Dr. R.A. Vernon : Two Widows • Two Miracles

  • l’année dernière


00:00 I'm preaching two sermons at the same time
00:02 Look at somebody say I'll take two for one
00:06 You know what we're doing a two-for-one discount at the word church
00:11 This might be the last Sunday. It's on sale you need to get here
00:14 Two for one. I don't know how long I can keep this going a lot of brainpower
00:20 But we going to for your prayer for me. I
00:24 Really? I'm not doing this to sort of speak to my extemporaneous ability or my ability to memorize
00:31 I really am doing this because I hit double on this house
00:34 And I sort of walked into two sermons a few weeks ago, and the Holy Spirit said just keep going
00:39 Because there are so many texts that are
00:42 inauguralists
00:44 Or similar to each other that I'd never really considered when I first stopped preaching I would go to all these churches
00:50 I'll preach two sermons at the same time and the young people used to love it
00:53 I was doing it to keep young people's attention, so they wouldn't fall asleep
00:56 So I figured I preach two sermons and move back and forth they stay with me
01:00 And you never know when seasons come back around and so I thought during this summer season
01:06 Let's let's do something a little different homiletically here
01:09 It is second Kings 4 verse 1 as soon as you see it
01:13 You'll sort of see that they go together one day the widow
01:15 Of a member of the group of the prophets came to Elisha and cried out my husband
01:21 Who serves you is dead, and you know how he feared the Lord, but now a creditor has come
01:27 threatening to take my two sons as slaves Wow one day a widow one day a
01:33 Widow Wow first Kings 17 first Kings 17 verse 89 then the Lord said to Elijah go and live in the village of Zarephath
01:41 Near the city of Sinai I have instructed a widow
01:47 There to feed you let me tag this text here it is two widows two miracles
01:54 Take your seat in the Lord's house two widows
01:58 two miracles
02:01 Okay, okay real quick so that you never forget whenever you're talking about Elisha Elijah
02:07 We have a tendency to sort of get them mixed up sometime. I do name association. I do different things to remind me
02:14 I told you how do you know the difference between Cain and Abel that Abel killed Cain that Cain killed Abel just remember cocaine killed Abel
02:21 Okay, I'm sorry I'm doing the best I can amen well, how do you do it when it comes to Elijah Elisha remember Elijah
02:29 spiritual father Elisha spiritual son Elijah
02:34 mentor Elisha
02:37 mentee
02:39 Elijah teacher Elisha student well pastor
02:42 I'm still gonna forget well heck just remember that J comes before s
02:46 So
02:49 Elijah is the spiritual father Elisha is the spiritual son the J comes before the s
02:56 Alphabetically, so always know the difference both of them do many miracles in the Old Testament
03:01 Here's something I think is worth teaching
03:03 Elisha comes after Elijah
03:06 Elijah had mentored Elisha
03:10 He had disciplined or discipled him he had mentored
03:14 He was his spiritual father as it were and watch this Elisha
03:19 Does double the miracles of his daddy Elijah?
03:23 You just missed it. I speak double over your children I
03:27 Speak that they'll have a double better life than you've experienced
03:33 I
03:34 Speak they'll have double the finance that you've had in your life and watch this let God double their lifespan
03:41 Over many people who passed away
03:43 Prematurely in your family just remember so in these two texts today
03:49 We have Elisha and we have Elisha what I thought was something is that both of them?
03:55 encounter widows
03:57 Now I had never really put the two together except this type of teaching is pushing me homiletically and pushing me
04:03 Psychologically to study more deeply and see what two texts match up. I said wait a minute both of them are
04:08 Prophets of God one's a spiritual father one's a spiritual son and now both of them encounter two widows
04:15 Elisha
04:18 Encounters this miracle and it's in verse 1. I want you to look at it with me everybody
04:22 The Bible says one day the widow of a member of the group of prophets group of prophets cried out
04:29 My husband who served you is dead. You know how he feared the Lord you missed that my husband who served you is dead
04:37 What's this?
