Faith Must Be In Two Places - Derek Grier

  • l’année dernière


00:00 You see, ultimately our wellness doesn't originate on the outside.
00:07 It originates on the inside.
00:10 When we allow the Holy Spirit to release His healing power, His truth in our hearts and
00:16 in our mouths, we become unstoppable.
00:19 It didn't matter what people were saying.
00:23 What mattered is what she said.
00:26 There are things going on in your life.
00:29 I understand and I sympathize, but here's my question.
00:32 What do you have to say about it?
00:34 All these years in the Word, all the, you know, we read through the New Testament this
00:38 year together.
00:39 After all that reading, after all that worship, what do you have to say about the sickness
00:44 in your life, the problem in your home, the situation in your finance?
00:49 What do you have to say to that situation?
00:53 [MUSIC]
01:02 In Romans chapter 10, beginning with the fourth verse, "For Christ is the end of the law
01:13 for righteousness to everyone, no matter who you are, what you look like, to everyone who
01:20 believes."
01:25 Now what the writer here, the Apostle Paul is saying is that the law ends for us to the
01:34 extent that our obedience to the law is no longer our basis for relationship with God.
01:44 However, we find throughout the New Testament there is a sense that the law is never ending,
01:52 in that it reflects God's standards and shows us our need for a Savior.
01:58 John said it this way in John chapter 1 and verse 17, "For the law was given through Moses,
02:06 but grace and truth came through Jesus the Christ."
02:13 You see, the law that God gave Moses condemns even the best of us, but the wonderful thing
02:19 about grace is that it saves even the worst of us.
02:23 You see, the law hunts each of us as sinners, but the law ends when we take refuge in the
02:34 grace and the mercy of Jesus Christ.
02:39 You know, the only thing good about a guilty conscience is the fact that you have one,
02:43 but here's the deal.
02:45 Guilt finds its final cure only when we look to the cross and ask for God to make us brand
02:51 new.
02:52 Now I'm going to make a little statement here.
02:54 Now a lot of folks, when we think of Christianity in our faith, we think of forgiveness of sins.
03:00 That's important, that's vital, and that's a very, very big part, but that's not only
03:04 what God does.
03:07 Once we became a follower of Jesus Christ, we are born anew.
03:10 We are born again, and not only are we forgiven, the Bible says we become new creations.
03:15 We become new creatures.
03:18 So what God does is He forgives us of everything we've ever done wrong, but then He puts something
03:23 in us that enables us to do better and to do right.
03:26 Do you understand what I'm saying?
03:27 So God does not just come and say, "Well you know what?
03:29 I'm merciful.
03:30 I'm going to just wipe the slate clean.
03:32 Keep on doing what you're doing."
03:34 But each of us had a sin factory, and the problem was not what was coming out of the
03:39 line.
03:40 It was the factory itself.
03:41 So Jesus came to shut down the factory.
03:43 You hear what I'm saying?
03:45 He came to remodel it and change it.
03:48 So there's forgiveness of what was created in the past, but there are new factors now
03:53 involved.
03:54 There's the Christ factor, Christ in me, the hope of glory.
03:57 He's created in me something new, and that new thing now has a new output and a new life.
04:05 Does that make sense to everyone in the room?
04:07 Romans 10 and 5.
04:09 For Moses writes about the righteousness which is of the law.
04:14 The man who does those things shall live by them.
04:19 Meaning if you're going to relate to God by law, you've got to remember God is perfect,
04:25 and you must obey the law completely and perfectly.
04:30 God is holy.
04:32 God does not grade on a curve.
04:35 You see, we can live-how many of you think you can live-it'd be hard, but at least for
04:39 me.
04:40 But I could live without eating pork.
04:41 I could survive.
04:44 But we could not live without breaking the 10th commandment.
04:48 Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house, spouse, employees, car, anything else.
04:53 Or how about the 8th commandment?
04:56 Thou shall not steal.
04:58 Have you ever taken a paperclip from the job?
05:01 Yep.
05:03 Yep.
05:05 Have you ever made a personal phone call on company time?
05:10 And that's only two.
05:11 I haven't mentioned the other eight of the 10.
05:16 You see, the law shows us that we're all lawbreakers in need of saving, and that was the purpose
05:23 of the law.
05:26 But the righteousness of faith, not law, of faith speaks this way.
05:33 It has a way of thinking and a way of speaking.
05:36 It says, "Do not say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?'"
