• 2 years ago
Secret Invasion Episode 4 BREAKDOWN Spoilers Easter Eggs Ending Explained


00:00 Kind of liked this episode too because it had so much Talos in it
00:04 And I also I also really liked the fury scenes, you know
00:08 It's still not where it needs to be to perform like a Marvel show should
00:12 And it's one of those things that us like diehard fans are like my kind of like it
00:18 but yet you understand why a lot of other people don't and that's
00:21 It's frustrating, but you know, what's really frustrating Talos better not be dead
00:27 Oh, I'm gonna be so upset if he's dead and darn it. The president was unconscious
00:31 So he didn't get to see that it was a scroll who saved him
00:34 I was like, this is your moment Talos like you were just talking about with your daughter, but done it
00:40 He's asleep. Somebody take a picture
00:42 Smile a little Talos. Come on. Let's do this. I
00:46 Really love Talos and I think that well I can see what why Ben Mendelsohn might want out of the MCU at this point
00:53 It's been so long. They haven't really done anything with them
00:56 Let's give him a last hurrah and let him loose, right?
00:59 But I think it would be a big loss for the remaining two episodes of this show
01:03 I'm like, you're not gonna make me watch a Talos list secret invasion
01:06 Are you and also scrolls in the MCU overall going forward if they lost Talos? I love that guy
01:13 I mean just the scene with his daughter was so touching you could feel their connection his love for her and
01:20 Also how grateful he was that she had come back to him
01:23 I mean and he didn't have to really say anything. It was all with his eyes that Ben Mendelsohn. Ah
01:28 But I don't think he made his case very well. I was like you can do better than this Talos
01:33 I understand where you're coming from, but you're not selling it. He needs to have a friend in pub and publicity
01:38 I think he should point out that if they got their own planet, they would have to build up their own civilization from scratch
01:45 How long is that gonna take which is why graphics plan of exterminating humanity and just moving into earth is so appealing
01:52 But what's wrong with coexisting? This is starting to mimic
01:55 I think some of our immigration debates today and perhaps this show should have leaned into that a little bit more
02:01 I mean, it's already political. Let's go for it
02:03 Then if you're gonna do so if you're gonna draw parallels with immigration, let's do it. I
02:09 Do think that humans would be reluctant to let scrolls move in considering the havoc that shapeshifters can create
02:15 I mean I'd be like what who's here and what do they want to do? They want to stay?
02:20 I mean they would take identity theft to a
02:23 Whole other level like Vara took over Priscilla's life with that with Priscilla's permission once Priscilla was done with it
02:31 Priscilla was unfortunately going to pass away. So far was like can I take over?
02:36 But why not? Why wouldn't another ambitious scroll although Vara was pretty ambitious
02:41 She's like I'm gonna land me a Nick Fury
02:43 But why not get rid of a celebrity right and take their place or a billionaire?
02:48 You mean you would think all the top people in society would actually be scrolls
02:52 And they're coming. They've been here for decades. None of them thought of this
02:55 And like how are they gonna catch each other? I mean none of them not one has gone rogue. I
03:02 Think this show maybe would have established that what a missed opportunity. All right
03:05 So anyway, that's why I think Talos is right to make it clear to humanity
03:10 How helpful scrolls can be to governments, but also let's face it criminal organizations and private organizations like corporate espionage
03:19 So it might be scary, but that doesn't mean there's not a silver lining to your new shapeshifting alien friends
03:25 I mean you got a you got to stick a happy face on this because the situation is not gonna change
03:29 Cuz like how are you gonna make scrolls leave? You can't say no to them, especially now that they have super scrolls
03:35 I mean some of them would slip through and just escape into the world hiding in plain sight
03:39 So you just you have to find find a way to make it work. So you would make a truce
03:44 I think that involves some kind of international organization to police scrolls like I don't know saber and
03:50 Work quite quickly to create some kind of technology to be able to easily identify them
03:57 Olivia Coleman seems to have a strategy already, right?
04:00 But you know, maybe something that's not a little bit not not quite as aggressive
04:04 But you know, I think they could do it. I mean look how I mean, I'll just bring it up as an example
04:09 I mean look how quickly the vaccine was created, right?
04:12 So I think they could come up with something that we maybe wouldn't work a hundred percent of the time
04:16 But what if you don't be a starting point?