04:37 You know how he feared the Lord and now the creditor has come to take my two sons. There's some interesting things
04:45 I want you to catch about this woman this woman approaches
04:48 Approaches now, this is probably
04:51 Jericho or one of these places you'll love this that has schools of prophets say schools of prophets
04:58 Yeah, these are places where you went and learned how to operate and roll in the prophetic
05:03 We don't know exactly where it is
05:05 Geographically, but it said one of these places that this woman comes and says my husband who served you
05:12 Who was apparently a part of this school of the prophets but had died now
05:17 this is apparently not one of those monastic villages or
05:21 school or village of
05:25 Celibates because the bra had a wife
05:27 Some of those places you didn't get married sort of a priest monastic
05:32 Ascetic type of context where you was just in training to love God you had no spouse
05:37 apparently this is a different kind because bra had a wife and now brought dead and
05:42 She comes to Elisha and says to him, you know, my husband who served you
05:50 and feared the Lord and
05:54 He did and now
05:56 creditors have come to take our two sons because back then if you owed
06:02 People money and couldn't pay it was not just bad on your credit report
06:08 They came to get your kids and your kids will become their service and work off your day
06:15 I'm sorry, lean on somebody say you wouldn't have no kids left. Tell somebody praise God you
06:19 All your kids would be gone based on your credit report. You better. Thank God
06:24 The IRS changed the rules because you'd be childless with your credit report back in the day
06:29 Poe kids would be gone based on your credit report. Amen, but they would come to get your kids
06:35 There's a few things that jump out about this man and you might want to know them number one. He's submitted
06:40 He submitted the Bible says not me. The Bible says he served you give this brother credit
06:46 I'm looking for some submitted men and women everybody in this room needs a place you say yes to
06:53 Let me push husbands who want your wife to say yes, but you don't say yes to another man
06:58 Yeah, where do you say yes to that's why you'll hear me say Bishop Joey's name
07:03 50 times a year because too many people say yes to me for me not to say yes to somebody I
07:09 Am submitted to my spiritual father. Not only is he submitted but secondly he served the Bible says he serves you
07:17 Can I just push all of you during this season of double? I don't just want your money
07:22 I want you
07:24 God wants you there's a place in this church for you to serve and this fall
07:28 You'll see that we're following the lead of YF and all of these different groups that they have their meeting in parks
07:35 They're finding ways to connect on other levels other than ushering and singing
07:40 How can we use the gifts that are in this body to better help us as a ministry?
07:47 And so you'll see elder car and others have been pushing me on getting you to sign up and serve and different
07:54 capacities of ministry
07:56 So we're really going to be pushing all of you to get out of that comfort zone because there's something that we need from you
08:01 But then watch this he was saved
08:03 He was saved he feared the Lord the Bible says I'm not making this up. It's in the text. He feared the Lord
08:10 He was saved, but then here's the one that you didn't see coming. He had no savings
08:17 Did I just say this man was submitted?
08:19 Did I just say this man serve and then I just say this man was saved
08:24 Did I have the nerve to say and he had no savings?
08:26 Are you telling me it's possible to be saved to be served come on talk to me and yet have no savings
08:33 How you submitted watch this? How are you serving? So you telling me you can be saved with no savings?