05:39 That is, to bring Christ down from above.
05:41 "Or, 'Who will descend into the abyss?'"
05:43 That is, to bring Christ up from the dead.
05:45 You see, there's no great work that we can accomplish in our own strength.
05:48 I mean, you can swim the ocean, you can stop a river from flowing, you know, dam it up,
05:54 do whatever you want to do, but no amount of good we can ever do can erase the bad.
06:01 Someone can't, never goes to, you know, stands before the judge and says, "Yeah, I murdered
06:05 these seven people, but I fed 17 people on the way to court today."
06:11 In God's justice, there's no amount of good that can erase bad.
06:19 So what does this new righteousness say?
06:21 This righteousness that has nothing to do with Moses, has nothing to do with the law,
06:26 and has everything to do with Jesus Christ.
06:29 But what does it say?
06:31 How do people who are justified by faith apart from works, how do they think, how do they
06:37 speak?
06:38 This is how we speak.
06:39 The word is near you, or the message is near you.
06:44 The Bible says the Lord is near to all who call upon Him.
06:49 His covenant promises are actually to be right under our nose, not just in a book, not just
06:54 in a cell phone, but His covenant promises are to be right under our nose, in your mouth,
07:01 and in your heart.
07:03 That is the message of faith which we preach.
07:07 So the message is not that you have to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, or a pilgrimage to
07:12 Jerusalem to be saved.
07:15 The message is the word of God is in your heart, and God wants it to spring forth out
07:23 of your mouth.
07:26 Keep speaking God's promises even when your voice shakes.
07:34 So we're going to be talking about, I think, some new things.
07:38 I've never taught this message before, so it's okay if you're a little bit quiet.
07:43 But the title here is "Faith Must Be in Two Places."
07:49 And this next verse is our focus.
07:52 He continues, "That if you confess with your mouth that Lord Jesus Christ, and believe
07:59 in your heart."
08:02 So what is this scripture teaching us?
08:06 Real legitimate Bible faith must be in two places, in your heart and in your mouth.
08:17 Now don't miss this.
08:19 Hollow formulaic confessions do absolutely nothing.
08:24 But when God's word comes alive in your heart, and gets in union with your mouth, God's saving
08:32 power will eventually appear.
08:35 But there has to be the union of those two.
08:38 You say, "Well, I believe it quietly in my mouth."
08:41 But when push comes to shove, the opposite thing comes out your mouth.
08:45 Guess what?
08:46 Your mouth is telling what you really believe.
08:48 Jesus said, "Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."
08:52 So whatever's in your heart in abundance is what comes out of your mouth.
08:56 So your mouth tells on you.
08:58 So how you really feel about your children, your mouth will show up and confess.
09:04 How you really feel about your church, how you really feel about your spouse, how you
09:08 really feel about life will show up in your mouth, because out of the abundance of the
09:13 heart the mouth speaks.
09:16 But when you have God in abundance, guess what comes out of your mouth?
09:20 Godly things.
09:23 Let's go to Mark 5 and 25.
09:24 Let's look at some examples.
09:27 Now a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years.
09:32 Certain woman meaning that this is not a myth, this is for real.
09:34 This was a real lady.
09:36 And how many of us are facing some problems in our life that you've been facing for a
09:39 long time?
09:40 Yeah, 12 years.
09:41 I mean, you've been to the psychologist, you've been to the life coach, you've been to the
09:45 doctor, you've been to the bank, you've been to the marriage counselor, you've been to
09:50 the hospital, but nothing worked.
09:53 This woman was in the same boat and her boat was sinking.
09:57 And she had suffered many things from many physicians.
10:01 I mean, Dr. Oz, Dr. Phil, Dr. Howells, I mean, all of them, you see, you went to them all.
10:07 She had spent all that she had and she got no better, but rather grew worse.
10:16 Where do you go when nobody has answers?
10:19 I mean, all the conventional wisdom has nothing for you and things are just getting worse.
10:26 I mean, what do you do?
10:29 When she heard about Jesus, we talked about the message of faith, the message of the gospel.
10:34 When she heard about Jesus, Jesus is always the answer.
10:42 Watch this, she came behind him, even when you feel left behind.
10:49 You know, circumstances tried to bury her, and circumstances may try to bury you.
10:54 But this is good, because Jesus tells us the kingdom of God is like a seed.
10:59 When circumstances try to bury you, it's really just putting you in position to sprout.
