• 2 years ago
00:00:00 [wind howling]
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00:00:51 I'm so nervous.
00:01:07 Just a little longer, and we'll be back in Japan.
00:01:11 Meeting our families after all this time.
00:01:17 Eleven whole years.
00:01:20 I wonder what my family will be like.
00:01:25 You don't remember?
00:01:33 Makes sense. You were only six when you left.
00:01:37 Look! Land! I can see Japan!
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00:01:59 Ume!
00:02:17 Oi! Ume!
00:02:20 Ume!
00:02:24 [panting]
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00:06:42 [thunder]
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00:06:56 [footsteps]
00:06:59 [knocking]
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00:07:28 [laughter]
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00:08:37 All together now, dog!
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00:08:48 [birds chirping]
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00:09:14 [screaming]
00:09:17 [music]
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00:09:29 I think I'm finally starting to realize just how much responsibility I sign myself up for
00:09:35 in this girls' study abroad program.
00:09:37 Weren't you the one preaching on and on about how Japanese women needed a better education program?
00:09:45 I didn't think they'd send me a seven-year-old.
00:09:49 The girl shouldn't be away from my mother.
00:09:52 Let alone in a foreign country.
00:09:56 [shushing]
00:10:01 [children laughing]
00:10:04 [children laughing]
00:10:06 Life abroad is going to change these girls' lives.
00:10:10 For better or for worse.
00:10:13 Rab sees the frog.
00:10:17 Rab sees the frog.
00:10:20 Mr. Mori, good morning!
00:10:23 Good morning, little ladies.
00:10:26 Would you give us a moment?
00:10:29 [speaking Japanese]
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00:14:23 The spiritual pages of the Koran are fascinating writings.
00:14:27 [Music]
00:14:31 [Music]
00:14:34 [Music]
00:15:03 I hope you didn't get too seasick on board.
00:15:06 It was horrible. I was nauseous the moment we left port.
00:15:11 We sailed through a huge storm.
00:15:13 A storm?
00:15:14 Well, I'm glad you made it home safe.
00:15:17 I bet you'll be pulling everything you've learned overseas to work here?
00:15:22 In no time.
00:15:23 I hope so.
00:15:25 I want to start an English school for girls.
00:15:28 One where anyone can study regardless of how high they are on the social ladder.
00:15:33 Hey, it's Miss Tress.
00:15:35 I'm Tematsu Yamakawa. I like your service. Can I sit here?
00:15:39 Me too.
00:15:40 I want you to do music.
00:15:41 Of course. My first hire is Miss Shige Nagai.
00:15:46 At your service.
00:15:47 And Miss Met.
00:15:50 I can't wait.
00:15:53 [Music]
00:16:22 [Music]
00:16:24 [Music]
00:16:46 [Screaming]
00:16:47 [Music]
00:16:52 Hey, Hatsu! Hatsu!
00:16:54 Dad?
00:17:01 I didn't realize you'd grown so much.
00:17:07 You look great in your uniform.
00:17:12 What?
00:17:15 What?
00:17:16 You forgot Japanese?
00:17:19 You'll get used to it.
00:17:30 Come here.
00:17:31 Look!
00:17:35 Cute!
00:17:38 I made these forms.
00:17:42 These belong to the agriculture school.
00:17:46 I founded it. Great, isn't it?
00:17:49 It's great.
00:17:51 The Japanese that had been away from him for 11 years didn't return.
00:17:57 Mom?
00:18:08 Welcome back.
00:18:10 Big sister?
00:18:17 That's right.
00:18:19 Ume, your brothers and sisters.
00:18:31 What?
00:18:35 What?
00:18:36 [Laughing]
00:18:38 Big sister is back!
00:18:41 Big sister is back!
00:18:43 Wow! A stone!
00:18:48 What's this? Why is it only big sister?
00:18:51 It's a western style.
00:18:54 Ume.
00:18:55 You study with the money of the country.
00:19:03 You went to study abroad.