08:40 I'm preaching to somebody because I know you want to act like you back at Reverend Buckley's church
08:46 But this is a world church. I don't just want you to go to heaven. I want you to have abundant life on earth
08:50 and
08:52 the Bible says in Proverbs 13 22 a good person leaves an inheritance for his
08:58 Grandchildren a good person good people you wanted me to say a good man like the King James Version
09:04 No, the more modern versions moved it from a good man and said good people because sometime there is no man in your house
09:12 Sometime you're a single mom. Sometime you're a widow
09:14 You still have to take responsibility for your own self and say I'm gonna leave an inheritance
09:20 I know I probably say this more than any pastor you've ever heard and it can't be selfish because I'll be dead
09:25 It must be selfless. I'm gonna keep pushing all of you. Don't leave here with no life insurance. I
09:32 Never get claps when I say that
09:36 Maybe it's too morbid
09:40 All right, you dying is not a possibility is an eventuality
09:44 You're gonna die. I spent hours again. My wife is so tired, but she understands
09:49 She glad now it took me months and months and months to work through this trust and how I want to do it
09:55 And what happens and a lot of money that's okay and working through it
09:59 Even if there's a simple wheel and finally we signed off on the final document saying all is well and she had no idea
10:05 I'm sitting there signing and started to tear up and I hear in my spirit it is well
10:11 It is well with my soul I'm looking out the window our attorney is sitting there she like what are you doing? I'm getting happy
10:23 Knowing that if I die, I'll be with Jesus and they'll be all right
10:29 See that may be played to something
10:32 But I think generally a good man leaves an inheritance to his grandchildren
10:39 Oh, I'm sorry. Y'all know I got two grandchildren away. Don't you praise God? Amen?
10:43 And I now should name and I know I didn't say it at 9 o'clock
10:47 I know you got social media, but my son are a Vernon is having a boy. So are a burning the third is on the way
10:57 And I told my lawyer I said listen the first male child in my family
11:01 Through the generations gets my property the first male living child for the next 300 years the first male child
11:07 It just goes and goes so go ahead and put our a burn in the third in the paperwork. He says sir
11:12 He's not born yet. I said, well, I'm sorry praise God. I said well, I'll call you in six months, but put his name down
11:18 Amen
11:19 Meanwhile back at Elijah
11:21 I'm running out of time being back at Elijah Elijah
11:27 Eli Elijah Papa right the father Elijah has now prophesied the King Ahab
11:33 There's going to be a drought it shall not rain for many years because of your sin
11:38 There's gonna be a drought and some of you right now are experiencing droughts
11:42 It's just dry in relationships dry
11:46 dry and
11:48 Resources dry even in your religion in terms of pursuing God. It's dry. He says it's not gonna rain
11:55 He says but here's what I want you to do. I want you to prophesy and run y'all miss that prophesy and run
12:00 How do you know it's a real prophecy? You got a run when you get through
12:03 Back in the Old Testament, they prophesied and left town because their prophecies were not you gonna meet a man in the morning
12:09 Their prophecies will get yourself together
12:12 he prophesies God tells him as soon as you prophesy leave right away and go over to Key Rift watch this and
12:19 There I have is on the screen
12:23 Commanded a raven to feed you now what I just said y'all just miss I have commanded take a mental note
12:30 I have commanded a raven to feed you take a mental note. I have commanded
12:36 I know it's dry, but you go to the brook. I have commanded watch this a raven to feed you
12:43 During the day and there'll be some water in the brook in the evening. Y'all just miss y'all shout
12:49 I'm gonna try this again. I have commanded. It's a drought every place else
12:53 but I have commanded a
12:56 Raven to feed you he gets there and sure enough a raven comes and brings him food during the day
13:04 He drinks from the brook at night. Nobody else has anything but yet his knees are being supplied
13:09 Because he's in the will of God, but your Bible says don't miss this and the brook dried up
13:18 Now I started to preach one day when I go to a preacher's conference. I'm gonna preach and the brook dried up watch this
13:23 I want you for the first time in your life to praise God for dried up brooks
13:28 You missed it
13:31 Because he was not supposed to stay there and had the raven kept feeding him there
13:38 He would have got too comfortable there
13:40 So what God does in your life when he's time for you to move when he's ready for you to move
13:45 He drives up the brook where you at
