How to get lots of volume, texture and definition in your hair

  • last year
00:00 Hey, so I got a lot of questions yesterday
00:03 when I was cutting my hair about Embellish
00:06 and what do I do with it, how do I use it,
00:09 what's it all about, and I thought today is appropriate
00:11 to show you because today's the last day
00:13 of the super sale of the duo.
00:16 Right now you're getting the super size,
00:18 which is usually $32, you get two of 'em for $29.
00:23 So it is a great deal, it is a product
00:26 that I could not live without,
00:28 and every client that walks out the door at Calista
00:31 has it in their hand after I do their hair
00:34 because it is that product that acts like a styling tool.
00:37 So I know a lot of you watched me
00:40 give myself a cut yesterday,
00:42 and so today I just wanna kinda pump my style back up
00:45 and I'll show you how I do it with Embellish.
00:47 Now I always talk about it, I can't stress it enough,
00:50 it's only ever a pea-sized amount, tiny, tiny amount.
00:55 Rub it into your hands, the clapping,
00:59 these fibers are what adhere to the hair
01:01 and make the hair have this new grip to it
01:04 that allows you to get it to do
01:05 the things you want it to do.
01:07 I clap a pretty good amount because my hair is very fine
01:10 so I want it very light on my hair
01:11 and I make sure it's clear on my hands before I go in.
01:16 So the first thing I like to do is just go right
01:19 to the root of my hair and run it through all of my hair
01:22 because since my hair is fine,
01:24 I like how the Embellish gives it that extra texture
01:29 that I don't have.
01:30 I kinda have like a, you know,
01:32 it's just a little bit flyaway, a little bit soft,
01:36 and it lays soft.
01:38 So once I get Embellish all through it,
01:41 then I already start to have, as you can see,
01:43 as I put my hands, it starts to do the things I want it to do
01:46 plus it just shows my layers off.
01:50 So I still have some of my hands, I can feel it,
01:54 that's why it's, as you can see, it's still working.
01:57 So you only ever use that pea-sized amount,
02:00 clap a lot if you have fine hair.
02:02 I would clap a lot the first time no matter what
02:04 and then you'll get used to how much you wanna clap
02:06 for your hair.
02:07 But see how I just added that volume to my hair with it?
02:10 And I still, I can feel it on my hands,
02:12 so as I feel it on my hands, I still continue to use it.
02:16 I like to tuck this, get rid of those hairs that fly away.
02:20 But now there's not so much on my hands
02:23 so I can use another, I'm not even gonna do
02:25 a whole pea-size this time, I'm gonna do half of a pea.
02:28 So you can go ahead and use a second amount
02:32 but you never use, for me, I never use a big amount
02:35 at one time.
02:36 I mean, I know some people that do
02:38 'cause they're obsessed with it
02:39 and it works for them that way, but I never suggest that.
02:41 So I want a little bit more lift up here
02:44 so I'm actually lifting it up
02:46 and because it's all over my hands, do you see what I'm doing
02:49 I'm just giving myself all that lift in there
02:52 and just stacking this out a little bit.
02:55 So once I get that lift in there,
02:56 then all I have to do is kind of shimmy it the way I want to,
03:00 just zhuzh it, right?
03:02 And I think I'd like this, just gonna use my hands
03:05 to kind of flick this end up.
03:08 So that's the thing with embellish,
03:09 you just flick and flip and get your hair
03:12 to do whatever you want.
03:14 If you have it on your hands, see how I just piece that?
03:16 And you just use as much as you need
03:18 to get yourself to do what you want to do.
03:21 So anyway, that's what I want my hair to do.
03:24 From here, you know, a lot of times I just go El Natural
03:28 with the embellish, but you certainly can spray it.
03:32 I'm just gonna use our non-aerosol spray,
03:34 this is coming up soon, but I do have a very long day
03:37 so I'm just gonna hit it with a little bit of duet,
03:39 which I will tell you about soon.
03:42 And then I'm on my way.
03:43 So remember, get your embellish
03:45 'cause today's the last day to save.
03:47 You won't regret it, I promise.
03:50 See ya.
