Pinch Grip FUN w/Homemade 50lbers

  • last year
Quite pleased with this! Started off with a ridiculously easy Pinch Grip Deadlift of both plates each weighing 52¼lb! Next was a surprisingly smooth double Pinch Grip Clean & Military Press(heels together, no leaning back) followed by a Farmer's Walk. Finally, max Pinch Grip Deadlifts of RH 77lb & LH 72¼. Not only do these plates have a sharp edge, but also a smooth face on both sides! It was starting to rain, so l had to hurry up and get things done! These are much harder to pickup than my Milo 50lbers so l was not expecting to Pinch Grip this much, buuuut l'll take it. I am also happy that the two #s are within 9% of each other, which is ALWAYS my goal. Hope YOUR week is filled with unexpected progress! God Bless!
"The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace." - Exodus 14:14

