• last year


00:00 I'm worried if he doesn't go on a tour
00:05 Why?
00:05 Poor him
00:06 Oh, stress
00:07 That's his passion
00:08 He's stressed
00:09 If he doesn't go on a tour, I'm worried
00:10 Husband and wife should have a side
00:12 Yes, they should have a hobby
00:14 Next
00:14 Marcel, if Brunette wants to get married young, is it okay?
00:18 It depends
00:22 That's the face of a father when asked if his child can get married young
00:26 If Brunette wants to get married young, maybe you should go first
00:28 (Laughing)
00:33 Okay, Mommy, what's your wish?
00:35 What?
00:36 I don't know, maybe for the government?
00:38 Our aspiration as affiliators
00:41 Hopefully, the government will give us the best decision
00:45 To give us a way out
00:49 As affiliators, content creators, and UMKM
00:53 UMKM
00:54 Because many businesses have grown up here
00:58 Not only affiliators, but also agencies
01:00 Some have invested a lot
01:02 They have rented rooms for affiliates to work
01:05 So, it's not just one place that's closed
01:08 But there are many affiliated traders
01:10 That's it
01:11 Okay, thank you
01:13 Thank you, Marcel
01:14 Thank you, Mommy
01:15 Thank you, Brunette
01:16 See you again every day on Rumpi's show
01:18 Thank you
01:20 (Applause)
01:23 Two beautiful Indonesian artists, Enzi Storia and Cinta Laura
01:31 Have successfully made Indonesia famous
01:33 By hosting an international fashion show
01:35 Which was just held in Paris, France
01:37 They performed with famous artists and models
01:40 Enzi, who has rarely been seen on catwalks
01:42 Has surprised the audience with her face
01:45 When she appears with a little bit of a delicate style
01:47 As if she's really depicting her character
01:50 And what's more surprising
01:51 She was on the runway
01:53 After the appearance of a Bollywood star
01:55 Named Azra Rae
01:58 (Applause)
02:00 (Applause)
02:02 (Applause)
02:04 (Applause)
02:05 (Applause)
02:07 (Applause)
02:09 (Applause)
02:11 (Applause)
02:13 (Applause)
02:15 (Applause)
02:17 (Applause)
02:19 (Applause)
02:21 (Applause)
02:23 (Applause)
02:25 (Applause)
02:27 (Applause)
02:29 (Applause)
02:32 (Applause)
02:33 Enzi's appearance was only for a moment
02:36 But left a very lasting impression
02:38 She also brought a lot of praise and admiration
02:40 To the artists who are now living in Washington DC
02:44 Although she is one of the beginners in catwalks
02:47 But surprisingly
02:48 She is able to bring herself as close to the world star
02:51 As Kendall Jenner
02:52 Even sometimes she looks like a model named Miranda Kerr
02:54 Also Gigi Hadid
02:56 (Music)
02:59 (Music)
03:00 From what I see
03:14 Maybe Enzi is usually more funny
03:18 But what I saw on social media
03:22 Her aura was very clear
03:26 She is different and more serious
03:29 I'm very proud of her
03:31 Because she doesn't have any basics
03:33 Like model and all that
03:35 And she is able to represent Indonesia
03:38 In Paris Fashion Week
03:40 That makes me proud as an Indonesian
03:44 But on the same stage
03:47 Enzi is not alone as one of the stars
03:49 From the water country
03:50 Who dare to fly further
03:52 Cinta Laura Kiel
03:53 Who used to be more famous in acting and singing
03:56 But she also joined the catwalk as one of the models
03:59 And when she appeared on the runway
04:01 I was very surprised
04:03 That she is full of confidence
04:05 Cinta successfully showed her graceful side
04:08 On the catwalk
04:09 Compared to Enzi
04:10 Who is able to bring out the maximum beauty aura
04:13 Even though she wears minimalistic makeup
04:15 Cinta Laura is called glamorous, classy and luxurious
04:19 Also very characteristic like a Hollywood star
04:22 Cinta is a model who has a lot of talent
04:24 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:26 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:28 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:30 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:32 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:34 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:36 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:38 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:40 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:42 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:44 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:46 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:48 And she is also a model who is very talented
04:50 I was surprised and didn't expect that I would meet a model like that
04:54 So I purposely twisted my hair
04:57 So that the ending is gong
05:00 And how to say it
05:02 And make an unforgettable impression
05:06 But despite the appearance of Cinta Laura and Enzi Storia
05:10 At the Paris Fashion Week event
05:11 The public finally agreed that both of them are very beautiful
05:14 But each of them looks unique
05:16 By bringing their own characters
05:19 If beautiful, both of them are beautiful
05:23 But I still choose Enzi
05:26 Both of them are cool, but I prefer Cinta Laura
05:29 Because she is more confident
05:32 I think because the aura of Enzi is different
05:35 So I choose Enzi
05:36 Both of them are good
05:38 Both of them are also very cool
05:40 I think I'm more interested in Enzi
05:43 The question of beauty is very relative to be answered
05:46 Because beauty is not just about appearance
05:50 But also about inner beauty that everyone has
05:53 For example, Cinta Laura
05:55 A beautiful actress from Indonesia
05:57 Not only wins from her physical appearance
05:59 But also from her talent
06:02 She also made herself idolized by so many people
06:04 She started her career as a singer
06:07 Her name Cinta was a hit after she entered the world of acting
06:10 Then she was rejected because she pursued science until she went to the country of Vaman Sam
06:13 But then she became famous again because she succeeded in starring in several Hollywood movies
06:18 Yes, finally returned to the country of water
06:20 But she brought herself with an image that was already developed by herself
06:23 As a beautiful actress, talented and also intellectual
06:27 The difference with Enzi
06:31 A beautiful actress from Poland
06:33 She also started her career from scratch as an actor and actress
06:37 She starred in a movie, then she was in the world of voice acting
06:40 But she didn't succeed, finally she lost her profession in hosting television shows
06:45 Many people suspect that Enzi's career will end after marriage
06:48 And her decision to emigrate to Washington D.C. to follow her husband's path
06:52 But apparently not
06:54 Because far from the country of water, Enzi's name is now getting higher and higher
06:58 Because of her beauty and talent, she started to be admired by the world's fashion class
07:03 Many also suspect that Enzi's success in the Paris Fashion Week
07:07 Will be a door for her to have a more prestigious career as a world star
07:11 My hope for Indonesian fans
07:18 I hope we can support each other from the bottom of our hearts
07:22 Because as women, we support each other but actually we are underestimating each other
07:29 So I hope we can change our personality and behavior like that
07:35 Because as women, we can be more successful if we work together and be closer to each other
07:44 And one of the factors that has affected the inner beauty of a woman
07:48 Of course is her intellectual ability, her love for the aura
07:51 It's not a secret anymore if this 30-year-old actress has graduated from one of the most famous campuses in the United States
07:57 With the Krumlal Pradigy
07:59 While Enzi is also known to have just finished her master's degree at a famous campus in Jakarta
08:04 Now with their roles in the community, the two artists are eager to spread inspiration
08:09 For example, in Cinta Laura, by building a free school for the community
08:13 While in Enzi, many young people are inspired through content in the Maya world
08:32 You know, if you're looking for a drink right now, because it's too hot
08:36 Look at the presence of Cinta Laura and Enzi Story, which is really amazing
08:42 Can you imagine if there are many people there, plus 62, it will be even more exciting
08:48 Not only because of the euphoria, but also because these two figures have extraordinary achievements
08:54 From what has been done until they are there, it is really proud
08:59 And it's not just about beauty, actually, both of them have achievements, I agree
09:04 And one more, both of them are really best, there is no arrogance, both of them are humble
09:09 A lot of good things to the community, right?
