My Daughter vs Bad Housewife!

  • last year
My daughter and I gently discuss a woman overwhelmed by cooking pancakes for dinner...

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00:00 We're back! Alright, so I don't know why women post this stuff to be honest with you.
00:05 They do it for attention.
00:06 And sympathy, right?
00:07 You're so hot, dang boy!
00:09 Alright, so first thing I notice is...
00:13 It's messy. Look how messy the counter is. Gordon Ramsay would be mad.
00:16 The counter is messy and she seems to have an Apple Watch.
00:20 She also, I will say, has got a huge kitchen and a very nice house, meaning her husband...
00:26 Big TV!
00:27 Look how big the TV is and there's like modern looking stuff which usually means it's expensive.
00:33 Well, actually, technically, sorry, the TV is only slightly larger than her watch.
00:36 Oh my god.
00:37 So, I mean, if you get a little measurement...
00:39 So, this woman, her husband is making good money.
00:42 Her husband is making good money, meaning he's probably working all day.
00:45 Working hard, right? Working hard.
00:47 So, she's got an hour. Now, do you think this is a stay-at-home mom?
00:52 I don't know.
00:53 I think so.
00:54 I think there's probably a good chance because she's wearing very baggy clothing and most women probably wouldn't change.
00:59 Say they got back from work at like 4, 30-ish or 4-ish.
01:02 Nobody gets back from work at 4.
01:03 No, way too early.
01:04 Unless you start really early.
01:05 So, she's dressed...
01:06 She's probably, yeah, she probably...
01:07 She hasn't done her hair, she hasn't done makeup, she hasn't left the house and it's 5 o'clock.
01:12 She hasn't left the house all day and the kitchen is still that much of a mess.
01:14 Now, did she say how many kids she has?
01:17 No.
01:18 I think just one, right?
01:19 Probably one or two. Probably just one, yeah.
01:21 So, she has... So, 5 o'clock.
01:24 She has one kid and she's home all day and she's still struggling to make it.
01:27 In a big, beautiful house.
01:28 Yeah.
01:29 So, her husband is a hard worker. He's at work all day, right?
01:31 Now, why he's home at 5 o'clock, maybe he works from home today or something like that.
01:34 Or it could be a weekend or something.
01:36 So...
01:37 All the piano.
01:40 Pause.
01:42 That's good, everybody. We did five seconds.
01:44 No, I think her husband's learning how to play two notes on the piano.
01:47 I hate when people put music over their videos.
01:51 I hate this in movies too and I think I've mentioned this on some movie reviews.
01:54 But stop telling me what emotions I should feel.
01:58 If it's a movie and I'm not sad, but they'll put in sad music so that I get sad.
02:02 It's like, stop doing that.
02:05 You know, either write your movie better so that you don't need music.
02:09 I mean, that's just what you should do because I don't like...
02:12 Again, this is part for movies and just part for these videos.
02:14 When they put in music, it just makes me... It's manipulative.
02:18 Yeah, it does feel controlling, right?
02:19 Yeah.
02:20 Now, I noticed this first.
02:21 I noticed this first.
02:23 Okay, so...
02:25 He's making pancakes for dinner.
02:27 Now, what's that word? Is he...
02:28 Cook.
02:29 Cook.
02:30 He's mixed... Okay, here's how you make pancakes.
02:32 You mix some ingredients with a mixer.
02:35 An electric mixer.
02:37 You get your ingredients from the fridge.
02:38 You clearly don't clean it, looking at the way this house is.
02:41 You can even see some of the ingredients in the back.
02:43 It's all a mess, right?
02:44 It's all a mess. She hasn't even cleaned up.
02:46 So, you take out your flour, your milk.
02:48 I can't remember if you put eggs in pancakes, but I think you do.
02:51 And some baking soda.
02:52 No, you can get a full... But you can get a full pre-powder.
02:55 If you want the pre-powder, you can, but we've never done that.
02:57 Right, right.
02:58 So, again, it's probably five or six ingredients to make a pancake, from what I remember.
03:05 So, it maybe takes ten minutes to mix the ingredients together, and that's a stretch.
03:10 Right.
03:11 Because you have an electric mixer and everything, too, so basically you just hold it and swirl it around.
03:14 Right.
03:15 And then you get your spatula or your scoop, and you put it...
03:19 Or not a spatula, but your scoop, and you put it on the...
03:21 A ladle.
03:22 A ladle, yeah, you put it on the tray.
03:24 The heating griddle.
03:25 The heating griddle.
03:26 The griddle?
03:27 Whatever it's called. The heating thing.
03:28 I couldn't care what it's called.
03:29 Right.