00:19:05 So, do your best to help your parents.
00:19:13 Do your job. Do your best.
00:19:17 Okay.
00:19:18 But the Hokkaido Development Agency has been dissolved.
00:19:24 Tomorrow, I'll go to the Ministry of Education.
00:19:31 [Sounds of the wind]
00:19:33 Okay.
00:19:34 I thank the Lord. Amen.
00:19:42 Amen.
00:19:59 Do you remember how to use the chopsticks?
00:20:02 They returned after 11 years of study abroad.
00:20:10 Thank you for letting me study abroad for a long time.
00:20:15 Thank you.
00:20:17 Thank you.
00:20:19 Please.
00:20:24 It's time for them to help the Japanese girls' education.
00:20:29 Yes, but the Hokkaido Development Agency has been dissolved.
00:20:36 That's why I came here.
00:20:38 But the girls' school that was supposed to accept you as teachers has been closed.
00:20:44 What will happen to them?
00:20:48 They will be forced to stay at home.
00:20:51 If the boys go back to school, they will be guaranteed a path to the elite.
00:20:56 You're very clear about this.
00:20:59 Is it American style?
00:21:01 But, you know, there's nothing a girl can do.
00:21:05 They went to study abroad to become the first generation.
00:21:08 The girls' school was not a plan to make a buzz.
00:21:13 A plan?
00:21:15 They studied hard for 11 years.
00:21:20 If you have a job that can make use of that experience, I'll contact you.
00:21:24 I have another job.
00:21:27 You can't be serious.
00:21:32 They were surprised by the low status of Japanese women.
00:21:37 My father prepared a western-style room.
00:21:46 My father spoke English and had been abroad.
00:21:50 He understood the culture of the West.
00:21:53 The room is very cool.
00:21:59 Can I have a moment?
00:22:05 Yes.
00:22:06 Sorry to keep you waiting.
00:22:09 Ume, come here.
00:22:11 This is Ume, my daughter.
00:22:15 I'm sorry.
00:22:16 No, no.
00:22:17 My daughter is a western-style, so I can't let you eat.
00:22:20 Thank you.
00:22:21 Hatsu.
00:22:24 Yes.
00:22:25 I have a gift for you.
00:22:27 I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
00:22:30 You're not good at it.
00:22:31 I'll help you.
00:22:32 No, it's okay.
00:22:33 I'm sorry.
00:22:34 I'll prepare it.
00:22:36 My father's attitude to his mother was not western-style at all.
00:22:41 I was confused by the difference between the equal relationship I had seen in America.
00:22:47 Japan is not as sophisticated as America.
00:22:50 I can't get used to such a Japan.
00:22:53 Japanese is difficult.
00:22:58 I and Stamets were the same at university.
00:23:00 We tried to speak Japanese so that we would not forget when we were alone.
00:23:04 But Kanji is difficult for me, too.
00:23:08 (Sigh)
00:23:09 Do we have a place to work?
00:23:22 I didn't go to university.
00:23:31 It doesn't matter.
00:23:33 Yes.
00:23:34 Ume and Stamets have the ability to speak English as well as men.
00:23:39 Ah.
00:23:43 I wanted to show it to Shigi.
00:23:50 Stamets' graduation speech.
00:23:54 It was wonderful.
00:23:57 It's rare to be in the newspaper.
00:24:01 British policy towards Japan.
00:24:04 It's better than men to talk about foreign policy towards Japan.
00:24:10 Yes.
00:24:11 I was impressed.
00:24:14 Is Mr. Mori here?
00:24:20 No.
00:24:21 Mr. Mori is in London.
00:24:23 If he were in Japan, he might have helped us.
00:24:33 I'm angry with the Minister of Education.
00:24:39 I came back to Japan to do a job that would be a return to the country.
00:24:43 I'm not going to get married.
00:24:45 You're not going to get married?
00:24:47 What?
00:24:48 Are you going to get married?
