The 10 Most GRUESOME Ways To Die In Resident Evil Games

  • last year


00:00 Welcome to Mojo Plays and today we're taking a look at our picks for the 10 best gruesome
00:11 deaths in Resident Evil.
00:19 Despite being a bit goofy at times, Resident Evil does retain its horror, partially by
00:24 putting in some grotesque and violent ways to fail combat, puzzles, and general survival.
00:30 Years later, these game overs still have our skin crawling.
00:34 Which death has burned itself into your brain?
00:37 Let us know down in the comments.
00:49 Sick and Painless by Nemmie Nemesis is an absolute brute, perhaps the
00:56 most brutal of the tyrants featured in the original games.
01:00 So one would expect something super gory or violent to happen should you meet your end
01:05 with him.
01:06 On the contrary, he is somewhat merciful with a quick pierce from his T-Virus tentacle whip.
01:12 For as fast as the death happens, it still seems violently painful, so maybe it's more
01:18 merciless than merciful?
01:24 Tyrannical Takedown
01:25 We're lumping the tyrants from the first two Resident Evil games in on account of just
01:33 how similar their finishing moves are.
01:35 Whether you're Leon, Claire, Jill, or Chris, you suffer the same fate altogether.
01:41 Your final moments are spent with a meaty and sharp set of nails straight into your
01:46 gut.
01:47 And then you're just thrown aside.
01:50 Nothing too spectacular, but still haunting for a game over screen.
01:55 Wesker's Flip of Fun
01:57 We'll admit that this death is more hilarious than gruesome, but we're still putting it
02:03 on here for both reasons.
02:05 To see this for yourself, you'll have to get super deep into the game, all the way
02:09 to the fight with Wesker on the plane.
02:11 There are many quick time events you can fail here, but one of them will see Wesker charge
02:16 at Chris, leap into the air, and give Chris some chiropractic work.
02:21 Romero Would Be Proud
02:27 We do have to give the zombies a shout out.
02:30 Sure they are the grunts of the whole series and don't do much besides be slow moving
02:34 obstacles.
02:35 However, the way they finish off Jill, Chris, Leon, and Claire is... kind of disturbing.
02:41 Just the thought of being eaten alive kind of makes us shudder in fear, and seeing our
02:46 favorite characters go through it due to our incompetence makes it pretty harrowing to
02:50 see.
02:55 Man's Worst Friend
03:02 Now this is arguably worse than the zombie.
03:04 The Hellhounds of Resident Evil are quick little demon dogs that bear a nasty set of
03:09 pearly whites.
03:10 And having bigger jaws and teeth means bigger bites of big chunks of meat.
03:16 In all honesty, it is kind of cool the way they howl after defeating their prey.
03:21 Even if we were the prey.
03:27 My Shiny Teeth in Me
03:29 Speaking of teeth, check out the set on the villagers' chainsaws.
03:33 Ok, bad joke, but Death by Chainsaw is one of the many reasons why so many of us remember
03:38 RE4.
03:39 Aside from how fantastic the game and its remake are.
03:43 The chainsaw is just such a vicious way to see hunky Leon go out.
03:48 Simple, effective, and nightmare inducing, it made us never want to miss a chance to
03:53 parry knowing the gruesome fate that awaited the ultimate pretty boy if we failed.
04:04 A Husk of Your Former Self
04:10 Surprisingly Capcom didn't put anything super graphic into the ways that Rose can
04:14 meet her end in the Shadows of Rose DLC for Resident Evil Village.
04:18 But of the few that are there, the most disturbing is when you get captured by the rejected Rose
04:24 Husks that wind up chasing you.
04:26 Those who have some phobia of drowning might want to look away for this one.
04:36 Birkin Be Blunt
04:41 What scares us about dying to Birkin isn't so much the method by which he slaughters.
04:46 No, it's more about the setting.
04:50 Imagine for a second that you were being chased by Birkin and you met your untimely end.
04:55 The last thing you feel is that pipe, over and over again, while Birkin is screaming
05:01 and yelling "it hurts."
05:04 There is, in all seriousness, nothing but pain here, and that's for everybody.
05:11 Begone Satan Serpent
05:18 Similarly to Birkin, the aftermath is what has us terrified of the snake from RE1.
05:23 No, getting swallowed entirely isn't super savage, but here's your new dilemma.
05:28 You're dying inside the stomach of a giant snake.
05:33 For normal snakes, it takes about 4, maybe 5 days give or take for a snake to fully digest
05:39 its food.
05:40 Even though this snake is huge, we doubt its size is going to make for a faster digestion
05:46 system.
05:47 We'd give you a couple of days minimum, a couple of days of you just being slowly
05:54 digested away.
05:56 A face only a mother could love.
06:01 Yeah, we had to throw the baby from Village on here, and why shouldn't we?
06:08 Those noises are the last sounds we would ever want to hear while knocking on death's
06:13 door.
06:14 And then the fact that you get pulled into its mouth feet first.
06:19 Do you really want that to be the last thing you see before being enveloped in darkness?
06:25 Welcome to Hell, aka the stomach of a giant mutated fetus.
06:30 Hope this was the eternity you prayed for.
06:39 Bye!