13:48 So don't just praise God for the wet seasons go ahead and praise him for the dry season
13:53 Because it was the dry seasons that made you walk out of that company and start your own business
13:59 It was the dry seasons that puts you out of that abusive
14:03 Mental marriage and got you where you are now. So praise God for dried up brooks
14:14 When the brook dried up those watching me at home
14:16 He then says I want you to go to Zarephath. I
14:22 have
14:25 Commanded a widow to feed you there. It's on the screen. It's gonna mess you up. I have commanded a widow
14:32 I never saw this in 30 years of preaching y'all pray for me. He first said go to the brook
14:38 I've commanded a raven
14:41 He then says go to Zarephath. I've commanded a widow. Wait a minute. I used to be slow to wait a minute
14:47 I want you to go to the brook. I'm gonna make a bird feature
14:52 When I get tired of the bird feeding you I'm gonna dry up the brook so that the water or the bird don't come
14:59 But don't worry because I've also commanded
15:09 Okay, you know what let's just tear the church up we got to get to the Hill Fair but this gonna bless your life
15:14 Sometime I'm trying to figure out
15:16 I'm asking God
15:19 Questions and begging him
15:21 He won't say nothing back to me
15:23 This text told me something while I'm asking God to answer my question. He's talking to my answer
15:30 Let me try this one more time God is talking to my answer
15:39 While I'm asking God to do something. I'm trying to figure why he won't respond God says I got time to talk to you
15:44 I'm talking to your answer. I'm already setting up the interview. I'm already making the boss pick your application
15:51 I'm already opening doors you ain't see so you talking to me. You have no idea. I'm talking to your answer
15:57 Why don't you shout because why you trying to figure it out God already?
16:00 Meanwhile back at the other widows house
16:02 Meanwhile back at the other widows house
16:12 Elisha says what can I do for you?
16:19 Now y'all just missed that Eli shut not Eli. Joe. We're not his earth path. We back at the other widows house
16:24 Her husband has died. She got two sons
16:28 She is afraid the creditor is going to come Elijah says what can I do for you?
16:33 You'll love this and then he asked her a question that I gave you three or four years ago
16:37 And many of you slip on it. He asked her a question. What's in the house?
16:40 No, no y'all gotta catch this. What is in your house?
16:44 What is in your house y'all miss it? What is in your house? I'm gonna try this one more time. What is in your house?
16:51 What?
16:54 Existing resources do you have?
16:57 Yeah, what what business plan do you have?
17:00 What goals do you have?
17:03 What have you written out?
17:06 Yeah, what do you have for me to bless?
17:10 What do you have for me to stretch?
17:13 What's in your house?
17:16 Watch her response
17:19 nothing at all except
17:27 That's that's semantically
17:29 contradictory
17:30 How you gonna say I got three English majors here. This is my early service
17:34 There's no way you can possibly say nothing at all except
17:37 If you say nothing at all, there has to be a period
17:41 Exclamation mark you cannot say nothing at all except
17:46 she is
17:49 Missing out on her opportunity to get blessed because she won't consider existing resources
17:57 The reason why I got my house in foreclosure
18:01 It was just ran down all that but it had a lot of land just house beat up
18:05 Just nothing and couldn't nobody believe I sold a nice house and people came over like, okay, really?
18:10 They they they looking at the house. I'm looking at the land
18:14 Cuz Bishop Jake says something that I should never forget when he said it he said don't ever forget God's not making no more land
18:26 You can always build a house but God's not making no more land
18:28 So whenever you see land you purchase that land
18:31 So everybody thought I was crazy
18:33 But I knew I can always write a book and add a piece write a book add another room write a book at another room
18:39 But I can't get me no more land
18:41 God is not creating anything else
18:44 God is using existing material an existing material God Bishop. They say God never made a chair. He made a tree
18:55 It is from
18:56 The tree that you get the chair
18:58 Some of you don't understand when I'm asking you to serve and participate
19:02 And pay your time and so I'm just trying to get you to give God something to work with
19:08 She says I have nothing at all except that that's all I got
19:15 I all I got is is look look. I ain't got much meanwhile back
19:20 In zero fast
19:24 Elijah
19:25 Says to this woman. I need you to do me a favor. I know you don't know me like that
19:31 but if you can go in the house and get me a drink of water and
19:35 Why are you at it King message version make me a biscuit?