00:24:50 I'm going to get married.
00:24:53 Get married?
00:24:59 Yes.
00:25:00 Japanese marriage is not equal to men and women.
00:25:09 Women have to obey men.
00:25:12 That's why we need to educate women.
00:25:14 That's why we studied abroad with the money from the country.
00:25:17 I know.
00:25:18 Why are you getting married?
00:25:20 We have a mission to spread what we have learned to this country.
00:25:24 I know.
00:25:25 You don't know.
00:25:26 I went back to Japan and had a few engagements with a man of my status.
00:25:30 But I refused all of them.
00:25:32 Engagement?
00:25:34 Listen to me until the end.
00:25:37 The man I'm going to marry is Mr. Uriu Sotokichi.
00:25:43 He was in America.
00:25:45 Yes.
00:25:46 I studied abroad with the money from the country.
00:25:48 So I have a mission to serve this country.
00:25:51 I can share Western culture and ideas.
00:25:54 And most people in Japan marry their parents.
00:25:58 But we are a love marriage, which is common in Western countries.
00:26:03 And even if we get married, we will continue to be music teachers.
00:26:11 We will show the new image of women.
00:26:16 I understand.
00:26:22 Congratulations.
00:26:26 I and Sute Matsu were not able to bless Shige from the bottom of our hearts.
00:26:39 I felt that our dream of building a school together was a little distant.
00:26:45 I still haven't heard from the Ministry of Education.
00:27:06 I started teaching English at home because I couldn't afford it.
00:27:10 Who are you teaching?
00:27:12 The wife of the Minister of the Government.
00:27:14 Only the upper class hire English teachers.
00:27:18 I wonder if it's something that can't be thought of in Japan yet.
00:27:24 Whatever it is, let's do what we can do now.
00:27:27 Don't stop.
00:27:29 That's right.
00:27:33 I have something else to think about.
00:27:36 Why don't we do it together?
00:27:38 What?
00:27:39 English Drama Club.
00:27:41 Drama?
00:27:43 Through the drama, we can spread Western ideas and cultures.
00:27:48 Good idea.
00:27:50 I thought I couldn't stand the gap between Japan and America.
00:27:55 And it looks fun.
00:28:01 It looks fun.
00:28:03 Hello.
00:28:04 I'm sorry to bother you.
00:28:06 We were talking about building an English Drama Club to spread Western culture.
00:28:11 That's meaningful.
00:28:13 You're going to do it too, right?
00:28:15 What?
00:28:17 You need a male role.
00:28:20 I'm glad.
00:28:25 Thank you.
00:28:28 Here.
00:28:30 You can't find a job for Ume?
00:28:40 You should find a husband instead of a job.
00:28:49 You have a good story to tell.
00:28:56 Ume studied abroad.
00:28:59 He can find a good husband.
00:29:02 Hazu, let's go to the bath.
00:29:07 Yes.
00:29:09 I'm Satoru.
00:29:25 Kanda-san is here.
00:29:27 Thank you.
00:29:30 Kanda-san, let me introduce you.
00:29:32 They are my friends from abroad, Yamakawa Sutematsu and Tsuda Yume.
00:29:37 This is Kanda Naib, a professor of English at Teikoku University.
00:29:41 Kanda-san's English is the best in Japan.
00:29:44 Nice to meet you.
00:29:46 Nice to meet you.
00:29:48 I'm sure it's a good thing that Kanda-san's English is better than yours.
00:29:54 Nice to meet you.
00:29:56 Nice to meet you.
00:29:58 Thank you for coming to the English Drama Club.
00:30:07 I want to spread the wind of the West to Japan.
00:30:14 How was Kanda-san?
00:30:17 What?
00:30:19 I think he suits you.
00:30:21 What are you talking about?
00:30:23 You thought so, too.
00:30:25 What?
00:30:27 Kanda-san also liked Sutematsu.
00:30:31 I told you.
00:30:33 What's important to us is not marriage, but to build a school for girls.