09:12 And one more thing, we are proud because they took a picture with Kendall Jenner, KK Kebanting
09:18 Great, right?
09:19 Really proud, like a horse, like a beast, right?
09:23 Really cool, and of course, that was the first part of our meeting this afternoon
09:29 On Insert Today with both of you, I'm Maria Christy
09:33 And I'm Indra Herlambang
09:34 Next, if we talk about physical beauty, what makes us sometimes sad is when we are commented on the physical problem, do you agree?
09:41 Right, too big, too small
09:44 That's it, maybe this is what a model is experiencing too
09:48 That's right
09:49 Umi Kuar, I'm really a fan of Umi, she's really cute
09:53 She's really cute, and it's true, she was a model when she was a kid
09:57 She was registered by Mama to join a modeling agency competition
10:01 Right
10:02 But this time, maybe Umi came with a not-so-cute look
10:05 Because finally, as a woman, she feels sad because her body weight is always commented on
10:13 Too thin, ah
10:14 Let's see her performance
10:18 This time, we will meet a comedian, and a presenter too
10:25 And it's said that she wants to be a diva, and beat a DJ
10:29 But unfortunately, in the middle of her career, she's going down
10:33 It's like the higher the tree, the higher the wind
10:38 We want to find out if this person is strong enough to face the netizens
10:44 Welcome, how are you? Welcome to Insta Trends TV
10:53 How are you, Umi Elfie?
10:56 Hey, Umi Kulso
10:58 Umi Kuar, how are you?
11:00 Umi, in this era, in the era of social media, everyone can comment
11:06 We hope the comments are good, if the comments are bad, we can't control what the netizens say
11:11 Right
11:12 There are also comments of bullying, right?
11:15 If you yourself are a bully to the netizens on social media, what is your opinion?
11:22 Sometimes I like to reply, but sometimes I don't
11:27 You don't have the power, right?
11:29 No, I don't reply because I don't want to be confused
11:32 Because yesterday when I got a bully, I posted it on Insta Story
11:36 Mr. Wendy Cakur noticed it, so I replied to his story
11:43 "Umi, just let it be, don't be punished, just pray for him"
11:49 So I said, "Yes, thank you for the advice"
11:53 Because as women, sometimes there are points...
11:56 As a woman, men are like that too
11:58 Oh, I see, I'm more sensitive as a woman
12:02 Women, men are also sensitive
12:05 But when it comes to netizens' comments, we can't choose
12:10 You have to make good comments, you have to make comments that can make me more excited
12:15 There are also comments of bullying
12:17 But for you, until yesterday you posted it on social media
12:21 It means it's very disturbing for you, right?
12:25 Yes, it's really disturbing for me
12:28 Because there are too many people who are like that
12:30 Every time I meet someone, they always say, "Your body is so small, so skinny, you eat a lot"
12:37 I think I'm already very angry
12:40 Because almost everyone is like that, whether it's relatives, friends, strangers
12:45 Even on social media
12:47 So I feel like, "Oh, I'm tired of hearing those words"
12:51 So, because at that time I was also sensitive, a woman
12:56 But there was a feeling like, "Why did I upload it?"
13:00 "Why did I upload it?"
13:02 "Why?"
13:03 So, it's okay, many people have seen it
13:07 So it's okay, when Mr. Wendy or all his friends said, "Just leave it"
13:12 I was like, "Oh, yes, yes, don't really"
13:15 "But this is the last time"
13:17 "There's no next time"
13:19 But after that, it turned out that many people felt the same thing
13:22 Like me, my body
13:25 Your spirit, Umi
13:26 And I'm sure some people who comment on other people's bodies
13:29 The point is to give either praise or attention
13:33 "Why did you add it?"
13:35 What we don't realize, sometimes what we say can hurt other people's hearts
13:40 Especially if it's a physical problem
13:41 So for me, it's better to be neutral
13:44 Like, "Oh, the clothes are good"
13:45 "Right"
13:46 "It's safe, right?"
13:47 "It's safe"
13:48 "It's fresh, it's okay"
13:50 And if for example, when this person is not satisfied
13:54 Maybe he feels over-exaggerated
13:56 And he really wants to try to manage it
14:00 This is probably the one who often gets praise
14:03 "Why is it too thin?"
14:04 Try to add weight to his body
14:08 So he uses that
14:09 The netizen's comments should also be more targeted
14:13 Or, "Umi, turn it off"
14:15 "If the comment is not good, we'll report it again"
14:17 "It's okay, Umi"
14:18 "It's part of the career journey"
14:20 "And the next is part of the love story journey that hasn't been confirmed"
14:24 "Is Alia and Torek really dating?"