03:30 You're not cooking.
03:32 No, this is not cooking.
03:33 This is like baking, more so than anything.
03:35 But it's not even baking, because baking takes a bit more effort than that, usually.
03:39 So, I'm going to do a tiny rant here.
03:41 So, we assume that she hasn't just given birth, because the kid's a couple of years old, right?
03:46 Yeah, a year or two.
03:47 So, she's doing no exercise, she's taking zero care over her appearance.
03:51 Yeah.
03:52 Except dying her hair.
03:53 Maybe.
03:54 Her hair's dyed.
03:55 No, she's young.
03:56 No, her hair's dyed blonde at the end. It's dyed.
03:58 Now, if we look at the TV in the background, what do we see?
04:01 Kids' shows.
04:02 It's a kids' show.
04:03 Yeah.
04:04 So, her job is to take care of the child, and she's dropped the child in front of the TV,
04:07 so that she can make some pancakes, which isn't even food.
04:10 I can see that if it's like half an hour, and it should not take that long to make pancakes,
04:14 but if it's half an hour, I think it's fine if your kid watches a couple of cartoons.
04:18 I think that's fine.
04:19 I watch cartoons, but I'm sure that TV's probably been on all day, knowing, like...
04:23 But bring the kid in with you, because she's complaining that he's not doing enough work,
04:26 and she's just making pancakes with the kid watching TV.
04:29 For dinner.
04:30 For dinner. This is what she calls dinner.
04:32 So, she's doing no exercise, no care of her appearance.
04:36 She's at home all day, she's putting the kids in front of cartoons, and she's making pancakes.
04:39 Do you know how easy it is to make a salad?
04:41 And a salad would probably do her some good.
04:43 But it's really easy.
04:44 You get some vegetables when you're at the grocery store, you cut them up, you put some
04:48 seasoning on, and some dressing if you want.
04:50 So good.
04:51 It is good, and it's pretty healthy.
04:53 The dressing adds calories, but other than that, it's pretty healthy.
04:55 It's really easy to make a salad.
04:57 And if you wanted something a bit more complex, you know, boil some pasta, saute some vegetables,
05:03 put the vegetables on, and then have an alfredo sauce, or tomato sauce, or something.
05:07 That's good for, it's not, maybe it's not great for you, but it's not bad for you.
05:10 It's not bad for you, veggies and, I mean, veggies and pasta is alright.
05:12 It's not bad for you, and it's very easy to make.
05:15 It may take a bit, you know, there's going to be some cleanup, which she clearly doesn't
05:17 know how to do.
05:18 Right.
05:19 But it will take a bit of time, a bit longer than making pancakes, but at least it's not
05:23 a breakfast food.
05:24 But look at the size of this kitchen.
05:25 And it's healthy.
05:26 Yeah, it's a giant kitchen, and there's stuff everywhere.
05:29 It's not hard to clean.
05:31 And the book down here says, "Why do women post stuff like this?
05:33 The amount of time you spend filming could have been used instead to communicate and
05:36 ask for help."
05:37 Ask for help!
05:38 Why do you need help?
05:39 With the pancakes.
05:40 Why do you need help with pancakes?
05:41 I don't know.
05:42 Drives me nuts.
05:43 Yawn a lot?
05:44 Okay, so.
05:45 What have you been doing all day to make you yawn?
05:48 So, maybe her kid is up at night, and whatever, right?
05:52 Maybe.
05:53 Although you should have sleep trained the kid by now, and the kid should have a regular
05:55 sleep schedule.
05:56 Maybe she's up late watching videos, or TikTok, or maybe she's...
05:59 Probably, or editing.
06:00 Yeah, or she's editing, or she's filming.
06:02 So, why is she so tired?
06:04 Probably because she hasn't moved.
06:06 My guess is, I think when people just sit around all day, they get more tired.
06:10 Yeah, that's true.
06:11 So, if you go out places and do stuff like that, you'll get less tired.
06:13 Like, for me, even when I'm home, I never wear baggy clothes like that anymore.
06:18 I used to, but not anymore.
06:19 It's just because I feel like when I'm in stuff like that, I don't want to move as much,
06:22 because I just like, "Oh, I'm comfy, I'm cozy," and stuff.
06:25 Like, right now, I'm wearing a dress, and it's not a very fancy dress, but we're literally
06:28 just sitting at home, and we have been all day.
06:31 So, it's just, it's silly.
06:33 It's just...
06:34 So, she's also complaining that she's tired.
06:36 Now, the husband, if he's yawning, and he's tired, he didn't have a great night's sleep,
06:40 does he just get to complain about it, or does he just have to go to work and suck it up?