11:04 The deeper the hole, the deeper the roots.
11:08 The more manure thrown on top, the more fuel you have to grow.
11:14 With God, the comeback is always greater than the setback.
11:19 Is anything too hard for God?
11:25 So again, you feel you're being buried, life's trying to bury you, it's just a setup.
11:30 God is like a seed.
11:32 God's going to use that situation for you to sprout up new life and have a testimony
11:38 you'd never imagine having.
11:40 When she heard about Jesus, faith comes by hearing and hearing by God's word.
11:46 And this is why you're here today, this is why you're listening.
11:48 Not just to be churchy, not just to be better than your neighbor, but so you could hear
11:52 God's word and you have a word in your heart so you could win.
11:57 When she heard about Jesus, she didn't care that she didn't get a special audience.
12:03 She came behind him in the crowd, and just because you're in the crowd today doesn't
12:08 mean that God doesn't have something special just for you.
12:13 And she touched his garment.
12:14 Why?
12:15 Why did she touch his garment?
12:17 For she said.
12:20 Nobody else said, but she said.
12:22 And there'll be moments in your life nobody else is going to say what God put in your
12:25 heart for your life, and you're going to have to make the decision about whether or not
12:29 you're going to say it.
12:30 For she said.
12:31 Mama didn't say it, daddy didn't say it, auntie didn't say it, Jesus didn't even say
12:34 it.
12:35 For she said.
12:38 She did not just believe quietly in her heart.
12:43 She had the guts to say it out loud to herself and to anyone listening.
12:48 We got to stop being so mousy about our faith and start saying what God has promised and
12:54 start living our lives out loud.
13:02 For she said.
13:06 It really doesn't matter what anybody else says.
13:10 What matters and what God is listening is to what do you say?
13:15 What have you let arise in your heart?
13:17 What truth of God's word is living on the inside of you?
13:22 What do you say?
13:25 For she said.
13:26 Again, she had no one applauding for her.
13:29 In fact, she had to push through the crowd.
13:33 She was a woman.
13:34 She, you know, she was out alone.
13:35 I mean, she, no one was excited about this lady.
13:40 But the Bible said she had something to say about her situation.
13:44 And God is listening to what you have to say about your situation.
13:47 For she said, "If only I may touch his clothes, I shall be made well."
13:59 You see, ultimately our wellness doesn't originate on the outside.
14:04 It originates on the inside.
14:07 When we allow the Holy Spirit to release his healing power, his truth in our hearts and
14:13 in our mouths, we become unstoppable.
14:16 It didn't matter what people were saying.
14:20 What mattered is what she said.
14:23 There are things going on in your life.
14:25 I understand, and I sympathize, but here's my question.
14:29 What do you have to say about it?
14:31 All these years in the word, all the, you know, we read through the New Testament this
14:35 year together.
14:36 After all that reading, after all that worship, what do you have to say about the sickness
14:41 in your life, the problem in your home, the situation in your finance?
14:46 What do you have to say to that situation?
14:51 Now what Jesus does here, he doesn't initiate a word.
14:55 He's about to respond to her word.
14:58 And sometimes, again, it's like our lives are waiting for our response.
15:03 When Jesus saw a fig tree that had leaves, it was advertising something it did not have
15:07 but had no fruit.
15:09 But then the Bible said he responded, meaning that he had something to say about it.
15:13 And it's like that tree was waiting for his answer.
15:16 And there are mountains in our lives, situations in our lives that are waiting for our response.
15:21 And are you going to response like, you know, Pookie and Ray Ray?
15:24 Are you going to respond, you know, based on everybody else they saw jerking your neck
15:28 and doing all that other crazy stuff?
15:31 Are you going to respond with God's word?
15:34 I will live and not die and proclaim the works of God.
15:39 How do you respond?
15:42 And my God shall supply all my needs according to his riches and glory.
15:49 The Lord is a shield and a buckler.
15:52 He will protect me.
15:53 He will keep me.
15:54 Though a thousand fall at my left hand, ten thousand at my right hand.
15:57 I know everybody else's marriage is falling apart.
16:00 I recognize that everybody else is going under.
16:02 I know what's happening to the neighbor down the street, but it shall not come near me.
16:07 God's waiting for what you have to say about your situation.
16:15 The nation's going crazy, but I'm not.
16:18 God's not giving me a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power and love and a sound mind.
16:23 I can keep my head in crazy times.