14:27 I'm happy if I'm given hints
14:29 It's like a trip
14:31 I don't get it right away, but I'm like, "Right, left"
14:33 "Cross the mountain, stretch first, then I'll get it"
14:35 What hints do you have about them?
14:37 We'll see later
14:38 What are the latest hints
14:39 Just like the latest news
14:41 A Cipung who always wants to give the best for his mother-in-law
14:45 What else is done to Cipung?
14:47 As a mother-in-law, we're curious to see this one
14:51 We'll present it later
14:53 So, don't go anywhere, stay tuned on
14:55 Insert Today!
14:57 Transdibi
15:03 News on Apro!
15:07 Transdibi
15:09 Every house has its own family flavor
15:13 That warms the house
15:15 That always serves delicious food
15:18 Perfect family flavor with Masako
15:21 With special broth
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15:27 Masako's Family Flavor
15:29 Indonesian Family Flavor
15:32 Masako's Family Flavor
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15:55 Tired?
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16:08 President Aja drinks jamu
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17:37 New Pantene
17:39 Glowing is
17:44 Dot
17:46 Dot
17:47 Brighten
17:48 Healthy skin all day
17:51 Fragrant skin all the time
17:53 And glowing is
17:54 Dot
17:55 Dot
17:56 Moisturize
17:57 Oh no, it's gone
17:59 Just search
18:00 And you'll get it
18:01 So glowing is
18:03 Dot
18:04 Dot
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18:07 Available at your favorite store
18:13 The creamy, salty, sweet Takoyaki
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18:24 Bang Sogok
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18:37 Luxurious fragrance
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18:44 Soclean Liquid Perfume Collection
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19:10 Let's have an Energen cereal breakfast
19:12 I want the one made, Mom
19:13 I want vanilla
19:14 I want the brown one
19:15 Energen, the number one cereal in Indonesia
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19:22 This is delicious
19:23 This is delicious
19:24 To get the best water source
19:27 Lemineral does hundreds of explorations
19:30 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
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19:34 Always new gallon
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19:37 This is the commitment of Lemineral
19:40 Gentle Gen now has a sachet
19:42 Buy 3 get 1 free
19:44 Hands are still soft
19:45 The clothes are also soft
19:46 The fragrance also lasts long
19:49 No need for a soft fragrance
19:51 Gentle Gen, 8 liters of growth
19:54 Must finish tonight
19:56 And the breakfast work starts
19:57 Drink Ema Viton Energy Drink
19:59 If necessary
20:00 With extra ingredients
20:01 Vitamin B complex
20:02 Caffeine
20:03 And taurine
20:04 They pick up the middle material
20:05 Ema carries
20:06 Immediately becomes a Viton U
20:08 Ema Viton
20:09 Ema Viton
20:10 Egy
20:11 And the mission is complete
20:13 That's beautiful
20:15 Now it's Nova's turn
20:17 Let's continue
20:19 Drink Ema Viton Energy Drink
20:21 Express your energy to run activities
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20:32 Buy Freshti with a golden lid
20:33 Any variant
20:34 Scan QR and enter the code behind the bottle cap
20:37 Hurry up before it runs out
20:39 Is it protected?
20:41 Since it was one year old
20:43 Protect the exploration with Denkau
20:46 Now available with more contents
20:50 Still price
20:52 Gentle Gen now has a sachet
20:57 Buy 3 get 1 free
20:58 The hands are still soft
21:00 The clothes are also soft
21:01 The fragrance also lasts long
21:04 No need for a soft fragrance
21:06 Gentle Gen, growth-reducing fragrance
21:09 Must finish tonight
21:10 And the work starts
21:12 Drink Ema Viton Energy Drink if necessary
21:15 With extract extract
21:16 Vitamin B complex
21:17 Caffeine and taurine
21:19 They carry the material to the middle
21:20 Ema carries
21:21 Immediately becomes a Viton U
21:23 Ema Viton
21:24 Ema Viton
21:25 Egy
21:26 And the mission is complete
21:28 That's beautiful
21:30 Now it's Nova's turn
21:32 Let's continue
21:34 Drink Ema Viton Energy Drink
21:36 Express your energy to carry out activities
21:40 [Music]
21:50 Torik Halilintar, the flamboyant
21:54 Always pampering the soul
21:56 After all the sacrifices for Fuji
21:58 In vain
21:59 Torik is not broken
22:00 Not traumatized
22:02 If the attention for the lover
22:04 Will be back to the other hand
22:06 This firmness of heart
22:07 Which makes Torik not shy
22:09 Showing his friendship with a new lover
22:11 Alia Masaid
22:12 Romance that makes Netizen
22:14 Baper is seen by Torik
22:15 By answering Alia
22:16 Funny Alia herself looks shy
22:19 Maybe you love yourself
22:27 Forever
22:30 Don't want to separate
22:34 Not just love that disappears
22:41 If the feeling is boring
22:45 Slowly understanding the expression of Torik's love
22:48 Alia also began to dare
22:50 To show her friendship on the public
22:52 So look at the couple who are drunk
22:54 And in the middle of the sharp sorot
22:56 Immediately express love
22:58 On the field like the following recording
23:01 [Music]
23:03 Expressions and gestures
23:06 Which is seen by Rayan Sa alias Cipung
23:08 It really makes the audience and people around
23:10 To pinch it
23:12 And see this time again
23:14 Cipung's action
23:15 Which is about a drunk man
23:16 By a chef
23:17 Intended to make orange juice
23:19 For Mama Nagita
23:20 It's really so cute
23:22 Mom, Aja wants to make juice for Mama
23:25 Say Mama
23:27 Call Mama
23:29 Call Mama
23:30 Call first
23:31 Call Mama
23:33 What do you want to do?
23:34 Want to make juice
23:37 Want Mama, order one, okay?
23:39 Okay, order it
23:41 Yes
23:42 Guys
23:43 Today
23:45 Rayanja
23:47 Want
23:48 Make
23:49 Juice
23:50 For
23:51 Who?
23:52 Mama
23:53 Who's Mama?