06:43 He has to go to work and suck it up.
06:44 Yeah, he has to go to work and suck it up.
06:45 All right.
06:46 Take 27 calming breaths.
06:49 Now, why does she need...
06:50 I have never taken a calming breath in my 14 and a half years of life.
06:55 Have you ever been calm in your 14...
06:57 No, I've never been calm, and I've never had to take a calming breath.
07:00 You've got to be kidding.
07:01 Who needs calming breaths?
07:03 Grow up.
07:04 She feels hard done by, because she has to huck her child and make pancakes.
07:08 In a big, beautiful house, paid for by her husband.
07:11 That seems like a pretty great life, honestly.
07:13 Who doesn't want pancakes for dinner?
07:15 Like, seriously.
07:17 Well, and so, I mean, when you were little, I used to love putting you on my hip when
07:20 I was in the kitchen doing stuff, and we'd chat, and you'd help, and like, it was great
07:24 fun.
07:25 But now, oh my gosh, I have to take 27 calming breaths.
07:27 Why?
07:28 Because I have to cook pancakes and hug my kid while living in this beautiful house,
07:33 almost certainly paid for by my husband.
07:35 All right.
07:36 Negotiate with the toddler.
07:39 Wait, is there a...
07:40 Oh, there's a dog back there, too.
07:42 All right.
07:43 She's not negotiating, she's just hugging.
07:47 Okay, pause with the...
07:51 Do you think that the...
07:52 I think she might have added in the crying.
07:55 What do you think?
07:57 Well, that's...
07:58 Oh, actually, actually...
07:59 Because the kid doesn't look like he's...
08:00 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
08:01 Yeah, she did, and you know why she did?
08:02 Because when she talks, no audio pops up.
08:05 You can't hear her talk, but you hear the crying.
08:07 Right, so she said she's negotiating with the toddler, right?
08:09 The crying happened, and she talked, and we can barely hear the talking.
08:16 Right, so let's go back here for a sec, because I think this is really interesting, right?
08:19 [Crying]
08:22 Now, if you look at the kid's hand, he's just stroking his mom's chest.
08:26 That's a gesture of affection.
08:27 Yeah.
08:28 Right, so he wouldn't be crying at the same time.
08:30 Yeah, and you saw the face didn't look upset at all.
08:35 You can see the face of it in one corner.
08:37 Okay, she didn't look upset, and if you hear the crying, it's like way, way, way louder than her talking.
08:44 Can you hear her talking at all?
08:45 A tiny bit, yeah.
08:46 Okay, let me go back in here.
08:47 So she says negotiate with the toddler, right?
08:49 That's far back.
08:50 No, I don't think he's crying, because I can't hear her say anything.
09:01 I can hear her a bit.
09:02 My ear's young.
09:04 All right, now proceed to cook with one hand.
09:06 She's not cooking, it's pancakes.
09:08 Okay, here's one thing.
09:09 It's not hard to cook with one hand.
09:11 I was a stupid one, but I accidentally burned my hand cooking.
09:14 It wasn't a bad burn, like there's no scar or anything.
09:16 So I didn't use that hand to cook, and I finished making lunch or whatever it was with one hand.
09:20 It's really not difficult to cook with one hand.
09:22 So what does she have to do?
09:24 Do you know how many things I can hold in one hand?
09:26 I think women evolved this way over the last couple of years because of lack of pockets.
09:30 I'm kidding, I'm kidding.
09:31 It's science.
09:32 I can hold like five or six items in one hand, and she can't.
09:38 So she's got a ladle.
09:39 Just hold a few things.
09:40 Hold your ladle, and hold whatever else you're using, and the spatula.
09:43 You can easily hold that in two hands.
09:44 Put one between your thumb and your finger, and put the other two between your--
09:47 What other two?
09:48 The other item between--
09:49 What other item?
09:50 I don't know how many items she has, but if she--
09:52 She's got one ladle and one spatula.
09:53 What other item?
09:54 I don't know, but I'm just saying, like two items.
09:56 If you need to hold both at once for some reason--
09:58 But why would she need to-- she's got a ladle and pancakes and flipping over.
10:01 I don't know, I'm just saying that she's complaining about cooking with one hand.
10:03 So if she needs two hands, put both items in one hand.
10:05 It's not that hard.
10:06 Now, you'll also notice here--
10:11 Ruined dinner.
10:13 Ruined dinner!
10:14 How do you ruin pancakes?
10:16 How do you ruin pancakes?
10:18 Oh, you put pineapple on them.
10:19 Oh my god.
10:20 Okay, now--
10:21 How do you ruin pancakes?
10:22 It's not hard to cook pancakes.
