(Adnkronos) - "Gvm è un gruppo ospedaliero internazionale leader nelle malattie cardiovascolari. Da un anno abbiamo aperto, all’ospedale San Carlo di Nancy di Roma, un reparto di cardiochirurgia accreditato col Ssn. La cardiochirurgia è cambiata molto negli ultimi 20 anni grazie all’avanzamento tecnologico e tecnico: la formazione è un cardine importante, per questo oggi stiamo tenendo, all’ospedale San Carlo di Nancy un corso avanzato di ecocardiografia transesofagea 3D. Abbiamo anche prodotto dei format di lavoro per gli operatori nell’insieme dell’associazione Mitral Academy che si occupa di cultura per la valvola mitralica”. Lo ha dichiarato il professor Giuseppe Speziale, Coordinatore della Cardiochirurgia di Gvm Care & Research.
00:00 GVM is an international hospital group that is leading in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases,
00:07 in cardiology and cardiomyopathy.
00:14 About a year ago we opened in Rome, at the San Carlo Hospital of Nancy,
00:19 a cardiomyopathy department accredited with the national health system,
00:23 and therefore available to all Roman and non-Roman citizens.
00:28 It is a very advanced hospital, technologically and technically.
00:32 In fact, cardiomyopathy already has a very high volume,
00:35 with great success for patients,
00:37 especially because often techniques are used without guns to intervene on the heart,
00:43 therefore transcatheter and mainly minimally invasive.
00:46 Cardiomyopathy has changed a lot in the last 20 years,
00:49 thanks to the advancement both technological and technical,
00:53 therefore in the preparation of its operators.
00:56 The fundamental thing is that cardiomyopathy needs an orchestra to work well,
01:02 therefore great tuning and unity of intentions.
01:05 Therefore, training is a very important card,
01:09 because today, at the San Carlo, we are holding this edition of an advanced course
01:14 of 3D transesopageal echocardiography,
01:17 which involves cardiologists, cardiologists and technicians from all over Italy.
01:22 We are at the fourth edition of this advanced course,
01:26 which obviously allows to improve the diagnosis techniques
01:31 of a particular pathology, that of mitral insufficiency,
01:35 which is often underestimated and generates a lot of delay
01:40 for the delivery to the cardiologist, therefore to the treatment.
01:43 This valve can be treated much more easily today,
01:47 thanks also to minimally invasive and transcatheter techniques.
01:51 In advanced hospitals, like this one at San Carlo di Nanzi in Rome.
01:55 And precisely for this reason we have produced formats
02:00 for the operators, not only the cardiologists, but also the cardiologists,
02:07 in the association that deals globally with the valve culture,
02:14 which is called MITRAL Academy.
02:17 It is an international association, not Italian,
02:21 which is joined by one of the most prestigious associations in the world,
02:24 which deals with mitral, the MITRAL Foundation in New York.