16:26 That's what I have to say about me.
16:28 What do you have to say about you?
16:30 How you respond matters.
16:37 For she said, "If only I may touch his clothes, I shall be made well."
16:50 Proverbs 18 and 21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."
16:59 So you might have a lot to say, but my death and my life is in the power of my own tongue.
17:07 You can trace almost every success and failure in our lives to what you have to say about
17:15 the situation.
17:18 Pay attention to that inner conversation.
17:21 Pay attention to the words that come out of your mouth, because you are predicting doom
17:26 or you are predicting life.
17:28 It's up to you.
17:31 First Samuel 17 and 40, let's look at another example.
17:36 Familiar here.
17:37 "Then David took his staff in his hand, and he chose for himself five smooth stones from
17:41 the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was
17:49 in his hand."
17:51 Now if we would have read through this whole chapter, it's not Bible study, so we're not
17:54 going to do all that, you would have found that he had been speaking or talking smack
18:00 the entire chapter.
18:02 As a matter of fact, he was talking so much smack that his elder brother Eliab got so
18:08 angry.
18:10 The Bible said he burned with anger at David.
18:13 See, I don't really care how much it irritates folks that can't stand you.
18:19 If God be for you, who can be against you?
18:26 And sometimes you have to choose.
18:27 Are you going to listen to the Eliabs of the world?
18:29 You might love them, they might be a brother or sister.
18:31 Are you going to listen to God?
18:33 If God be for me, is He more than enough in the world against me?
18:37 To be favored is not fair, but it's free to anyone who will accept it.
18:43 So here we have David, his brother's mad at him because he has an attitude.
18:50 And I want to ask you, what is your attitude when trouble comes?
18:56 The Bible says we are to have the mind of Christ.
18:58 Jesus' mind was this way.
19:00 Before He was crucified, He said three times in front of His disciples, in front of the
19:04 Pharisees, the Sadducees, in front of the crowds, and anyone who will listen, "Listen,
19:08 they're going to beat me.
19:09 They're going to mock me.
19:10 Then they're going to hang me up to die, but on the third day, but on the third day, but
19:14 on the third day."
19:15 Basically, what Jesus was saying is, "I'm going to punch you right there, devil, and
19:19 I'm going to tell you before I do it, watch out, watch out.
19:22 Here it comes, down, done."
19:23 That's the way Jesus did it.
19:25 Jesus was talking junk.
19:28 He said, "Y'all going to do some stuff, but on the third day I'm going to get up.
19:31 I'm going to rise."
19:32 Y'all didn't hear me.
19:33 Y'all didn't hear me.
19:34 He said, "I'm the resurrection and the life."
19:39 He spoke resurrection before it happened.
19:42 He was prophesying that He'd come back from the grave before it happened.
19:46 What are you prophesying in your life?
19:48 What are you predicting by the types of things you say?
19:51 What do you have the faith enough to say in advance?
19:55 Faith is not, you know, faith—listen, if it's seen, it's not faith.
20:01 Hope that's seen is not hope.
20:04 Before you see it, you need faith.
20:07 You think, you say, "Well, I'm a person of faith," but what are you saying?
20:11 You're saying what you have instead of what God promised.
20:16 Faith is taking hold of God's promises, looking at that child even though everything about
20:23 that child's life says one thing, but listen, you know, you are a blessing of the Lord.
20:31 The Bible says this is the heritage of the service of the Lord.
20:34 The children shall be taught of the Lord.
20:35 God's going to teach you.
20:36 God's going to train you.
20:37 God's going to raise you up.
20:38 You understand?
20:39 What do you see?
20:40 We have church faith.
20:44 That's good, but what about real life faith?
20:49 When you're dealing with an issue, what do you say?
20:51 What do you see?
20:52 And I'm not just talking about one slip.
20:53 I'm talking about what you repeatedly say, and what you repeatedly see.
20:59 And David grew near, or drew near to the Philistine.
21:06 David didn't just talk it.
21:08 He backed up his faith with deeds, and courage starts with showing up.
21:15 So the Philistine came and began drawing near to David, and the man who bore the shield
21:20 went before him.
21:21 It was on at this point.
21:24 And when the Philistine looked about and saw David, watch this, he disdained him.
21:29 You can laugh at me if you want, but you're not going to be laughing very long.
21:33 And some folks laugh at us because we're different, but I cry for a lot of folks because they're
21:38 all the same.