00:30:38 Right, Yume?
00:30:39 Of course.
00:30:40 Kanda-san has a good understanding of women's work.
00:30:44 Shige.
00:30:52 In the end, the head of the school didn't want to talk about work.
00:30:58 He decided to work as a teacher at a school that was built by a teacher.
00:31:04 It was the first time he had worked and earned money.
00:31:11 It was difficult to teach in one class, depending on the students' academic ability.
00:31:19 How long?
00:31:25 Until confirmed, signed, ratified by you.
00:31:29 I would not be ambitious in my wish.
00:31:32 Yet for you, I would be traveled 20 times myself,
00:31:38 a thousand times more fair, ten thousand times more rich.
00:31:46 Good job.
00:31:47 This castella is hard to get.
00:31:50 Yes, I asked a friend.
00:31:54 Everyone, I got a delicious castella, so please eat.
00:31:59 Thank you.
00:32:01 Please.
00:32:03 Please.
00:32:04 Thank you.
00:32:06 Please.
00:32:15 Thank you.
00:32:17 Dear Yamakawa Sutematsu-sama,
00:32:32 I was attracted to your beauty and strength from the day I first met you.
00:32:42 Every time I met you, I wanted to know what was behind your strength.
00:32:48 I wanted to touch you, I couldn't stop myself.
00:32:51 But you wouldn't let anyone touch you.
00:32:56 That's why you are beautiful.
00:33:01 Wanna come with me to get some beef cutlet?
00:33:10 Of course.
00:33:12 I wish we could invite her.
00:33:18 Poor thing.
00:33:20 I'm back.
00:33:39 Welcome back.
00:33:41 What's up?
00:33:43 I got paid.
00:33:46 15 yen, right?
00:33:48 It's amazing that you can get paid that much.
00:33:50 Foreign teachers get paid more than 50 yen.
00:33:54 I only have 10 yen left after I get my salary and my human resources.
00:34:03 10 yen isn't a luxury.
00:34:06 That's not what I mean.
00:34:08 You're doing the same job, but you're saying it's weird to get paid less.
00:34:12 I thought I was better than you in terms of work,
00:34:17 but I had no choice because I was a teacher.
00:34:20 I was just grateful that I could work.
00:34:23 But I don't think I'm taking care of my students enough to get paid 50 yen.
00:34:29 I'll talk to the principal tomorrow.
00:34:32 Don't do that.
00:34:34 What?
00:34:35 Don't do that.
00:34:37 What if he gets upset?
00:34:40 That's weird.
00:34:42 I don't think you should tell him what you're thinking.
00:34:45 He got paid for his work.
00:34:48 It might ruin his father's reputation.
00:34:51 Do you understand?
00:34:55 No.
00:34:56 Ume.
00:34:57 I was raised to say what I think to anyone.
00:35:02 I'm sorry.
00:35:04 Thank you.
00:35:13 Education is a pre-course course.
00:35:16 You don't have to worry about the pay.
00:35:18 I'm just wondering why there's a big difference in pay between us.
00:35:25 And I'm wondering why it's so luxurious to live with a foreign teacher when the students are poor.
00:35:33 If you don't like it, feel free to quit.
00:35:36 I will consider this my resignation.
00:35:49 Goodbye.
00:35:51 Goodbye.
00:35:53 [Door opens and closes]
00:36:21 I'm going to the Ministry of Education again to talk about whether I can work.
00:36:28 The Ministry of Education told me about your job.
00:36:33 They said you can teach biology and physiology at Tokyo Girls' Commercial High School.
00:36:42 But I turned them down.
00:36:45 Why?
00:36:47 I haven't even talked to them yet.
00:36:50 I haven't been to college yet.
00:36:52 I have to study Japanese.
00:36:54 That's not what I mean.
00:36:56 You have two weeks to apply.
00:36:58 Before that, you have to handle the Japanese textbooks perfectly and write in Japanese on the blackboard.
