade.
12:33Just as long as you don't come here to rob me or shoot me.
12:36Well, I bet there are a lot of people around like that.
12:40I hear there's a Sioux war party in this area.
12:43Could be.
12:45Doesn't seem to bother you.
12:47Why should it?
12:49They don't bother me, and I don't bother them.
12:51They need me, and I need them.
12:53And there ain't enough like you stopping here to keep my business going.
12:59Or me, ain't you?
13:03Now, how'd you know that?
13:05Ain't hard.
13:07You're a horse for one thing,
13:10and you ain't no scout like Dan.
13:15Well, not quite.
13:17But Dan and I
13:19rode quite a few trails together.
13:22Then why'd you ask me all them questions?
13:38Thanks for your information.
13:40What kind of information?
13:42Dan Samuels was here,
13:44and he warned you to tell me that Lance Springs was due north.
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16:38Hey, California, let's parley.
16:41You'll never convince me your eyes are that bad, Dan.
16:45Don't tell me that's you, Colonel.
16:49Now, Dan, you hurt my feelings.
16:52You don't even recognize your friends.
16:56Now, I'd have swore that was California.
17:02I should have known nobody would be able to find me out here except you.
17:06Say, Colonel, I'm sure I'm sorry about them shots if I'd known that was you.
17:10I'll just bet you are.
17:14Oh, come on now, Colonel.
17:17I'm sure I'm sorry.
17:19I'm sure I'm sorry.
17:23Oh, come on now, Colonel.
17:26You can't believe I done nothing like that on purpose.
17:30I mean, I know I got nothing to fear from my old friend the Colonel.
17:37After all we've been through together, we're old friends.
17:44Ain't nothing happened to change that, is it?
17:48Say, Colonel.
17:51Colonel, why don't you come on out? Let's talk this thing over.
17:55Nothing to talk over, Dan.
17:58I came to take you back.
18:01Stand trial for murder.
18:03Oh, now, Colonel, I can't believe that. Not you.
18:07I mean, you know how it is with a man like me.
18:10I can't stand being cooped up in no jail.
18:15And as for killing that felon, you know there weren't no malice in that.
18:19That was just him or me. You know that.
18:40I didn't come here to argue the case, Dan.
18:43Just to take you back.
18:46Now, why don't you throw down your gun and come out peacefully?
18:50You know I can't do that, Colonel.
18:54That just ain't in me.
18:58Where does that leave us?
19:01Right where we were, I guess.
19:04Yeah, I reckon so.
19:16Let's go.
19:47Come on.
20:07I don't understand.
20:10I don't understand the kind of man that would turn on his friend when there's trouble.
20:15The trouble you made for me, Dan.
20:18I trusted you, and you betrayed that trust and killed one of my men.
20:22He didn't mean nothing to you.
20:24That man was under my orders.
20:26He died because of me.
20:28Now, you understand that I had to do that.
20:30Yeah, that's right.
20:32Just like you had to lead me into that trap and try to kill me.
20:35I told you I thought I was California.
20:38I sure never thought you'd come riding out after me.
20:40Dan, Dan, when I was in that wash, you knew it was me.
20:44You've got eyes like an eagle.
20:46Colonel, when I seen it was you, all I wanted to do was scare you off.
20:49You think I couldn't have killed you if I'd really had a mind to, huh?
20:52Just now, you would have killed me.
20:57But only if I'd have had to, Colonel.
21:00That makes it right.
21:04Is it right for a man to haul his friend back to jail to rot?
21:08Or to hang, maybe?
21:11I don't expect you to understand it.
21:14You live by the code of friendship.
21:17And I live by the code of law and justice.
21:25That's right, justice.
21:28You'd have had it if you just hadn't killed that man.
21:32Yeah, so you say.
21:36We were working on your appeal.
21:39We could have gotten your sentence reduced.
21:42Down to about six months.
21:45That's all through now.
21:47You fix that, and it's out of my hands.
21:50No, it ain't. Not yet. Not here and now, it ain't.
21:53Colonel, it ain't in nobody's hands but yours.
21:57You could let me go, and nobody would ever know anything about it.
22:00That's right.
22:02And I guarantee you one thing. I'll never get caught again.
22:05I believe you.
22:08But you ain't gonna do it, are you?
22:11Nope. I'm gonna take you back.
22:19Well, now, Colonel, that's just liable to take a little doing.