21:42 He disdained him, for he was only a youth, ruddy and good looking.
21:49 Don't let this pretty face fool you.
21:53 So the Philistine said to David, "Am I a dog that you come to me with sticks?"
21:58 This was jail yard talk in Hebrew idioms, so I'm going to leave that out for all our
22:02 modern sensibilities, but read between the lines.
22:04 He was saying some stuff.
22:06 And the Philistine then cursed David by his gods.
22:10 And the Philistine said this to David, he continued, "Come to me, and I will give your
22:15 flesh to the birds of the air and the beasts of the field."
22:19 David wilted and ran home, threw his sling down, and no.
22:25 When you're facing closed-minded people, don't retreat, don't apologize, don't explain.
22:32 Just get it done.
22:33 Now, maybe on the other side you can have a conversation, but when people are closed,
22:42 I'm like, well I'm just going to show you.
22:43 I'm not going to try to convince you.
22:45 I really don't care what you have to say.
22:47 Me and God got some work to do, and if you've got to see it to believe it, well let's get
22:51 to the other side of this miracle, then we'll talk.
22:56 Then David said, he didn't just believe it.
23:00 He wasn't just in his prayer closet believing God.
23:02 No, he showed up, and he said it out loud in front of an audience.
23:09 Then David said to the Philistines, "What you believe in your heart and say with your
23:16 mouth will determine whether or not the giants in your lives rise or stand or fall.
23:24 It's up to you.
23:26 It's not up to God alone.
23:28 It's up to you.
23:30 God did not slay Goliath apart from David.
23:33 God will not deal with your giants apart from you.
23:37 Watch David."
23:38 Now, the giant has been talking.
23:42 Now it's David's turn.
23:44 Now you come to me with sword and spear and with a javelin.
23:47 The Bible tells us how large these instruments of battle were, and this was the most sophisticated
23:52 weaponry of the time.
23:54 He's like, "You know, listen, Goliath.
23:55 I see what you're working with.
23:56 I see you, and I admit, you know, you're going to defeat most people, but I'm not most people.
24:02 See, I'm different.
24:04 I'm not coming to you in the name of David, but I come to you not in the power of my own
24:09 name, my own legacy, my own practice, my own experience, but in the name, a far greater
24:15 name.
24:16 Is there still power in the name?
24:18 Yeah.
24:22 But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts."
24:29 Psalms 24 in verse 8, David says, "Who is the king of glory?"
24:37 And then the others, it was in Tiflinot, they said, "The Lord's strong and mighty.
24:40 The Lord mighty in battle is He."
24:42 Does anyone still worship a God that strong?
24:44 Does anyone worship a God that's able?
24:46 Does anybody worship a God that still has power to save?
24:50 Then show up, act like it.
24:53 Get it in your heart.
24:54 Get it in your mouth, and begin to stand your ground.
24:57 Your children don't have to go down.
24:59 I recognize what's happening in culture.
25:01 I recognize what's going on in our world.
25:03 It doesn't have to happen to you too.
25:06 You can stand against the tide.
25:08 You can stand against it.
25:09 God will give you wisdom.
25:13 Daniel had a situation where the government said, "Unless you bow down to the king, you
25:19 know, down to that image, we're going to kill you."
25:24 But David went up to his prayer room, and he prayed with his blinds open so everybody
25:29 could see.
25:31 And then he accepted the consequences, because he went to pray, but prayer was real.
25:35 It wasn't just a religious act for him.
25:36 He was really communing with God.
25:38 But then they put him in a lion's den.
25:41 But guess what happened?
25:42 It was real.
25:43 I mean, he'd be like, "Well God, if you love me, how did this happen?"
25:44 It was real.
25:45 I mean, real lions, smelly lions.
25:47 But the lions got locked, you hear what I'm saying?
25:49 God knows how to show up for you, and he was in the midst of consequences, but the consequences
25:58 had no teeth.
26:00 And then the next morning, the king woke up and said, "Well, Daniel, was your God able
26:06 to save you?"
26:07 He's like, "Be at peace.
26:08 My God is able to save."
26:09 You understand what I'm saying?
26:11 God will, when you've got faith in your heart, God will get you purposely into some situations
26:17 so people can see the strength and the power of your God.
26:21 Now if the king didn't have that mandate, if they didn't arrest him, we'd have no story
26:25 to speak of.
26:26 So, the issues you're facing, God's just writing your story.
