Morte Prigozhin, le condoglianze di Putin: il messaggio 'di ghiaccio' - Video

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "Conoscevo Prigozhin da moltissimo tempo. Era un uomo di talento che ha commesso gravi errori". Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin parla per la prima volta della morte di Evgheny Prigozhin, il capo della Wagner deceduto ieri - con altre 9 persone - nello schianto del suo aereo in Russia. Prigozhin due mesi fa aveva guidato la marcia di 25mila mercenari verso Mosca, fermandosi a 200 km dalla capitale. Il 'quasi golpe' era stato definito da Putin "una pugnalata alle spalle". Oggi Putin, senza mostrare in realtà particolare cordoglio, esprime le sue condoglianze -estese a tutte le persone coinvolte nel disastro- e promette un'inchiesta completa su quello che definisce "incidente".


00:00 As for the air crash, I would like to express my sincere condolences to the families of all the victims.
00:12 It is always a tragedy.
00:14 Indeed, if there were, and the initial data suggest that there were,
00:26 I would like to note that the employees of the Wagner company made a significant contribution
00:34 to our common cause of fighting the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine.
00:40 We remember and know about this, and I have known about it for a long time, since the early 1990s.
00:50 He was a man of difficult fate, and he made serious mistakes in life.
00:56 He achieved the desired results for himself and for the common cause, as I asked him to do in recent months.
01:08 He was a talented man, a talented businessman.
01:12 He worked not only in our country and achieved results, but also abroad, in Africa in particular.
01:20 He was involved in oil and gas, precious metals and stones.
01:26 As far as I know, he just returned from Africa yesterday and met some officials here.
01:36 But what is certain is that the head of the Investigative Committee reported to me this morning.
01:46 They have already begun the preliminary investigation of this incident,
01:50 and it will be carried out in full and brought to an end. There is no doubt about that.