22:24Look up on that hill back there.
22:29Huh-huh. Huh.
22:34Them Sioux, that's a war party.
22:38They must have heard them shots and come a-sniffin'.
22:43I bet they just ditchin' to lift a little white-eye hair.
22:48Wouldn't they dance so that they'd end up with a scalp of old yellow hair?
22:53Just forget one thing, Dan.
22:56Out here without the protection of your wife,
22:59you're just another white-eye yourself.
23:01And they'd be just as happy to lift your scalp.
23:03You ain't tellin' me nothin', Colonel.
23:06Only thing is, if you're gonna take me back and hang me,
23:08you're gonna have to save my skin from them.
23:14That's just what I intend to do.
23:19Let's go.
23:26Let's go.
23:56All the way to the top. Let's go.
25:04Just stay nice and quiet. They'll never find you.
26:05Come on. Hurry up.
26:26Come on.
26:56Come on.
27:44You all right?
27:49What about them?
27:57She's gonna be somethin'.
28:01She's gonna be somethin'.
28:06Yellow hair?
28:09We don't have to worry about him.
28:15Maybe you are too, Dan.
28:20Don't turn around.
28:24Don't force me to spill your blood.
28:31You got that gun?
28:34I have.
28:36Shame it ain't loaded.
28:38Don't try it.
28:41You just take your gun, and you just throw it across that fire.
28:45Nice and easy.
28:49No quick moves, Dan.
28:54That's it.
28:58Now the knife.
29:01Same way.
29:08You shouldn't count a man out, Dan, till you see him buried.
29:13I sure have to remember that, Carl.
29:16How'd you... How'd you track me in the dark?
29:20I didn't.
29:22I remembered how you always talked about Land Spring...
29:25and how you and Red Moon Woman used to come here and camp often.
29:29It's the only water for miles, you said.
29:32So when you got close enough, I figured you planned to meet her here.
29:36Why didn't you just come directly here? Why'd you bother to track me at all?
29:40I figured if I didn't follow you, you'd get suspicious...
29:44and just bypass the place.
29:48You knew it was a trap, and you just took a chance anyway, right?
29:51I figured I could take you.
29:53If it hadn't been for those two Braves, we'd be on our way right now to Fort Hayes.
29:57Yeah, well, them Braves are still out there looking for us someplace.
30:01I know.
30:03But we'll be heading for Fort Hayes in a few hours.
30:06We will, huh?
30:08Back to the hangman's news, huh?
30:11Or worse yet, spend the rest of my life in jail?
30:15Colonel, I lived all my days free.
30:18You should have thought of that before you pulled that trigger.
30:21Well, if I'd thought about it, I wouldn't be here talking about it.
30:24I mean, I'd be dead too.
30:27And I don't die easy, Colonel.
30:29I mean, you know that, all the battles we've been through together.
30:32Now, there was a time when that meant something to you.
30:35Still does, Dan. I haven't forgotten it.
30:38Well, it sure seems to me like you forgot it.
30:41I mean, I'd say you owe me something, Colonel.
30:43We don't owe each other anything anymore, Dan.
30:47In those days, we were fighting for the same thing.
30:49Law, order, civilization.
30:52You sure talk highfalutin', Colonel.
30:54I'll tell you about your civilization. I got no use for it.
30:57That's right. You're still the same.
31:00Every man for himself.
31:02No responsibility to anyone or anything.
31:06Times are changing, Dan.
31:10There's just no place for you anymore.
31:13You're wrong, Colonel.
31:15You're wrong. I belong right here.
31:18My woman being the way she is, I got me something to fight for now.
31:22You ain't got me back to Fort Hayes yet.
31:25You gonna kill me, Dan?
31:27If I have to, I promise you, Colonel.
31:30In spite of all times?
31:32In spite of everything.
31:34Now, if we're gonna get back, you better get started...
31:36because it's a lot safer traveling in the dark.
31:39All right.
31:41Cover that fire.
31:43What about her? She don't have to go back.
31:46I'm afraid she has to. I can't trust her.
31:48Not until I have you secured.
31:50But as soon as I do that, I'll let her go. I promise you.
31:52I stayed with him.
31:54I'm afraid that's not possible.
31:56He die, I die too.
31:58Certainly not that.
32:00We don't do things that way.
32:03I not understand white man's ways.
32:06You are his friend.
32:08You let him go.