10:25 It's literally-- you're leaving them.
10:27 She has like an official pancake maker.
10:29 She's not even using a pan.
10:31 Like, put the-- I can't-- how do you ruin pancakes?
10:35 They don't look ruined.
10:36 They look fine.
10:37 They're maybe a bit undercooked, but that's it.
10:39 Now, let's go back here, just for a sec.
10:42 So, she's got her toddler on her arm, right?
10:47 You heard her talk right there.
10:51 There.
10:52 There.
10:53 There.
10:54 There.
10:56 She doesn't really seem to be saying anything.
10:58 Oh, now she's talking to her toddler again, but she's probably complaining about dinner.
11:01 So, she's considering running away.
11:04 What is she running away from?
11:05 She's running away from holding her toddler and--
11:07 And she's running away from undercooking the pancakes.
11:09 Those are undercooked!
11:10 They're undercooked!
11:11 How do you mess up pancakes that bad?
11:14 Literally leave them on longer.
11:16 You don't even need to use your hands to do that.
11:18 They're undercooked!
11:20 Plus, you can use your toddler's hand to put it under the pancakes.
11:23 Oh my god.
11:24 How did I survive childhood?
11:26 What's she doing here?
11:28 Laugh instead of cry.
11:29 What's she doing?
11:30 Because you have nothing to cry about!
11:31 I don't know, maybe it's sauce or something.
11:33 No, no, hang on.
11:34 You have nothing to cry about, so that's why you're laughing.
11:39 What's she doing here?
11:40 I don't know, it doesn't matter.
11:42 No, I'm curious.
11:43 It doesn't matter.
11:44 She's scraping something in the bucket.
11:46 Oh, hang on, is that her-- I won't do that.
11:49 Oh, that's this thing.
11:50 Oh, it's the rest of the pancake mix.
11:52 Laugh instead of cry.
11:55 She considers running away.
11:56 Because you have nothing to cry about.
11:58 She doesn't-- she doesn't know.
12:02 She doesn't know what? I don't know.
12:08 So, what's her husband doing?
12:09 He's on his phone, probably playing work stuff.
12:11 It could be work stuff, for sure.
12:13 It could also be that he's just had a day, and he's just doing some relaxing, right?
12:17 So, she's been home all day with her toddler.
12:19 Toddlers nap, you get a chance to relax.
12:21 Maybe she chose to film videos instead of relax, so she's tired.
12:24 Maybe she hasn't sleep trained her child, which is kind of her job, as she's a stay-at-home mom.
12:28 But this resentment-- now, why is he not in the kitchen with her?
12:32 This is the funny thing.
12:33 She's like, "Well, why isn't he in the kitchen with me?"
12:35 Because he spent the whole day working.
12:36 You wouldn't have the kitchen if he wasn't working.
12:38 Well, also, if your wife is angry and upset and bitter and having to take calming breaths and considering--
12:44 do you want to spend time with someone like that?
12:45 No.
12:46 No? My God, if I was just sitting there, "Oh, I hate being a parent. Oh, I want to run away."
12:50 Would you want to spend time with me?
12:51 No.
12:52 Oh, my gosh. So, let's just figure out what he's doing.
12:54 So, the only thing that's moving--
12:57 --is his thumb.
12:58 --is his right thumb.
12:59 He's not-- I don't think he's typing.
13:00 No, I think he's touching stuff, scrolling.
13:02 Yeah, he could be reading.
13:03 He could be watching a video, I think.
13:05 He could be-- but his thumb is still moving.
13:07 Yeah, but I think barely. I think he's watching a video.
13:09 Right. He also could be just scrolling through email.
13:12 It could be any number of things, right?
13:14 So, he's got his feet up.
13:16 And there's an old thing which people say, "Nothing annoys an immature woman more than the sight of a man relaxing on a couch."
13:21 Yeah.
13:22 Now, I mean, I work fairly hard. What does my mom always tell me to do?
13:24 Relax.
13:25 Relax, yeah. Put your feet up, you know?
13:27 Yeah.
13:28 And so, she's just enraged.
13:30 And, I don't know, it's just terrible.
13:32 I don't know.
13:33 Why would you post this?
13:34 So, you're giving-- you're insulting your husband.
13:36 Yeah.
13:37 You're saying, "I'm miserable in my marriage. I hate being a wife. I hate being a mother. My husband is so lazy."
13:43 Why would you post this so everyone can see it?
13:46 I don't know.
13:47 It's incomprehensible to me.
13:49 Yeah.
13:50 I mean, I don't-- mom's great. I don't have any problems with mom.
13:53 But if I did, the last thing I would do is secretly film her.