00:37:05 It's only two weeks.
00:37:07 I've been to the Ministry of Education many times to talk to them.
00:37:11 But I don't want to let you work.
00:37:14 I'm going to keep my promise before I go to study abroad.
00:37:19 [Sigh]
00:37:21 Why can't I work?
00:37:25 I'm useless and time is passing by.
00:37:30 Hey, Sutematsu.
00:37:35 I think Kanda is a good person.
00:37:38 What?
00:37:39 When I look at Kanda, I really like you.
00:37:44 You like Kanda, too, don't you?
00:37:48 What do you want to say?
00:37:51 This country doesn't treat unmarried women as equals.
00:37:57 You know that, don't you?
00:37:59 That's why I want to change that.
00:38:01 So, unmarried women can't do anything.
00:38:04 Why do you decide on Shige?
00:38:05 Because this is Japan.
00:38:07 [Music]
00:38:18 Why did you study abroad?
00:38:21 [Music]
00:38:26 Why did the country let us study abroad?
00:38:29 Why?
00:38:31 [Music]
00:38:34 I studied abroad for 11 years.
00:38:38 Welcome back.
00:38:46 [Music]
00:38:49 [Music]
00:39:06 Oh, Ume.
00:39:08 You're a guest.
00:39:16 Ume.
00:39:19 Do you know?
00:39:22 Ryo.
00:39:25 I came here as a representative of Japanese women.
00:39:28 I'm going to go home in a year.
00:39:30 No!
00:39:32 Ryo.
00:39:36 Well, take your time.
00:39:39 Thank you.
00:39:42 You were fine.
00:39:47 Yes.
00:39:49 I came back to Japan in a year.
00:39:57 I've always thought I shouldn't meet Ume.
00:40:02 [Music]
00:40:12 I'm preparing for English class for girls.
00:40:19 English class?
00:40:21 That's great.
00:40:23 I'll do it alone, so it's a really small class.
00:40:27 There are five or six students.
00:40:29 But it's your own class, right?
00:40:31 How did you get the money?
00:40:33 My father's support.
00:40:36 I'm not married.
00:40:40 I can't do anything by myself.
00:40:44 Do you think about marriage?
00:40:47 No one will see me as a marriage partner anymore.
00:40:53 When I was 14 years old, I decided to study abroad.
00:40:57 After 10 years of study abroad, I realized I was not old enough to get married.
00:41:06 So I'm fine.
00:41:08 Marriage.
00:41:12 I'm glad you're fine.
00:41:16 How's Ten, who came back with Ryo?
00:41:19 I got married, but I couldn't meet the expectations of the country.
00:41:23 I've been stuck at home.
00:41:30 What about Ume?
00:41:33 I couldn't find a job.
00:41:36 I stopped thinking about the teacher's job I finally found.
00:41:42 I see.
00:41:44 Shige is married and teaches music.
00:41:47 Stenmatsu is the same as me.
00:41:50 I want to work for the country, but I don't have a job.
00:41:58 I want to meet Shige and Stenmatsu.
00:42:01 Everyone will be happy.
00:42:06 Ryo, I'm glad.
00:42:08 I'm looking forward to it.
00:42:09 Thank you.
00:42:11 We're not going to start with a big school.
00:42:14 Why don't we start with a small school?
00:42:19 We have a dream.
00:42:23 It's an English school for girls.
00:42:27 I see.
00:42:29 Not only English, but also the importance of telling your thoughts clearly.
00:42:39 I'm going to get a lot of girls from all over the country.
00:42:50 Principal Yamakawa, please say a word.
00:42:57 Principal Yamakawa, please.
00:43:01 I'm going to get married.
00:43:10 What?
00:43:13 You're Kanda, right?
00:43:16 No, I'm not.
00:43:21 Who are you going to marry?
00:43:24 Mr. Iwao Oyama.
00:43:26 Mr. Oyama, the head of the Rikugun?
00:43:29 Yes.
00:43:31 He's a great man.