32:10I can't. Not after what he's done.
32:12He's made it impossible.
32:14You not take him back to die.
32:16I told you...
32:18You let him go.
32:20Red Moon woman go back with you.
32:23Do whatever you want to with her.
32:27Your woman put in prison, kill, anything.
32:32It's a Cheyenne woman for you?
32:35She's a good woman, Dan.
32:38Deserves better than you.
32:40I sure ain't gonna argue that with you.
32:45You can't take his place.
32:47And you can't buy his freedom because we don't do things like that.
32:51I'm still your friend.
32:54I'll do anything else I can to help you.
32:56Just come to me and ask.
33:02You stay right where I can keep an eye on you.
33:06Colonel, stay.
33:10Right there.
33:24What are you doing?
33:27What are you doing?
33:33Can't trust her on the horse either.
33:36We walk.
33:38Suit yourself, Colonel.
33:45Can't be a time, it's too soon.
33:47Apparently it is. She sure picked a fine day.
33:50What do we do?
33:51She's gonna have to do most of it.
33:53We can't make her more comfortable.
33:54I'll get something for her.
33:58Something bad.
34:01Not right.
34:05Colonel, I think we got trouble.
34:08In more ways than one.
34:20They're coming here for water.
34:23We don't got time to get away, Colonel.
34:26She can't be moved very far anyway.
34:29Go, I stay.
34:31They not follow.
34:32You think if we left her, that'd help her?
34:35Not enough.
34:37Colonel, you better go.
34:39But you got to go by yourself because I ain't leaving her.
34:41Neither am I.
34:43Colonel, you can still get away.
34:44If they catch you here, they'll kill you and you won't die easy, I tell you.
34:46Will you shut up and help me?
34:53Come on.
35:11Looks like they're settling in for the night.
35:13They haven't picked up any of our signs anyway.
35:20Colonel, ain't there nothing you can do for her?
35:22I'm a soldier, not a doctor.
35:26I'll try and make her more comfortable.
35:39Why'd you stay?
35:49Are you going to try to take me in after this?
35:52What do you think?
35:55You must want to see me hang awful bad.
35:58To risk their torture.
36:02Is that why you think I did it, Dan?
36:09I don't know.
36:28Yeah, that's the wrong horse, all right.
36:36Hey, Colonel, I think...
36:37Never mind that.
36:39The pain seems to be getting worse.
36:41I may need your help soon.
36:44What do I do?
36:46What do I do?
37:17She ain't gonna die, is she, Colonel?
37:19Not if I can help it.
37:22What's wrong with her?
37:24I mean, Cheyenne women usually have babies like it was nothing.
37:29Red Moon woman.
37:32You said the baby was turned wrong.
37:35Maybe I can help you.
37:37Colonel, did you ever birth a baby before?
37:42I wish you hadn't asked me that.
37:45Well, horses have them.
37:48I've set up with my mare.
37:51Getting through her time.
37:53I don't know. Maybe I can help.
37:55Get back and give me some room.
37:58I don't know. Maybe I can help.
38:00Get back and give me some room.
38:27Get back.
38:57Get back.
39:28Look at that face.
39:33That's a mama, man, if I ever seen one.
39:37You're wrong, Dan.
39:44What do you mean?
39:46It's a girl.
39:48It is?
39:51It's a girl?
39:54I am not giving you a son.
39:59Of course you ain't, woman.
40:02How many times have I told you how I feel about boys?
40:05I got no use for them.
40:07Yelling, romping all over the place all the time.
40:10A man wants a daughter to make his life worth living.
40:15Besides, you know, when she gets growed up...
40:19Besides, you know, when she gets growed up...
40:22never bucking the territory, be hanging around,
40:24making me rich with horses, wanting to marry her.
40:28Well, you've done fine.
40:31I wanted a girl all along. I was just scared to say so.
40:50An Indian kid ain't got much of a chance in a white man's town.
40:56They call her half-breed, treated her like dirt under their feet.
41:02But amongst the tribe, she's gonna be something special.
41:07Regular Cheyenne princess, Kern.
41:12She grew up tall, straight, pretty.
41:16Walking like a breeze across the meadow.
41:20She'll have a voice like dripping honey, you just wait and see.
41:25You're forgetting something, Dan.
41:29Yeah, I reckon I was.
41:35I reckon I was.
41:40You poor little thing.
41:43What chance you gonna have?