23:54 This
23:55 This
23:56 This first
23:57 This first
23:58 So this is Cipung's expression
24:01 When squeezing orange juice
24:02 Which is so cute
24:03 Until make this nurse
24:05 And people around
24:06 Laugh
24:07 Use energy
24:08 Yes
24:09 Okay, turn
24:10 Then
24:11 Yes
24:12 Turn
24:13 Still there
24:14 Still there, the water
24:15 Yes
24:17 Then
24:20 Then like squeezing clothes
24:22 The hard one
24:26 Again
24:27 Yes
24:28 Yes
24:30 Then, the water will come out
24:32 The sound
24:33 Yes
24:34 Again
24:35 Still a lot
24:36 Use both hands
24:37 Try
24:38 Both hands
24:39 While smiling
24:41 Try again
24:46 While smiling
24:47 The water will come out
24:50 While smiling
24:51 While smiling
24:55 Now while wriggling
24:56 While wriggling
24:59 Try, is the water more?
25:00 While wriggling
25:01 Now while smiling
25:04 While smiling
25:05 Not yet
25:09 While smiling
25:11 How to smile?
25:13 Yes, smile
25:14 Now wriggling
25:15 Wriggling
25:17 Close your eyes
25:18 Please
25:19 Bye
25:21 Smile
25:23 Cipung's orange juice
25:24 Ready to serve for Mama Gigi
25:26 And Mama Gigi
25:27 Praised the juice made by Bung Su
25:29 But the funny thing is
25:30 Cipung who was asked to drink the juice
25:32 Instead of looking bad
25:34 As a sign that the juice is sour
25:37 The emergency of Karen Delano
25:44 Private car accident
25:45 Under the escape of the driver
25:46 Ended
25:47 The police finally frozen the driver
25:49 In the area of Bandung, West Java
25:50 Now the driver has been arrested
25:52 And detained as a suspect
25:54 The motive of the driver
25:56 To bring the car to the police
25:57 Is not yet revealed
25:58 Although the driver is suspected
25:59 To be involved in a professional syndicate
26:01 On the other hand
26:02 Karen herself intends to meet
26:04 The driver who is now in a state of depression
26:06 In Polsek Setia Budi, South Jakarta
26:08 The name of the Minister of Agriculture
26:13 Syahrul Yassin Limpo
26:14 Is in the midst of a heated discussion
26:16 After being suspected of corruption
26:18 Suspected to return to Indonesia
26:20 After completing his foreign service
26:21 On Sunday, October 1, 2023
26:24 It was the back of his nose
26:25 That was not visible
26:27 But someone confirmed from a source
26:29 That Syahrul is in a state of depression
26:32 Causing his return to be postponed
26:34 Leaving this point
26:36 The citizens are getting more and more curious
26:38 Who is the real Syahrul Yassin Limpo
26:40 It is estimated that the Minister of Agriculture
26:43 Was arrested several times
26:44 For wearing luxury goods
26:46 While working
26:48 One of them was in the December 2022 rally
26:51 Wearing a semi-formal black suit
26:53 He wore shoes that were eye-catching
26:56 Because it was obvious that the high-end brand was classy
26:58 And it was known that the price of the shoes was fantastic
27:01 About the price of a thousand dollars
27:02 Or 16 million rupiah
27:04 Yes, my shoes are not like that
27:11 But also, Alhamdulillah, it's halal
27:13 Wow, nice
27:15 It's better if there is no brand
27:19 It's okay, it's comfortable to wear
27:21 Endorse
27:22 He knows
27:23 But maybe Syahrul must meet Ayu
27:25 Because maybe Syahrul got a fake address
27:28 Maybe the real address
27:30 If it's the real address, he can come straight away
27:32 Come straight away, because it hurts
27:34 If there is a problem, we usually like to be sick
27:36 Anyway, talk about Ayu
27:38 Now in Korea, he doesn't get lost
27:40 It's safe
27:41 But praised by netizens
27:43 He's really good
27:45 Really good
27:46 And also, from his body language, it's obvious
27:49 A person like Ayu Tingting, with his family
27:51 There is no one who is arrogant
27:53 No, no
27:54 Really humble and so on
27:55 And we just saw from the story
27:57 That he was celebrating his mother's birthday
28:00 So it's really a special moment with special people
28:04 Now, people who used to say Ayu Tingting is a scoundrel
28:07 It's proven by Korea
28:10 Not anymore, now he's the most famous celebrity
28:14 What do you think?
28:15 The story of Ayu's entertainment, please, Mrs. Ayu
28:18 With a long history in the entertainment industry
28:24 Becoming an idol is a success for Ayu Tingting
28:27 So it can almost be ensured
28:29 Every step is always imagined by the audience
28:32 Wherever the celebrity is
28:34 Far from the country itself
28:35 It doesn't mean Ayu is not praised by fans
28:38 Who just want to take a picture or say something
28:41 When enjoying time with family in Korea, for example
28:44 Ayu welcomes everyone who wants to spend a moment with him
28:47 Thank you speech is repeated from the mouth of this mother
28:51 Every time fans praise him
28:53 Becoming a conversation
28:54 This Ayu action is not only happening when there is a camera recording his movements
28:59 Comment from one of the netizens
29:00 He's really friendly
29:02 At that time, he was stopped by mothers who took a picture
29:06 He's so friendly
29:08 Becoming one of the proof
29:10 Coffee, sugar, wood
29:31 I'll take a video later, okay?
29:33 Bite me, okay?
29:35 Oh my God, I met Ayu in Korea
29:38 So pretty
29:40 I'm sorry I can't do it
29:43 Thank you
29:53 Thank you, too
29:59 Ayu, take a picture
30:01 You've been far away in Korea
30:04 You can do it
30:05 Thank you
30:12 You're so pretty
30:14 For fans, one fan is the wealth of two
30:22 So when having thousands, especially millions of fans
30:26 So it's certain that Ayu Ting Ting is always surrounded by people who always support him
30:31 Ayu is one of the few names who have a line of fans or fans of the hard line
30:36 Who call themselves Ayu Tinglicious
30:39 Since the song Alamat Falsum exploded and made the name Sang Biduan in 2011
30:44 Since then, fans of Ayu Ting Ting have been double-folding
30:47 Until last September, they celebrated the day of Ayu Tinglicious 12th
30:57 They're new managers
31:01 I've been here for 9 years
31:05 This is BoAi
31:07 I've been here for 9 years
31:08 I've been here for 7 years
31:09 I've been here for 9 years
31:10 This is BoAi
31:11 This is Nopa
31:12 Nopa, 5 years
31:14 The one in the back is the old manager, Tita and Ria
31:17 The first one
31:18 The first one, and Ami
31:19 9 years
31:20 Same as me, 9 years
31:23 For example, this is Ria, Tita, Ami
31:27 Why am I here?