19:41 Now I told y'all years ago
19:43 I know everybody unless you see otherwise in the Bible is a person of color don't ever forget that everyone in the Bible is a
19:50 Person of color unless you see otherwise, this is important. I've always said she couldn't have been black don't like not from Cleveland. I
19:56 Know she was Hebrew or whatever but because you just don't ask no woman. You don't know
20:03 Who ain't got nothing her kids hungry and you're gonna say
20:11 Yeah, and why you didn't make me a little biscuit all I can do is hear y'all cussing at him like what do you
20:18 What I saw my head is like creaking cussing at him
20:21 He says could you go in there and and make me who y'all gonna love this make make me
20:26 she says all I got is a little flower y'all gonna love this and I'm gonna make my
20:31 My my son and I final meal watch this and then we gonna die. I
20:38 don't like
20:40 both her personal and
20:42 Parental response. I don't like it. I don't like it. I don't like it. It had me upset all week
20:48 She don't say all I have the little flower. I'm gonna make this last meal
20:52 No offense my brother, but I'm gonna make this look this last meal for me and my son and then we just gonna die
20:58 Even if you have chosen to die
21:01 You gonna let your child down, too
21:04 Okay, I gotta I gotta I don't like her mindset. I
21:10 Don't like her lack of stick to it - Ness. I don't like her defeatist mentality
21:18 Because he gone
21:20 Because you can't figure it out. You've resolved to quit
21:25 Because life has taken a turn
21:28 Because the man is not there
21:30 Because you got to do it by yourself
21:33 Because she's not what you thought she'd be because your parents called you a couple of names and did not speak into your life
21:39 Because nothing's clicking for you. You've not got to a place in your freaking 40s
21:45 In your 50s that you're done
21:47 You've given up on the possibility of relationship love wealth health. You just got this what pastor I'm still alive
21:55 Yeah, but you're the walking dead
21:57 You really dare you just eaten and sleeping
22:01 Existentially, but you're really dead
22:04 I want to read something to you this article that my wife and I discussed that was in Cleveland calm that absolutely
22:12 Pushed me and made me mad saying you are a liar
22:14 Cleveland if you're feeling stressed and you live in Cleveland, you're far from alone
22:20 In fact, you're living in the most stressed city in the United States according to a recent report
22:25 Cleveland ranked first and most stressed among US cities measured by wallet hub
22:32 The analysis compared each city across 39 metrics grouped into four equally weighted categories work stress
22:40 financial stress family stress and health and safety stress
22:44 But hey
22:45 Maybe there's some solace in Detroit ranking second in addition to ranking first and overall stress
22:51 Cleveland also ranked first among US cities in financial stress
22:55 second in health and safety stress and third in
22:59 Family stress that's a ton of stress. I
23:04 Thought to myself they didn't survey the word church
23:09 I
23:11 Want to talk
23:13 And let's add the caveat this metric does not include like your
23:16 Warrensville and your Bedford and your Hudson and your Strongsville many of you don't live as it were right in Cleveland
23:23 But that said even if it's greater Cleveland, I guess the enemy thought I would read that and get depressed
23:29 But lift up your head. Oh, yes
23:34 And be lifted up the everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is the king of glory the Lord strong and mighty
23:41 The Lord mighty at battle. He is the king of glory. I speak into existence word nation
23:47 operation Cleveland
23:50 One of the goals and calls of the word church is no matter what these staggering stats say these
23:57 Statistics statistics. I call them a lie in Jesus name. I call myself healthy
24:04 wealthy bless my family not stress and I call stress off your life and everybody watching me in this
24:12 Metroplex, the devil is alive. You need to interview the Saints because the Saints got Jesus and depression and stress
24:19 Cannot live in my house
24:22 Hit three people say I receive that
24:32 This woman is stressed
24:34 It is also stated that we have the worst prenatal prenatal care in the country
24:41 That more women are dying during childbirth and child sickness and women black women being employed in the city of Cleveland at the highest
24:49 Unemployment is at the highest in the country. I say God for such a time as this
24:55 To this end was I born?
