• l’année dernière
L'aspartame, un des édulcorants les plus utilisés au monde a été classé cancérogène possible par l'OMS et le CIRC. Cette information a été relayée en introduisant des informations erronnées. Doit--on favoriser le sucre désormais ? Ecarter tout ce qui a une saveur sucré ? Les fruits aussi sont riches en sucres d'ailleurs... Je vous propose de mettre un peu d'ordre dans tout cela pour vous aider à y voir plus clair.
00:00 12 months ago, I stopped taking Aspartame
00:05 More precisely, I stopped drinking soda zero, light, no calories
00:14 In this video, I will tell you why I did it
00:17 Then, I will tell you what I feel with this stop
00:21 Because it changes a lot of things in the body and in the psyche
00:24 And thirdly, if you want to do the same, I will give you tips to stop
00:29 I would like to avoid a trap, a trap in which I almost fell and that must be avoided
00:36 Before getting into the heart of the matter, I remind you that you can subscribe to the channel
00:42 To not miss any of the next nutritional content that I will offer you
00:47 Aspartame has become one of our worst enemies
00:51 When we look at the press, social networks, the web in general
00:55 Aspartame has become extremely dangerous
00:58 And honestly, I was drawn to this idea that it could be dangerous for my health
01:04 That's why a year ago, I stopped
01:06 Aspartame is an artificial edulcorant
01:10 Although it is artificial, it is made up of two amino acids, two natural molecules
01:17 Aspartic acid and phenylalanine
01:21 And what characterizes it, why we use it
01:24 It's because it has a gigantic sugar power
01:28 Basically, 1 gram of aspartame gives the sweet flavor of 150 to 200 grams of sugar
01:37 In a can of sweet soda, to give the sweet taste, you need 7 pieces of sugar
01:43 In a can of zero or light soda, there is 200 mg of aspartame
01:48 It's practically nothing
01:50 We also use other edulcorants in small quantities to give this sweet taste without calories
01:56 We have been using this edulcorant power for many years
02:00 What we had already shown is that there was no benefit to lose weight
02:04 To eat edulcorated products
02:07 It does not protect against diabetes, it does not protect against diseases
02:10 But what has appeared in recent years is fear
02:13 And especially fear of the appearance of cancer
02:16 I tell you right away, nothing to do with tobacco, nothing to do with alcohol
02:20 Which are certain cancer genes
02:22 We must return to the scientific reality
02:25 The World Health Organization and particularly the CIRC
02:30 International Cancer Research Center
02:33 Has indeed classified aspartame in the category of possible cancerous molecules
02:43 That is, it can be carcinogenic
02:46 Attention, carcinogenic, possible
02:48 The words have a meaning in medicine
02:51 Possible does not mean proven
02:53 And possible does not mean probable
02:56 Probable means that it probably gives cancer
02:59 Possible means that we cannot eliminate it, that there are some arguments
03:03 But that the data we have does not allow us to affirm it
03:08 And then there is a question of dose
03:10 Moreover, the WHO and the CIRC have not reviewed the maximum acceptable dose
03:15 And consider that up to 40 mg per kg of weight
03:19 There is no risk for cancer
03:21 So what is 40 mg per kg of weight?
03:24 For someone who weighs 70 kg
03:26 It would be about 25-26 cans of edulcorated soda
03:31 It would be 22 yogurts with edulcorated
03:34 350 sweets, the sweet edulcorated that we put in coffee
03:39 So we are far from saying that if we consume a glass of soda or a yogurt edulcorated per day
03:44 We will cause cancer
03:46 So you understood, we must relativize the risks
03:49 So why did I stop taking aspartame and zero and light sodas a year ago?
03:55 Because I had the feeling of being addicted to these drinks
03:59 I managed to drink up to 2 liters per day
04:02 So it's true that at this level, we say to ourselves, it must not be very good for the body
04:06 What I felt at the beginning, it's a lack
04:09 And a year later, honestly, it's not really the drink I want to drink every day
04:16 But there is a trap in which I almost fell
04:19 I was surprised myself
04:21 And be careful because it can all happen to us
04:23 By means of demonizing edulcorated
04:26 To say that it is not good for health, that it causes cancer
04:29 That these drinks make us addicted
04:31 Well, we say to ourselves, it's better to drink sweet
04:34 And so it's the return to juices and sweet sodas
04:37 And that must not be done
04:40 If I have a message to give you
04:42 Between an edulcorated drink every day and a sweet drink every day
04:46 It only engages me
04:47 But I say, we keep the edulcorated drink every day
04:50 Because the sweet drink, we know it, it's a sugar bomb
04:53 A caloric bomb
04:55 And there is no vitamin in it anyway
04:57 So the ideal, of course, is to drink water
05:00 To finish, I will certainly not tell you what you should do
05:03 We are happily free in nutrition
05:06 Free to eat what we want, free to drink what we want
05:09 Everyone has to make his choices
05:12 Here you have a little information
05:14 I shared my experience with you
05:16 Do not hesitate to share your experiences in the comments
05:20 And I will answer with great pleasure
05:22 Thank you for following me
05:24 And I'll see you very soon, if you want, on the channel