04:18 It would make everybody a little bit more comfortable. I
04:22 Did think that we got our coolest visual on the show to date and not with the super scrolls
04:27 Which just goes to show how poorly they're done
04:29 But a gravely injured Talos desperately trying to keep his human form, but unable to
04:35 And so that was just I think done so well, I mean not only visually but with Ben Mendelsohn's acting I felt for him
04:43 I mean, I was like wow, he's really injured. I mean it was incredible
04:46 I mean, wow that guy's like this is like a master class on acting with him
04:51 Fury sure felt bad about it. Whoo. I've never seen fury paws like that. Not with Maria Hill
04:56 Not with his wife not with any of the adventures. We've seen him on in the MCU
05:01 I mean here he finally went for the headshot with gravik. That was great. That was great
05:06 I mean it just showed how much he cared about Talos
05:08 I wish somebody took it I've taken a picture of this so that if Talos isn't dead
05:12 He can see the fury cares about him so much
05:14 Talos has been a professional and personal friend a partner for half of fury's life at least
05:20 And I think fury is a mix of emotions right now, right both disbelief that Talos actually fell
05:27 This guy's had so many close calls. They both have had over the years
05:30 I mean fury was even blipped in that mofo came back and now this is how Talos goes out and then also I think guilt
05:37 That Talos might have died fighting his own people to help fury and humanity. I mean, ouch
05:44 That's a that's amazing. I mean what a what a tragic hero
05:48 Maybe Gaia can find him right still with a pulse and drag him to the super scroll machine
05:54 Or maybe she has a portable one. I don't know so he can heal himself. I'll take whatever they come up with. I don't care
05:59 So yes, Gaia is a super scroll as we all suspected late last week after her run-in with gravik
06:06 We were like no way she's dead. So I hope it's the same with Talos
06:10 Sure enough. She was smart enough to read the mind of that scientist in cold storage
06:14 You know, I was like, who is that you guys pointed out it was the scientist
06:18 But you know the scientist before I guess she did this with the work on scrolls
06:22 But at least it allowed Gaia to know how to work the lab and she transformed herself
06:26 Too bad, she threw a hissy fit and didn't ride point with her dad and fury on this mission
06:31 It would have been nice to have a super scroll with us. I'm just saying
06:34 So she's gonna feel pretty guilty, too
06:37 How is roadie going to explain his behavior though?
06:41 I mean it's his security detail scrolls as well and clearly not super scrolls as that dude's arm is still really injured after
06:48 Trying to escort fury out and that did not go well, but I was like, whoa, roadie
06:52 I mean the female we found out it's a female scroll posing as roadie
06:56 We all thought from the trailers that was Gaia when they were showing close-ups of her face
06:59 I was like that's not Emilia Clarke and it's not it's a different female scroll posing as roadie
07:04 And she's a very good actress by the way, because her roadie is looser than the other human scrolls have been have been have replaced
07:10 They usually have a stiffness to them. They're like, oh, yes, I am the human but he she's a I mean she's going for it
07:16 She's doing scene work
07:18 And she's getting pretty brazen on the job as well
07:20 Aka sloppy but not so sloppy that she doesn't have incriminating footage of fury to keep him in line
07:26 So that's partially why gravit killed Maria Hill as fury in episode 1 very clever
07:32 But no other Russian security cameras picked up picked that up. Nobody in the crowd saw it was Maria Hills death not
07:39 Investigated and I really liked fury second conversation with roadie
07:44 The first one didn't feel right and that's because fury at that point didn't totally know
07:48 I don't even know if he had an inkling quite yet of who he was dealing with but now he knows
07:52 So this was great. This was the fury we know and love and papi van winkle, by the way is a real very rare brand of whiskey
08:00 Fantastic touch. I love that. That was some of the best writing I've seen on this show
08:05 It was that was fantastic and Samuel L. Jackson
08:07 He can really work with stuff like that as we've seen before and while fury doesn't poison roadie
08:13 He does slip fake roadie the liquid tracker that he made a joke about he's like, oh
08:17 There's a liquid tracker in there and you know roadie at first fake roadie didn't want to drink it because you know
08:22 He was suspicious
08:23 But when fury made it seem that his angle was that he had a lead on a possible scroll in the government
08:29 Roadie then felt okay. I can contain him with the threat of this footage
08:33 Although I thought it was pretty clear when fury said, ah, this person's as close to the president as you are to me right now
08:40 I was like he's calling you a scroll man. But as I said
08:43 Fake roadie very brazen very self-assured isn't even looking for this. They feel they've got a fury under control
08:51 And so again, they're being sloppy
08:54 But then because of the liquid tracker
08:57 That's how fury and Talos are able to be there when the president is attacked
09:00 I'm here also it was great to see fury in action again the way he's supposed to be
09:05 Ah always on top of things always with a trick up his sleeve. Thanks to his super friends
09:10 You know when he shouts out to the soldiers this weird this weird things with me. They're like, oh, it's another Avenger alien or whatever
09:16 It was great. What a cool way for fury to be what a cool calling card, right?