31:28 Because the first person I met was Ayu
31:32 I'm so happy to be here
31:37 I'm on Twitter and Instagram
31:40 My name is Ayu Tinglicious
31:41 Almost every year, except during the pandemic
31:48 Ayu and his family never absent
31:50 Celebrating the day of Ayu Tinglicious
31:52 Celebrating the day of Ayu Tinglicious
31:54 Ayu's friendly attitude to his fans has been portrayed for a long time
31:58 Ayu's closeness to his fans now is not much different
32:01 When he was touched by the surprise of the 21st anniversary of his fans in 2013
32:06 Ayu's eyes are sparkling
32:09 So that he has many loyal fans, now it's real
32:19 If we're destined to be together, we're destined to be together
32:22 I ask for everything from you
32:25 I pray, love, and believe in you
32:28 Amen
32:29 I have a lot of fans
32:32 I'm so happy
32:33 Don't cry, Tita
32:35 It's the first time
32:36 Yes, it's the first time
32:38 I can't cry
32:40 I'm so happy
32:41 I pray for you
32:47 Ayu Tinglicious was born with a fan
32:49 Ayu Tinglicious is big because he's always being supported by his fans
32:53 But not only by the people who support his career
32:55 To the newcomers, Ayu Tinglicious never boast with his fame
32:59 So in many aspects of life, whether it's with his artist friends or when he meets the public out there
33:05 Ayu Tinglicious is not surprised that there are more lovers than haters
33:09 I still interact with Ayu Tinglicious more
33:13 Mr. Ayu
33:14 I was surprised when Mr. Ayu came back and I was followed
33:18 Who didn't get a stroke?
33:20 Followed by Ayu Tinglicious
33:21 Yes, that's right
33:22 I was on the second account, I was screened
33:25 He's a good person
33:26 When I first met him, he was the first one who followed me
33:29 Because we're afraid of following him
33:31 Especially when we ask for a follow back
33:33 We're afraid
33:34 Who are you?
33:35 I'm happy just to be posted on Instagram
33:41 One thing that makes Ayu Tinglicious's fans grow is his devotion to his idol as a child
33:48 Ayu never forgets where he comes from
33:51 His family always invites him and enjoy his sweet success
33:55 Back then, he was just a star in a dream
33:59 From a clown who wanted to be chased by reporters
34:02 Then he became a reality now, he's not only a comedian
34:05 But also a P.A.W.Y. who played various roles from host to comedian
34:11 I often remember Marsyanda
34:18 Back then, he was a top star
34:22 He was on the infotainment
34:24 He talked like he was interviewed
34:26 I remember I was on the screen
34:29 You were like Marsyanda
34:31 Yes, I wanted to be an artist like Marsyanda
34:33 I was a clown
34:35 I felt like I was Marsyanda
34:37 I interviewed many people
34:38 I once told my father
34:40 I want to be chased by reporters
34:43 I was chased by reporters
34:45 I don't know if it's true or not
34:47 I'm so happy with Ayu's happiness
34:55 Because his dream has come true
34:57 And throughout his career
34:59 Ayu has worked hard
35:02 Back then, he was a "netizen"
35:06 He was so deep in his life
35:08 He kept working hard
35:10 He proved that he had a good attitude
35:11 Now, everyone loves Ayu Tingting and his family
35:14 Many people love him
35:16 But speaking of fans
35:18 There are some fans who can surprise their idols
35:20 Especially singers
35:22 When they perform, they will bring their mics to the audience
35:25 "Wow, your voice is so good"
35:27 Maybe it's because of Judika, Teoca, and Lily
35:32 Because Lily has a song called "Liodra"
35:34 The song is called "Genggam Tanganku Sayang"
35:36 When she sings, her voice is like
35:40 "Wow, your voice is so good"
35:42 It's really blowing
35:44 We want to see how the fans' voices are like
35:47 Stay tuned on Insert Today
35:49 Let's try to record their voices
35:52 [The next episode]
35:56 [The next episode]
35:58 [The next episode]
36:03 Every house has its own family flavor
36:06 The one who warms the house
36:08 The one who always serves delicious food
36:11 Perfect the family flavor with Masako
36:14 With a special broth
36:16 For the delicious food that you've been waiting for
36:19 Indonesian family flavor
36:25 Masako family flavor
36:27 Masako family flavor
36:29 To face various daily conditions
36:38 Make sure the purity accompanies you
36:43 Bare Brand, feel the purity
36:48 Torrabika Cappuccino, number one in the world
36:51 Coffee beans, milk, and chocolate granules
36:55 Chocolate is gone, but the coffee is still there
36:58 Perfect, bring the mood
37:00 Torrabika Cappuccino, number one in the world
37:03 Tired, tired, drink Talaqlinu
37:06 The perfected chili powder formula
37:08 100% herbal
37:10 Drink it after doing activities and before going to bed
37:12 It will help you to get rid of the blood circulation
37:14 And maximize your rest
37:15 I believe in Talaqlinu
37:17 President Aja Minum Jamu
37:18 In everything, we have to be all out
37:21 Including when we're against Ketome
37:23 Rejoice 3 in 1
37:25 With the new formula, Anti-Ketome
37:27 Refreshing and smooth
37:29 Get ready to be all out
37:31 Rejoice 3 in 1
37:33 Is it protected?
37:35 Since it's one year old
37:37 Protect the exploration with Denkao
37:40 Now available with more content
37:44 Still price
37:46 I don't want to eat outside
37:51 Can't shop either
37:53 Just cook
37:55 What to cook?
37:57 Just wake up
37:59 Only with Bango touch
38:02 Made from natural ingredients and quality
38:05 Make simple food
38:11 More special
38:13 How?