41:46Your pa's dead, hung for you, more than enough to recognize him.
41:52She grew up wild, no good.
41:55Just another half-breed scrounging around for enough to eat.
42:01It's not gonna be like that.
42:04No, it won't, Colonel.
42:10It sure won't be like that.
42:20No, it sure won't be like that.
42:33They're still there.
42:35They should be pulling out soon, then we can leave.
42:38I ain't waiting that long, Colonel.
42:41You able to travel, woman?
42:43I'm ready.
42:45You could kill her if you make her walk anywhere.
42:48Well, I'm aiming to try to borrow a pony for her to ride.
42:51Besides, you don't know much about Indian women.
42:53She's got more strength of body than most white men you'll ever meet.
42:56Do I have to remind you, Dan, that you're still my prisoner?
43:00Colonel, you better think about that.
43:04Ain't nothing in the world Roanhorse would like better than the scalp of yellow hair.
43:08That long yellow hair of yours dangling at the end of his war lance,
43:11wouldn't he walk tall, though?
43:13Wouldn't he be the biggest Indian in the whole Indian nation?
43:16You raise a ruckus about me and my woman walking out of here,
43:19and he's gonna hear you.
43:21If you're crazy enough to shoot me,
43:23you gotta know you ain't gonna last longer than about a minute more than me anyway.
43:28I know you wanna take me back, Colonel.
43:33It does look like it's out of your hands finally, don't it?
43:36Don't be a fool, Dan.
43:38You know that Roanhorse is half mad.
43:40He doesn't need a reason to kill you.
43:43You're a white eyes to him.
43:45I'll take my chance.
43:47Going back with you, I ain't got any.
43:51Make up your mind. You gonna use that gun or not?
44:03Looks like they found some more of our signs.
44:06They'll be finding us directly, too.
44:13It's better if we go out to meet them.
44:15Let's just act like we've been holed up here resting.
44:17We'll tell them that you're kin to Black Beaver and we're on our way south to meet him.
44:20I think they'll let us go.
44:22Come on.
44:27After they've gone, I think you can find your way back, can't you?
44:31It doesn't end here, Dan.
44:33I've gotta come after you again.
45:01Roanhorse Beach
45:14I live on Roanhorse Beach.
45:16My wife's Cheyenne, kin to Black Beaver.
45:19We're heading south.
45:21Cheyenne hunting grounds.
45:23We'll stay with our folks.
45:26You come from that way?
45:28The north? No.
45:30We come from that way, the west.
45:39No horse?
45:41We had a horse.
45:43Give it on. It's dead back there some distance.
45:47Yours blue coat horse?
45:51No. Why?
45:53Dead horse, that way.
45:55Blue coat horse.
45:57Got nothing to do with me.
45:59I ain't been that way.
46:01Why? What's wrong?
46:03Find out here.
46:27Look, I ask you, there's something wrong.
46:29Because otherwise, me and my wife, we gotta be moving on.
46:31We gotta make track south before dark.
46:34You come from that way?
46:36Roanhorse, I told you, we come from over there, from the west.
47:41Looks like I'm gonna miss that rope.
47:47You tell her that...
47:49I tried.
47:51Here, now you tell her...
47:55You tell her she was my little princess.
48:03What's all that?
48:08You're gonna have to moan it like I'm gone, you hear?
48:14I got an Indian squirrel for you.
48:16Oh, Grandpa, I wish I had Hank when I saw those southern mountains.
48:47Now my men will be forgotten.
48:51The wind blows in the sky.
48:55Maybe, Red Moon woman.
48:59But the giants will always be remembered.
49:02The giants who walked the earth when I was young.
49:07In a way, your man was a giant, too.
49:09He went where no other white man went before him,
49:11and he made it possible for others to follow.
49:15And that is good?
49:17That's good.
49:19But the bad thing he did?
49:23The world changes.
49:25But Dan couldn't change with it.
49:27It was his trouble.
49:31I'm sorry.
49:33I'm sorry.
49:35I'm sorry.
49:37It was his trouble.
49:39He was a good man.
49:43I'll miss him. He was my friend.
49:47I go.
49:49Is there anything I can do?
49:51No, there is nothing.
49:56She will grow and be strong.
49:58She will be a woman.
50:00A Cheyenne woman.
50:07A Cheyenne woman.
50:23Good-bye, Dan.
50:37THE END
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