26:30 And he's saying, "Just trust me.
26:31 Just believe me.
26:32 Put it in your heart.
26:33 Put it in your mouth, and watch me do what only I can do."
26:39 Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with sword and spear and javelin, but
26:43 I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel."
26:51 Why did he call him the God of the armies of Israel?
26:54 This is a covenant-keeping God.
26:57 This is the burden-removing, yoke-destroying God.
27:02 He's saying, "Listen, you see men before you, but I see the God behind the men."
27:07 And you see, the men had been cowering for 45 days.
27:10 They were all afraid of Goliath, but there was one man that was not.
27:15 And even though all of those men had a covenant, they were cowering because they didn't believe.
27:22 And all of us in this room, all of us listening, we have a covenant with God, but we're cowering
27:27 because we don't really believe.
27:29 You read it in the book, you might hear it preached, but when push comes to shove, it
27:36 doesn't show up in your heart, in your mouth the way it should.
27:41 And God is saying, "If you would just trust me and let my message get in your heart so
27:47 big that it begins to flow out your mouth, I will be the God that you never imagined
27:53 could be."
27:55 God is a faithful God, and if we follow His covenant and His principles, we will prevail.
28:03 So David let Goliath speak, but then it was his turn.
28:08 And you know, in our lives, the devil speaks.
28:12 He speaks with painful events, or through painful events.
28:16 He speaks in times of hurt.
28:18 He speaks through things that have happened, and he's yelling and screaming, "I'm bigger
28:23 than your faith, I'm bigger than the God in you.
28:27 You're going to fall like everyone else, you're not going to make it."
28:32 But David listened to Goliath, and sometimes you can't stop the storm in the middle of
28:37 the storm.
28:38 You just got to just stand there and take it for a minute.
28:40 I don't always know, you know, Jesus at times spoke to the storm, other times He just went
28:44 through it, I don't know.
28:46 But watch when it was David's turn.
28:47 He said, "Okay, Goliath, I hear all that."
28:51 That's what came out of his heart.
28:53 Now this is for real, I mean this is a real giant, real soldiers, real death was on the
28:58 horizon, okay?
29:01 And he said, "This day, the Lord will deliver you into my hand, and I, I'm not talking about
29:13 somebody from another generation, I'm not talking about Moses coming back, I'm not talking
29:16 about Gideon coming back, I'm not talking about Samson coming back, I'm not talking
29:19 about Martin Luther King coming back, you know what I'm saying?
29:22 I will strike you."
29:26 And the King James version says, "Smite you."
29:31 Smite just sounds so official, it sounds so rude and so permanent, I like it.
29:38 And David was like, "I will smite you."
29:43 For 45 days, Goliath stood on one side of the hill.
29:46 Actually, he went into the middle of the valley between the two sides, defiantly shouting
29:51 to God's people.
29:54 And David would, you know, his dad was sending him back to the troops, and he would deliver
29:58 cheese and all that bread to the sergeants so that his brothers would have favor, and
30:04 he'd listen in.
30:06 But David, you know, he's still taking care of the sheep, so you know, he'd listen to
30:11 Goliath and he'd go back home and he'd eat, sleep, smite, and repeat.
30:16 He did all that in his imagination.
30:19 This is important.
30:20 You've got to see it on the inside before you see it on the outside.
30:23 Okay, I'm going to take just a real quick side journey.
30:28 You know, we built three buildings and all the rest, and every time, I never once heard
30:33 God say to me, "This is your property," or "This is your place."
30:39 What he said to me each time is, "Derek, can you see it?"
30:42 See, I go to a lot of places, and I couldn't see it on the inside.
30:47 But when I got to this place, I could see it.
30:52 And the question was, could I see it?
30:56 And if I could let God imagine it, God would say, "If you have the guts to imagine this,
31:02 son, you can have it."
31:03 Do you understand what I'm saying?
31:05 You see it before you have it.
31:08 Jesus was at Lazarus' grave, and he prayed out loud, and he said, "Listen, I'm only praying
31:17 so other folks can hear."
31:20 But he already saw Lazarus rose from the dead.
31:24 He didn't say, "Lazarus, might you come forth?"
31:31 He said, "Lazarus, come forth."
31:33 He fully expected Lazarus to respond.
31:38 And God wants us to live with some expectation and some confidence.
31:44 Bible said, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God.
31:49 If we ask anything according to His will, He hears us."