00:43:33 How old is he?
00:43:36 He's like a father.
00:43:38 He's 17 years old.
00:43:40 His wife died more than half a year ago.
00:43:43 He has three daughters.
00:43:45 His wife died, and he's remarried less than a year later.
00:43:49 Stop it, Stenmatsu.
00:43:51 He just wants his children's mother.
00:43:54 Stenmatsu is a good teacher.
00:43:57 He's beautiful and can dance.
00:44:00 If you take him to the Rokumeikan, he'll be gorgeous.
00:44:04 I've already decided.
00:44:06 Didn't you want to build a school?
00:44:10 I can't do anything without money.
00:44:13 So you want to marry someone rich?
00:44:16 You don't like it?
00:44:18 You're a middle-aged man with a big belly.
00:44:22 You didn't want to build a school.
00:44:26 If you marry someone with a high position,
00:44:29 you can't be a teacher.
00:44:33 You can't go to school without a principal.
00:44:37 You can be one.
00:44:40 What?
00:44:42 You can be a principal.
00:44:45 I'm not going to college like Stenmatsu.
00:44:48 Don't be irresponsible.
00:44:52 You didn't even think about getting married.
00:44:56 You didn't think about Shige's marriage.
00:45:00 It wasn't our dream.
00:45:05 Do you want to push me to do it alone?
00:45:09 I'm going home.
00:45:16 I'm sorry.
00:45:19 Even if I get married,
00:45:22 our dream won't change.
00:45:26 [♪♪♪]
00:45:29 [♪♪♪]
00:45:32 [♪♪♪]
00:45:35 [♪♪♪]
00:46:04 Sorry to keep you waiting.
00:46:07 I'm Shiruko.
00:46:10 [MUSIC]
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01:00:04 [FOREIGN]
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01:01:00 [MUSIC]
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01:05:44 [MUSIC]
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01:06:38 [MUSIC]
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01:07:34 [MUSIC]
01:07:44 [FOREIGN]
01:07:56 [MUSIC]
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01:13:03 [APPLAUSE]
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01:15:48 [MUSIC]
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01:16:10 [FOREIGN]
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01:17:50 [MUSIC]
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01:19:06 [FOREIGN]
01:19:16 [APPLAUSE]
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01:26:38 [MUSIC]
01:26:48 [MUSIC]
01:26:55 [SOUND]
01:27:02 [FOREIGN]
01:27:12 [FOREIGN]
01:27:24 [FOREIGN]
01:27:34 [MUSIC]
01:27:39 >> This is a pencil.
01:27:43 >> This is a pencil.
01:27:47 >> This is a book.
01:27:52 >> This is a book.
01:27:55 >> This is a book.
01:27:58 >> This is a book.
01:28:02 [MUSIC]
01:28:08 [FOREIGN]
01:28:20 [FOREIGN]
01:28:30 [MUSIC]
01:28:35 >> She will play tennis tomorrow.
01:28:38 >> No, tennis.
01:28:41 She will play.
01:28:45 [MUSIC]
01:28:51 [SOUND]
01:28:54 >> Okay, next.
01:28:57 >> [FOREIGN]
01:29:03 >> She will play tennis tomorrow.
01:29:07 [BLANK_AUDIO]
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01:29:24 [BLANK_AUDIO]
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01:29:46 [BLANK_AUDIO]
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01:30:42 [BLANK_AUDIO]
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01:31:26 [MUSIC]
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01:32:23 [FOREIGN]
01:32:35 [BLANK_AUDIO]
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01:35:01 [BLANK_AUDIO]
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01:36:17 [BLANK_AUDIO]
01:36:27 [FOREIGN]
01:36:38 >> Please allow Ume to enroll.
01:36:41 >> The future of women's education in the east may very well rest on her shoulders.
01:36:47 >> Please.
01:36:48 [FOREIGN]
01:36:59 [MUSIC]
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01:43:22 [BLANK_AUDIO]