24:58 And for this cause I've been speaking into young people and why up before you die, please find out what she was here for
25:04 Let me try this one more time
25:07 Before you die, please find out what she was here for
25:10 I like to believe if you mention church in Cleveland from the greatest to the gold to all of them
25:15 You say church in Cleveland. Somebody's gonna say the word church. You mentioned religion in Cleveland all across this world
25:21 Maybe my girl and I's name is gonna pop up and this church is gonna pop up because I'm not called to change the world
25:28 I'm called to change Cleveland
25:30 but in changing Cleveland
25:32 In a very real sense we change a bit of the world and so I know my time is gone
25:37 But I speak operation Cleveland everything that I do over the next year
25:42 Remember I told you this is gonna speak to breaking that mentality
25:47 We're gonna stop some of the stress
25:49 Because you guys are gonna take on legs and as you walk in your sphere of influence in your companies in your job
25:56 God has placed some of you in places that you can have major impact and break this
26:02 Stinking thinking off of our city. The woman said I ain't got nothing
26:08 Here's what I want you to do girl
26:17 So you got some financial stuff? Here's what I want you to do
26:22 Go in your house grab as many jars as you can come here King James and not just a few
26:29 I'm gonna try this one more time. I want you to go in your house
26:32 I want you to get as many jars as you can and just go around to your neighbor's house because you're not gonna have enough and
26:38 Borrow some jars for them. Wait a minute
26:41 Go around to your neighbor's house and get some jars for them and don't just get a few get a whole lot watch this
26:46 Can you imagine this woman gathering jars in her house?
26:50 Don't know what she gathered them for then he tells her go around to every neighbor you got and ask them to give you some
26:55 Y'all are missing y'all shout. He says I come to speak life watch this and overflow over you. I don't know
27:02 I don't know
27:04 Meanwhile back at Elijah
27:06 He says the Word of the Lord told me to tell you as sure as you are a blessing to me
27:11 You shall not run out
27:13 I don't know who this is for but I got a word for 50 people
27:16 Sitting out there in these pews to tell you that I told my wife
27:21 I'm going to church today and speak double over that house and y'all can sit there
27:25 You can miss out
27:28 Okay, the sale ends on Labor Day. God told me from now to Labor Day
27:32 I'm just preaching double over this house and good stuff now you can shout or sit there, but we're hearing miracle reports
27:40 We're hearing credit reports. We're hearing business openings. I'm preaching life over you
27:45 Cancer is leaving tumors are shrieking now you can sit there
27:49 But do me a favor don't wait till the battle is over
27:54 Slap three people say I receive all that over my life
28:03 I
28:05 Elijah says I want you
28:22 You'll love this. This is heavy. You're you're you listen. I'm not the visiting preacher
28:27 I'm the pastor so there are things I can say that a visiting preacher can't because I've stood over this house for 22 years
28:32 So I've changed in my pocket as I tell young pastors I can say what some cannot say. Do you know how awkward he felt?
28:39 Telling a poor woman
28:42 To give him some food
28:45 Do you think he took pride in that?