38:16 Add more
38:17 Because taste never lies
38:19 Hi, today I want to share tips
38:21 So that your hands are still soft
38:23 Your hands can dry because you wash dishes often
38:25 Try Sunlight Extra Soft
38:27 With No Moisturizer
38:28 Inspired by Skincare
38:29 Lose weight effect
38:30 Keep your hands still soft
38:32 Sunlight Extra Soft
38:33 New
38:34 Are you sure after washing your face is clean?
38:36 Use Garnier's No. 1 Micellar Water
38:38 With a missile like a magnet
38:40 99% makeup
38:42 Even dirt that is not visible is transparent
38:44 Still soft without feeling attracted
38:46 Use Garnier's Micellar Water
38:48 Want a free holiday?
38:50 It's time for Fresh Tee Fresh Break
38:52 Get the chance to win holiday and thousands of other prizes
38:55 Buy Fresh Tee with the variant of the same color
38:58 Scan QR and enter the code behind the bottle cap
39:01 Hurry to join before it runs out
39:03 Bang Bang Share Eat One Hub Challenge
39:05 Put it in your mouth in one bite
39:07 Say Bang Bang Share Eat
39:09 Wow wow wow
39:10 Wow wow wow
39:13 The chocolate and caramel melt in your mouth
39:15 Bang Bang Share Eat
39:16 The taste is as exciting as that
39:18 Yeah, it's not enough
39:20 Just drink it
39:22 Only Teh Pucuk Harum from Pucuk Teh Pilihan
39:25 Keep your spirit up to face the challenge
39:29 Make your day more exciting
39:32 Teh Pucuk Harum
39:33 Arlo, what's wrong?
39:34 The doctor said it's not suitable for cow milk
39:37 My son too
39:38 Try it
39:39 SKM Explore IsoProsoy
39:41 New
39:42 The right nutrition as well as cow milk
39:44 Small portion is not optimal
39:46 SKM Explore IsoProsoy
39:48 I want noodles
39:50 Calm down, there's Oven Noodles
39:52 Healthier choice
39:54 The product is in the oven, not fried
39:56 The noodles are chewy, the taste is better
40:00 Delicious
40:02 Oven Noodles are healthy and delicious
40:04 For my heart, I want the best drinking water
40:07 To get the best water source
40:10 Play Mineral does hundreds of explorations
40:14 Every drop contains balanced essential minerals
40:18 Which is important for the body
40:19 And also make the water taste fresher
40:22 More than that, the gallon is always new
40:25 The lid is airtight and free of BPA
40:27 This is the commitment of Play Mineral
40:29 For the safety and health of the family
40:33 Aldi, why didn't you go to school?
40:37 Aldi is sick
40:38 Yes, now the child is easily sick
40:41 The child is not easily sick, but the tumor is stronger and more dangerous
40:45 Regular soap is not enough to fight it
40:50 Bath with Lifebuoy new multivitamin
40:54 100% stronger, effective against dangerous tumors
40:57 Bathing with multivitamin?
40:59 Just use Lifebuoy
41:01 Lifebuoy with multivitamin
41:03 Amazing
41:05 He can be like this because he likes to observe
41:10 He likes to observe because he is smart
41:13 Smart because he sleeps well and has good digestion
41:17 This is because of optimal stimulation and nutrition
41:20 LactoGrow, the only milk with L-reuterine enriched with omega 3 and 6
41:25 Support good digestion, help smart and active body
41:29 LactoGrow, amazing things start from the inside
41:38 We already use white, but why is his shirt more white?
41:41 Oh, white
41:42 We use Funnish White
41:44 Forget the white
41:45 Use Funnish White every time you wash
41:47 With Crystal White innovation
41:49 The tone is gone
41:51 Extra white shirt
41:54 Really white
41:56 Cool, the tone is gone, really white
42:00 Forget the white, choose Funnish White
42:03 Wow, our child is more active, what's the secret?
42:06 Choose the right milk, mom
42:08 From the beginning, I give Vidoron Smart 1+
42:11 Healthier choice, lower sugar
42:13 Delicious
42:15 Vidoron Smart from South Australia and New Zealand
42:18 With Immune Up high DHA formula
42:20 Smart mother's choice
42:22 Support active, smart, and optimal weight
42:27 Vidoron's child is ready to be strong and smart
42:33 [Music]
42:43 Ancient Latin, "Cui bene cantat bis aurat"
42:49 Sing beautifully and pray twice
42:52 It feels right to dedicate to Judika Sihotang
42:56 Singer with a high-pitched voice
42:59 Almost no extraordinary talents like this
43:02 But it was rejected by some Judika fans
43:05 Who went on the stage
43:07 Fulfilling the invitation to some regions
43:09 This is the surprise that Judika got
43:11 Especially from this young man
43:14 You are Judika Sihotang, right?
43:17 What song do you want to sing?
43:19 What song do you want?
43:22 Just follow me
43:23 How?
43:24 What's the tone?
43:26 What song do you want?
43:28 What song do you want? Just follow me
43:30 What's the tone?
43:31 The tone is okay
43:32 You challenge me
43:34 How?
43:35 How can I be good to you?
43:44 I keep thinking of you
43:46 I want to think of you
43:48 Everything about you
43:51 Again, again
43:53 How can I be good to you?
44:02 I keep thinking of you
44:05 I want to think of you
44:09 Everything about you
44:19 How can I be good to you?
44:28 I keep thinking of you
44:30 I want to think of you
44:32 Everything about you
44:35 How can I be good to you?
44:43 Unlike you, who can do without me
44:50 How?
44:56 Judika's fan action
44:59 Many netizens praise her
45:01 I'm amazed by Sundanese people
45:04 Seeing Batak people sing
45:05 As if they never run out of breath
45:07 Stop live
45:08 A netizen commented
45:10 I swear, this cool brother
45:12 Indonesia is filled with talents
45:14 From music, and other fields
45:16 Judika is also a beautiful singer
45:20 She also has fans with beautiful voice
45:23 It's funny that Rosa is seen by fans
45:25 With this beautiful voice
45:28 If you want me to come back to your arms
45:36 Please be faithful and be kind
45:40 Like what I did before
45:45 Enough, don't break my heart again
45:51 I'm tired of fighting alone
45:55 Forget this love
45:59 Thank you
46:03 The same with Leodra
46:06 Many fans are crazy about her
46:07 Leodra's most popular moment
46:09 Is when she heard from her Brunei fan
46:13 Who are you here with?