31:57 Do you have confidence?
32:00 As a single, do you have, do you just have a little hope, or do you have confidence?
32:07 So what I've learned to do is stay with God until I have confidence.
32:13 David stood before Goliath because there was a confidence, a confidence the world didn't
32:19 give so Goliath couldn't take it away.
32:22 And I find I go into my prayer time, like I said before, not to be religious, not so
32:27 I could check the box and say, "Look at me, God.
32:29 I'm a good praying boy."
32:30 No, so I could leave my prayer room confident that God got my situation and my life.
32:37 Now do you pray until you have confidence, or do you pray just to say you prayed?
32:47 David prayed until he knew that he knew.
32:51 It didn't matter how big the giant in front of him, the God on the inside was so big on
32:57 the inside of him, he wouldn't back up or let go.
33:00 And he said, "In this day," not after doing some more praying or next time we meet, "But
33:07 this day, Goliath, I will give the carcass of this camp to the Philistines, to the birds
33:12 of the air, and the wild beasts of the earth."
33:16 Now that was, you know, in that era being deprived of burial was considered worse than
33:21 death itself.
33:22 So this was a huge insult that he was giving Goliath.
33:28 But watch the why of it.
33:31 That all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
33:39 You see, this incident made David famous, but that wasn't why he did it.
33:46 Rosa Parks staying in her seat made her famous, but that wasn't why she did it.
33:54 Galileo told us that instead of the sun circling the earth, the earth circled the sun, and
34:03 that's what made him famous, but that's not why he did it.
34:08 If you let the faith of God rise in your heart, put it in your mouth, you too will become
34:15 spiritually known.
34:18 At one point, I think it was the sons of Sceva, they tried to cast out a demon, and the man
34:27 beat them up.
34:29 He was a demon-possessed man, and what they said is, "In the name of Jesus, who Paul preached."
34:38 Please hear me, please hear me.
34:39 I'm about to say something.
34:43 God doesn't want to hear you say, "Well, in the name of the God that Bishop preaches,
34:50 in the name of the God that my daddy and my mama know, in the name of the God that my
34:55 wife or my husband knows, but in the name of the God that I know, whom I serve, and
35:04 who I belong to."
35:05 You understand?
35:12 The demon responded this way to the men that they just beat up.
35:16 They said, "Paul I know, Jesus I know, but who are you?"
35:26 If you want to become spiritually known, famous in the spiritual realm, I want you to always
35:34 come to church.
35:36 Church is so important.
35:37 It's important to be around the saints, and I don't want to minimize that.
35:42 But if it stops with church attendance, you're in trouble.
35:46 But if you do more than just have enough faith, but sometimes, I'm going to be frank, sometimes
35:50 all you do is have just enough faith to kind of limp in here and find a seat and say, "God,
35:55 please help me right where I am."
35:57 So, I'm not putting that down, but what I am saying is if you just rise to an even greater
36:04 level and let God put faith in your heart, faith in your mouth.
36:10 Get into the word until the word gets into you.
36:13 Worship until you're confident.
36:14 You understand?
36:15 Lean into your- listen to messages until you know that you know that you know.
36:20 You understand?
36:21 It's not about, "Oh, I heard the preaching and it was good."
36:24 No, it's about did it help you?
36:26 Did it strengthen you?
36:27 Is it changing your life?
36:28 That's the purpose of it all.
36:30 So, use God's weapons, the weapon of prayer, the weapon of hearing, the weapon of speaking,
36:40 and the full arm of God that we read about in the Bible.
36:43 It says, "Put on all the armor."
36:44 There's only one offensive weapon, and it was the word of God, which was the sword of
36:49 the Spirit.
36:50 And if you all defense no offense, you're not going to win in today's climate.
36:55 Do you understand what I'm saying?
36:57 And what I'm saying to you today, and what I'm challenging you to do today is put God's
37:02 word in your heart.
37:04 They said, "I hide the word in my heart that I might not sin against you."
37:10 Put God's word in your heart, and right now, all of you put it in your heart.
37:14 I believe all of you are listening and you're paying attention.
37:18 But this next step we miss, we often don't put it in our mouths, so we lose it.
37:25 So that Goliath you need to conquer.
37:28 Don't leave here without putting it in your mouth, otherwise I preached in vain.
37:32 I preached a pretty message, but it had no application.
37:36 So what is the Goliath you need to speak to?
37:39 (music)