28:47 Do you think that felt right to him as a man of God? Well pastor, he didn't believe you
28:52 What what it's amazing because the pastor the church that they just they just want your stuff
29:02 Girl a bird just fed me yesterday
29:05 This is better than you understand girl, I don't really need you a bird fed me
29:15 God made a bird bring me lunch. I ate yesterday chick-fil-a
29:20 courtesy of a raven
29:23 And then I had lemonade in the brook. It just gets better as I make it up
29:31 As I said Jesus elder car
29:33 But I want you to catch this and don't slip on it and I really mean it from my soul girl
29:39 I'm only here
29:42 Because God told me there was a widow
29:46 in Zara fast
29:49 That I'm supposed to come let feed me. I don't really know why he picked you
29:54 But be glad I'm letting you feed
29:58 Jesus
30:00 I feel like preaching
30:02 Stop thinking you're doing the church of faith
30:05 And say I'm glad they let me sing on Sunday. I'm glad they let me stand on the door
30:12 I'm glad they let me help in children's ministry because God is trying to get something to me, but my increase
30:19 Can only come
30:21 If it's preceded by an instruction
30:27 True instructions, they all missed it. I'll do better at 11. I got to stop
30:31 We got to go to the health fair to instructions and y'all missed it one instruction go get some jars
30:37 Second instruction go make me a biscuit
30:40 Watch this one lady go get some jars go around to your house
30:44 Go around every neighbor you got get some other instruction go make me a biscuit. They both seem strange
30:49 They both don't make sense
30:51 But God is up to something the Bible says the woman when they got every jar she could
30:57 She starts filling them up and oil watch this starts running y'all miss this oil
31:04 Starts running y'all miss this oil
31:06 Meanwhile back is there a fast the biscuit making woman
31:15 Makes the biscuit y'all love this feeds the prophet this about to get so good
31:20 We gotta go to I got three minutes
31:23 What's this feast a prophet the Bible says and the scripture says it just like this later on
31:29 What I just said was so good
31:33 later on
31:36 Text don't tell me how much later on I could could have been a few months could could have been that day later on you'll
31:41 Love this later on
31:44 her son gets sick
31:46 Really when you get home you got to read first and second Kings Elijah Elijah to widows to miracles watch this her son gets sick
31:54 Stops breathing y'all miss your shot here. It is her son gets sick stop breathing
32:00 Elijah goes lays oh god. I feel like preaching
32:05 The boys breath comes back to him
32:09 Bible says take some downstairs
32:12 Hands them to his mother
32:14 Nobody caught his heart
32:16 the reason why God may
32:19 Elijah leave the brook was because he had an appointment in
32:25 Zarephath
32:27 The reason why God wanted the widow to get his man a biscuit because God knows my ear from my beginning
32:34 God already saw that the enemy was going to attack her son
32:39 God says I'm gonna get ahead of it and let you sow something so you can reap something
32:44 So the reason why I had you feed the prophet was so that your obedience could boost you to your next miracle
32:54 It was in your seed that you received your miracle, but because you saw when it didn't make sense
33:00 Oh, I feel like preaching
33:02 Now you see what I was setting you up for
33:06 But had I told you that your son was gonna get sick and the only way he would get healed was for you to feed
33:13 The prophet then you would have fed him for fortune not by faith
33:17 So sometimes God don't tell you why you saw he don't tell you why you been obedient but he sees down the road
33:28 Can I tell you?
33:31 That some of you in this season are still not living, right?
33:36 Some of y'all still won't put that dude out your house
33:38 Look at somebody say I still love my pastor even when you want me
33:42 Some of y'all still won't stop the cussing and the swiping and the looking and the porn
33:47 Some of you put $2 in when you know, you made $600 this week
33:51 And you couldn't even give God $60. I preach the sermon years ago called. He ain't worth a dime
33:58 Pastor you preaching about money. I don't preach enough about money
34:02 But I'm a start cuz some of you are missing your miracle when you have no idea that little 10%
34:09 That little dime out of a dollar
34:12 Girl God trying to give you your own business
34:14 God trying to give you generational wealth
34:17 God trying to pass it. I don't have that. That's okay
34:21 I speak it over your children and your children's children with life insurance policies
34:27 There are men in this church who have never paid time in their life
34:32 Somehow much they gave a girl they not with no more
34:34 Asked every man what's the most money you ever gave a woman you not with no more
34:40 And then I asked him what's the most you ever put in church?
34:43 Just about every man sadly has given more to some woman. He not even whipped
34:48 Some coke he don't even have some car
34:51 He don't even drive no more and I say now what's the most you ever put in church at one time?
34:55 Most brothers can't say 50
34:59 That's across the world check to see if I'm telling you the truth
35:01 What's the most you ever put in church at one time? Very few can say a hundred?