46:16 With my friend
46:17 But I'm originally from Brunei
46:19 Brunei?
46:21 Brunei?
46:22 So far away
46:24 How can you?
46:25 I'm a fan of you
46:27 Can I sing your song?
46:31 What song?
46:33 Hold my hand, my love
46:36 Hold me tight, my love
46:40 Okay, enough
46:42 Raisa is also excited to see this fan
46:47 Besides having a cool voice
46:48 She also has a beautiful voice
47:00 I want to talk to you
47:02 I love you
47:04 I want to hold your hand
47:06 I want to hold your hand
47:08 I want to hold your hand
47:10 I want to hold your hand
47:12 I want to hold your hand
47:14 I want to hold your hand
47:16 I want to hold your hand
47:18 I want to hold your hand
47:20 I can't be here
47:26 Even though my heart
47:29 Chose you
47:33 Besides her voice
47:40 The fans' mental is amazing
47:42 Because maybe
47:44 If I'm like that
47:45 I'm so mad
47:46 I forgot to remember
47:47 You're a singer too
47:48 I'm ready
47:49 If you're in a crisis, you can just shout
47:51 Like that
47:53 Your voice will come out
47:54 I'm sorry
47:55 I don't want to sing
47:56 But if you sing like that
47:58 I'm so mad
48:00 So don't help Mike and Christy
48:02 Please
48:03 They'll take it
48:04 They'll take it
48:05 And sell it
48:06 You're a criminal
48:08 I want to take this one too
48:10 But I'll eat it right away
48:11 What is it?
48:12 Because we're going to Stevi's kitchen
48:14 And we'll give her
48:16 Cabbage roll
48:18 Korean sauce
48:19 Korean sauce
48:20 Oppa, what is this?
48:21 Saranghaeyo
48:22 Right?
48:23 We'll see what it's like
48:25 Stay tuned on
48:26 Season 2 day
48:28 Bye
48:29 Bye
48:31 [Subscribe]
48:34 [Next Episode]
48:37 [Subscribe]
48:40 Every house has its own family flavor
48:43 That warms the house
48:45 That always serves delicious food
48:48 Perfect family flavor with Masako
48:51 With special broth
48:53 For the delicious food that's waiting
48:56 Indonesian family flavor
49:02 Masako family flavor
49:04 [Next Episode]
49:06 [Next Episode]
49:08 [Next Episode]
49:10 [Next Episode]
49:12 To face various daily conditions
49:14 [Next Episode]
49:16 [Next Episode]
49:17 Make sure the purity is with you
49:20 [Next Episode]
49:22 Bear Brand, feel the purity
49:25 Where is it?
49:27 Just point it
49:29 Only Thai Pucuk Harum
49:30 From Pucuk Thai Pilihan
49:33 Cheer up to face the challenge
49:36 Make your day more fun
49:38 Pucuk Harum Tea
49:40 I thought all mineral water was the same
49:42 But it turns out that mineral tea is different
49:44 It's really hot outside
49:46 After drinking mineral tea, it tastes really smooth
49:48 Not hot
49:50 Yes, like the sweet aroma
49:53 Mineral tea is indeed different
49:55 Each drop contains balanced essential minerals
49:59 Which is important for the body
50:00 And also makes the water taste fresher
50:03 Wow, so fresh
50:05 Makes the body lighter
50:07 B-Mineral, the protection of minerals
50:10 My jeans is torn
50:12 Your video is not on
50:14 My neck is torn
50:16 This is Glow Lovely Facial Foam
50:18 With multivitamin, clean dirt and wrinkles
50:20 Glow face for a moment
50:22 We don't want to
50:23 I support Rainer for fast, focus, flexible
50:28 So that he can create various great ideas now and later
50:31 I give S26 Prokel Gold
50:33 Formulated by YS Nutrition Expert
50:36 Be a great kid now and later
50:39 This, that
50:41 Shampoo that fights itchiness and itchiness
50:43 Or shampoo that fights stiff hair
50:44 I want both
50:46 Complete package
50:47 New Shampoo Pantene Anti-Itch with Provitamin
50:50 Fight itchiness and itchiness and stiff hair
50:53 Complete
50:54 I'm Mike
51:04 Mouth odor
51:06 Bacteria is the cause of your mouth odor
51:09 Use Close Up
51:12 With Zinc Anti-Bacteria
51:15 To get rid of the smell of bacteria
51:18 Fresh breath is closer
51:23 Close Up
51:24 Choose the right milk
51:26 Cidoran Smart, healthier choice
51:28 Low sugar, Immune Up formula
51:30 High THA, smart mother choice
51:33 Active, smart, optimal weight support
51:36 Cidoran, ready to be strong and smart
51:39 Cook for everyone
51:41 Mom, it's the same
51:43 Same, right? Use Roico Special Shampoo
51:45 Because the flavor enhancer is made from shampoo and natural ingredients
51:49 Give natural flavor
51:51 Delicious
51:52 Roico Special Shampoo, flavor enhancer
51:54 Let's wake up
51:57 There's nothing that can't be done
52:02 Denkau first
52:03 Mom, I'll do it
52:05 Denkau complete nutrition makes you ready for school
52:08 My mom is different
52:12 But mom is great
52:14 Since I was a kid, she always knows what I need
52:18 Nothing can beat mom's love
52:21 Denkau nutrition always supports mom's love
52:23 From Nestle
52:30 New, at Sedap Rawit Bingit, Ayam Cerit
52:33 The only one in Indonesia with real bird
52:36 Spicy, auto-stealing
52:39 Try this
52:42 At Sedap Rawit Bingit, Ayam Cerit
52:45 Chewy noodles, mixed with chicken broth that makes the noodles
52:49 Delicious, Rawit Bingit
52:52 The real bird, makes the delicious bird, from Eastwood
52:56 Hot, very hot
52:57 The noodles are fresh
52:59 The noodles are fresh
53:00 The noodles are fresh
53:02 Only in Nipis Madu
53:04 Nipis Madu
53:06 The noodles are fresh
53:07 The noodles are fresh
53:09 Where there is strength, there is kindness
53:18 Support them with kindness of milk and milk from Eastwood
53:22 Good strength from inside
53:24 I always choose S-GAME Explore
53:26 Because the only one with Iron Sea, my child's support grows maximally
53:31 Let me be here
53:33 Come, tie it here
53:35 Wow, cool
53:37 S-GAME Explore
53:39 Go, join Sprite Cheat The Hit promo
53:43 Win Vespa and other cheat prizes
53:46 See, it's easy
53:49 Winner is announced every week
53:51 Winner is announced every week
53:54 Is it protected?