09:21 Like every like and also that the soldiers have that kind of faith in him. They're like that seems bizarre
09:26 But I trust fury. He's a few steps ahead able to impressively maneuver when they're like fury's here
09:32 It's like how is he here and he's like cuz he's fury and the way he was able to get to the president
09:37 I love that, you know when he had the two columns of soldiers to guide them
09:41 I've never seen that actually before and I was I mean, I don't know if that's a regular military move
09:45 But I've seen a lot of movies and TV shows and I've never seen anyone use that before and I thought that was great
09:50 Maybe hearing his wife call him a washed-up loser who was ready to die was the kick in the pants that he needed
09:56 He also almost got a bullet in the head. I like that. They both fired and intentionally missed
10:02 That was some real mr. And mrs. Fury stuff there and I loved fury's follow-up line
10:06 I don't know if we should get divorced or renew our vows. I go with renew their vows
10:11 I think it would it would have worked better if Priscilla was also an active agent in the field and she must have been
10:17 She was a scroll working for fury
10:18 We saw her pass him some information, but I wish we would get to see that too as well as the romantic moments
10:24 You know a woman truly
10:26 Fury's equal, you know who was mrs. Fury
10:29 But I feel in this episode overall fury finally let his guard down with two people with Talos and Vara and now we're starting to
10:36 Really get to know him now
10:38 We finally are in episode 4
10:40 It also shows how few people fury has really let in all these years just the two and he's so guarded that he views it
10:47 As a mistake as a weakness as he says to Vara and maybe that's why he's so mean to Talos and keeps him at arm's distance
10:52 That's why these two relationships are so damaged, but it makes it all very interesting and real
10:58 That was that what was not interesting
11:00 Were the super scrolls are so poorly realized. I'm so disappointed
11:05 You know what we saw in the trailer was really all that we got a little extension, but I was like what I mean
11:12 And also he turns himself into a tree instead of just kind of having the powers of a tree
11:16 I'm not quite sure how that would work. I mean, that's like Groot doesn't turn himself into a tree
11:21 He is a tree. So unless you become a became a tree. I it didn't make it this that didn't make any sense to me
11:27 I didn't quite work, but we've only now seen two of the four powers
11:31 I guess call obsidian is just more strength. But what about the frost be stuff?
11:35 I'm disappointed and why don't they expel heat instead of just using extremists to heal?
11:39 Also, I'm sure some scrolls got killed in that crossfire. There were a lot of people dropping on both sides
11:45 So I was like don't they immediately turn green and wouldn't the jig be up that this was actually a scroll operation
11:51 I was louder. They weren't were they speaking Russian?
11:54 I was like is that scroll ease or whatever your language is or is that Russian you guys don't I mean
11:59 It didn't seem like that much of a Russian operation to me. But anyway
12:02 As soon as someone dropped and turned green, which we know they do
12:06 Why weren't some of the soldiers like what's going on quick? We have Intel
12:10 And I didn't like I didn't see any and also when they left like I didn't see any of the scrolls working to get the scroll
12:16 Bodies out of the downed helicopters. I was like, what if they don't completely burn up?
12:20 There's gonna be aliens in there and or clear them just from the battlefield. That seemed like a real break in logic to me
12:26 Also, why not just shoot roadie in front of the president, right? Even if roadie is the super scroll
12:31 That they would still use extremists to heal and then the president would know it was a fake roadie
12:37 And then the president would realize that something that was really going on here
12:40 I was like, that's what I would do quite frankly
12:42 Also, the president isn't dead yet. So we still don't know how we end up with President Ross and Captain America for maybe
12:49 There's just been another election at that point
12:51 So maybe scrolls were a campaign point about how to handle them
12:56 But I sure hope Talos isn't dead and fury now knows about super scrolls. That was a great look on his face
13:03 Wow, he was like wow, that is a surprise even for fury
13:06 That's gonna be a real pain in the butt to take care of but you know
13:09 If pepper pots could kill Aldrich killing at the end of Iron Man 3
13:12 I'm sure fury could take out these super scrolls, but I'll I'm curious to see how he's gonna do it
13:18 I really hope Talos. I hope Talos doesn't die and I hope he becomes a super scroll
13:22 So, what do you think two episodes left just to share your thoughts down below subscribe today
13:28 And of course as always you can check out some more videos right now
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