13:55 Like, police it.
13:56 Secretly film her.
13:57 Not-- because I bet you she didn't tell.
13:59 So, this guy is going to-- it's going to be spread around at work.
14:03 People are going to laugh about this and they're going to lose respect for the guy.
14:06 Yeah.
14:07 It's going to be very tough in his business career when people realize that his kind of obese wife is miserable, has no respect for him, somewhat.
14:17 She's overweight. She's not obese.
14:19 Somewhat.
14:20 Well, it's a biggie, really baggy top, and I'm sort of looking at the double chin.
14:23 But, okay, yeah, fair, fair. She's not obese.
14:25 But she's overweight, for sure.
14:27 And she is destroying his reputation.
14:30 She's destroying any respect people might have for him in the long run.
14:33 The reputation that got her that kitchen in the first place.
14:35 Yeah. Oh, my gosh.
14:36 And, look, this is a guy-- like, no disrespect, but, you know, he's a hardworking guy, it seems like.
14:41 This is not a guy making money off his looks.
14:43 No.
14:44 So, he's got to be doing something.
14:45 I'm guessing in the trades.
14:46 Yeah, he--
14:47 Because he doesn't-- he looks like a trades guy.
14:48 He does, yeah.
14:49 He doesn't look like a lawyer guy or something like that.
14:51 So, imagine how hard you have to work in the trades to afford a house like this.
14:55 Yeah.
14:56 Right?
14:57 And I think that's it.
14:59 I think-- yeah, so I just-- I don't know why-- just don't do this.
15:03 What else?
15:04 Yeah, it makes him look bad.
15:05 It makes you look bad.
15:07 And all the women in the comments scream divorce.
15:09 Divorce? I think--
15:10 Scream divorce.
15:11 Oh, my gosh.
15:12 Well, because she can get the house, and then she only has to make pancakes for one person.
15:15 Two people, a child and a dog.
15:17 Oh, yeah, I guess that's true.
15:18 Oh, my gosh.
15:19 I don't know.
15:20 It's just-- it's just nuts.
15:21 I don't know why women do this.
15:22 I don't know--
15:23 They need to grow up, seriously.
15:24 --what the purpose is.
15:25 And, you know, what I would love to do, I'd love to take a woman like this-- this sounds
15:29 mean-- I'd love to throw her back in a time machine--
15:31 Oh, yeah.
15:32 --150 years and have her live the day of a life of a Pioneer woman.
15:36 Yep.
15:37 Because this level-- every single day, I'm telling you-- I don't want to sound ridiculous
15:41 with my gratitude, but because I grew up without air conditioning in a very small place, like
15:45 every day, it's like, well, we have a nice place.
15:47 We've got air conditioning.
15:49 A friend of mine had a car.
15:51 He used to drive me around because I didn't have a car.
15:53 And his-- his cooling system was so broken that he actually had to pump hot air into
15:59 the car to keep his engine cool because he couldn't afford to fix it.
16:03 Oh, my gosh.
16:04 So we had to drive around in the summer with maximum hot air blasting in our faces, dying
16:07 from the heat.
16:09 And so for me, it's like, yeah, air conditioned car.
16:13 I don't have to-- you know, even when I started my show back before you were born, I had to
16:19 drive for, like, sometimes three hours a day back and forth to work.
16:22 I don't have to do that anymore.
16:24 So I'm just incredibly grateful for all of this stuff.
16:26 And I don't know, like, how can you sit there and say I'm so hard done by because I have
16:30 a baby, my husband's sitting down for a moment, and I got to cook pancakes with one hand.
16:34 I mean, good lord, she doesn't have to cure her own meat, make her own jams, make her
16:37 own pickles.
16:38 She doesn't have to slaughter her own pigs.
16:39 She doesn't have to do any of that stuff.
16:41 She doesn't have to chop up her own wood.
16:42 She doesn't have to go to the well a quarter mile away to get water and bring it back.
16:46 She doesn't have to boil her own water because it comes out of the tap already decontaminated.
16:50 Like, we're so lucky and people are so ungrateful, it drives me crazy.
16:54 All right.
16:55 Anyway, anything else you want to add?
16:57 No.
16:58 Don't do this, ladies.
16:59 Only one thing I want to add is, I mean, like, no hate, but he's got, like, a seven head
17:02 thing.
17:03 It's perfectly normal to me.
17:06 You don't have a seven head.
17:07 No, see, here's what happened.
17:09 He looked up too quickly and the hair displaced down to his chin.
17:11 Because upside down, it's pretty much the same.
17:13 Exactly.
17:14 All right.
17:15 Thanks, everyone.
17:16 Bye.