53:56 Since it's 1 year old, protect it with Denkau
54:01 Now with more content
54:05 Still price
54:07 It's delicious
54:11 Calm down, every day you drink fruit
54:15 With fruit from Alau, high in vitamin C
54:18 To maintain the strength of the body
54:20 Drink Bua Vita
54:22 It's time to maintain the strength of the body, drink Bua Vita
54:24 Welcome, please
54:26 Is there a time for headache?
54:30 Panadol Extra, quickly relieve headache and fear of disturbing
54:35 Panadol Extra, quickly relieve headache, can be drunk before eating
54:39 This is Adit from Bandung
54:44 The winner of Mercedes-Benz Kapalapi
54:46 Let's cheer up
54:48 Let's find the unique code and send it via WhatsApp
54:51 I'm bored, I want to join
54:53 There are still many prizes
54:55 Mom, why?
54:58 Sweet and Sour Indofood
54:59 Now there is an economical packaging of 2,000 rupiah
55:02 You can cook anything, but it's still economical
55:06 Sweet and Sour Indofood
55:07 Economical packaging only 2,000 rupiah
55:09 Choose the right Indofood chili for you
55:12 Indofood spicy chili
55:16 Indofood spicy chili
55:18 Indofood spicy chili
55:22 Indofood spicy chili, fun and spicy version
55:24 Today is a healthy snack time
55:36 Today, Dapur Cebi will invite us to make
55:39 If we just accept it
55:41 It's Gyoza a la Japanese
55:44 It turns out to be quite simple
55:47 Are you sure?
55:48 If you want to make it yourself, it's not yet
55:50 So, follow all the tips and tricks from Chef Tebi
55:53 We will meet this afternoon
55:55 Don't be sad, we will see you again on Insta Story
55:58 Of course, on HITRANZ TV
56:00 Let's go together
56:02 Good afternoon, Insta fans
56:10 Welcome back to Dapur Cebi with me, Chef Tebi Raffael
56:13 And this time, I have a recipe from Japan
56:15 Gyoza
56:17 Let's go
56:18 One of the steps that can't be missed
56:22 To make a Japanese-style snack, Gyoza
56:24 Is the skin
56:26 And this time, Dapur Cebi will share tips
56:28 To make Gyoza skin
56:30 So, pay attention, viewers
56:32 There are three ingredients that must be mixed
56:36 First, 250 grams of high-protein flour
56:38 Then, 1 tablespoon of tapioca flour
56:40 Then, 1 tablespoon of canola oil
56:42 Or you can use vegetable oil
56:44 Add about 140 ml of water that has been cooked
56:48 Mix all the ingredients using a mixer
56:51 Let the dough mix evenly for 10 minutes
56:54 After the dough is ready and mixed perfectly like this
56:59 The chef can put it on a cloth
57:01 To be re-kneaded using hands
57:03 Don't forget to give a little flour
57:05 So it's not sticky
57:07 After that, the dough is made into a long or cut
57:12 If all the ingredients have been flattened
57:14 Let's make the filling
57:16 For the filling, we have chicken
57:19 Grilled chicken
57:20 There is also kucai
57:21 This is very important
57:22 There is sesame oil
57:23 And also garlic
57:25 And a little bit of soy sauce
57:28 You can use Japanese soy sauce
57:30 If you want to make it Japanese-style
57:33 Slice the kucai
57:37 To give a special aroma to the Gyoza
57:39 Then, add 2 cloves of garlic
57:41 500 g of ground chicken
57:43 Sesame oil and cabbage that has been thinly sliced
57:46 For the seasoning, you can add white pepper and a little bit of stock
57:49 Mix all the ingredients until it's mixed evenly
57:52 Because this is fresh
57:54 We can just pinch it
57:56 Then the dough will be mixed
57:58 We can put the dough inside like this
58:01 It's time to put the filling into the Gyoza skin
58:05 That has been made before
58:07 Watch carefully how to fold the Gyoza
58:11 The filling should be like this
58:14 It should be crescent
58:16 So it's curved like this
58:18 And the folding is 1, 2, 3, 4
58:22 Okay, Mr. Mirsa Insert
58:24 All the Gyoza has been folded
58:27 And we will prepare
58:28 There is a pan beside me
58:29 We will add a little bit of oil
58:31 And we will fry the bottom of the Gyoza first
58:35 This is the part that will be fried
58:37 It should be like this
58:39 After all the Gyoza is ready
58:43 It's time to prepare the pan with a little bit of oil
58:46 If it's hot, put the Gyoza one by one into the pan
58:50 We will add 30 ml of water
58:53 In the pan that is being heated
58:55 Then we cover it to cook the Gyoza
58:58 Okay, let's see
59:00 1, 2, 3
59:01 Wow, nice
59:04 And the Gyoza is cooked
59:06 We just need to put it on the serving plate
59:09 We don't have to wait for a long time
59:13 The water is running out
59:14 And the Gyoza is ready to be served
59:17 Don't miss it
59:18 Prepare the dipping sauce too, Mr. Mirsa Insert
59:21 So it's more delicious when served
59:24 (Music)
59:34 Hi, Mr. Mirsa Insert
59:35 Here it is, Gyoza is ready
59:38 Now you know how to make Gyoza skin
59:42 This Gyoza skin is not only for Gyoza
59:44 But it can also be used for other dim sum
59:48 So, please note the recipe