35:05 What's the most you ever gave to a family member who played you?
35:09 And don't like you now
35:12 What's the most you ever gave to a mama who talked about you I can tell you all kind of stories
35:18 But God says go see this woman and Zara fab because I'm trying to set her up for a miracle
35:24 Well, why God got to make me God says it's not about stuff. It's about your obedience
35:29 It's about your trust in me. It's about meanwhile. I'm going y'all
35:33 Call sookie sookie the Bible says the woman
35:36 I'm gonna do better than 11 the woman when it got these bottles and these jars and the Bible says she was filling them up
35:42 And Elijah just filling them up is food him up
35:45 Filling them up filling them up and the Bible says got to the last jar and filled it up
35:49 and the oil stopped
35:52 Well, I preach years ago. Some of y'all remember I preach a sermon called don't stop the music
35:58 Because the oil stopped y'all missed that the oil wait a minute
36:02 People don't know to this day that the only reason the oil stopped is because the jars stopped
36:08 I've been asking a question how much money with this woman's family had had
36:13 Has she found more jars?
36:16 You'd be surprised what God wants to do for you, but sure
36:20 Lack of get up and go made the oil stop
36:25 Pastor how come you keep moving with our ministry because I want the order stop every time I throw some out there
36:30 God blesses it. They told me I was crazy. I said not enough young people. I got a plan
36:34 I'm a recruit and God said if you do it, I'll send them
36:38 They say young people 18 to 35 pre pandemic or post pandemic are not coming back to church post pandemic young people are through with church
36:45 There's too much technology. I said the devil is alive. All I did was when I got some jars
36:52 And if you could have saw the YF service this past Friday night particularly in the second service
36:57 You'll see all these young people sitting on the front every place
37:00 Why because as long as you supply God with something y'all start playing I got it. We got a health care God
37:04 Will make a way out of no way
37:07 The Bible says in the oil stop I speak over your life
37:12 Lord, let it keep running. Whoo. Let it I speak run over. I speak run over. I'm gonna say this
37:18 I know we got a health care to go to I don't always do this. I told my wife I'm speaking running over
37:24 It's running over
37:26 Something you have to believe it is running over
37:28 Pastor Mike McClure stood on this stage and said I speak double
37:32 He said mom. I see double told lady Vernon. He said mom. I just see double and
37:37 We couldn't tell him because our children had released us yet
37:41 Anogea hadn't released me yet, and I'm going to tell him so bad. You have no idea that my other child pregnant
37:47 I
37:49 Do you know how hard it was to hold that
37:51 The man said mom
37:53 I just see double Pastor Mike McClure by the way who won artists of the year for the third time last night
37:59 at the stellar wars
38:02 Even Kirk Franklin nobody's ever won three times in a row
38:06 So I'm proud of the son of the word church pastor Mike McClure a PMJ six seven stellar awards last night last two days
38:15 He has changed the game music. We but he also has a prophetic gift
38:18 He said mom I see double lady Vernon's one to tell him so bad you have no idea you prophesied
38:23 Because he just knew she may was pregnant. He didn't know that a notch was pregnant, too
38:27 I speak this what's on the first family of this house is on every y'all better come on
38:33 It may not be babies. It may be health
38:36 It may be wealth
38:39 I'm gonna do this. I don't know when the last time I've done this
38:43 I need some courageous people to take out your phone. I mean this I really mean it. I mean to grab an envelope
38:47 I want somebody that would just believe double with me. I got some big announcements everything
38:52 We're doing if you believe God with me take out your phone
38:54 I'm not just saying this if you don't feel led don't do it when the prophets speak I would move
38:59 I want everybody here that's it passed. I believe in this what's happening on this house
39:02 I want you to keep helping people operation Cleveland. I'm gonna partner with
39:07 Ward 5
39:09 My fraternal brother who is the councilman down there?
39:12 They're having a big big, you know in the projects of Cleveland right there on East 55th in the month of August
