• 2 years ago
00:00 Hi everyone, I'm Courtney Bright, I'm the Senior Social Digital Editor at American Salon.
00:05 We are live again in New York at Fashion Week and we are taking over by we I mean myself
00:10 and Jenny Strebe, you guys know her as the Confessions of a Hair Stylist.
00:14 We are taking over Fashion Week today and we have been doing this since yesterday in
00:18 collaboration with Tigi using all Bed Head by Tigi and Catwalk by Tigi products and we've
00:23 had an awesome time so far and we are pulling ladies, beautiful ladies off the street to
00:29 show you guys some inspiration of what we've seen on the runway, what we've seen in street
00:35 style and from here I'm going to let Jenny take over.
00:38 Awesome, thanks Court.
00:40 What's up you guys?
00:41 So we, I'm going to move this slightly Court, just a little bit.
00:44 So we, like Courtney said, have been taking over Fashion Week so I have this beautiful,
00:49 beautiful model.
00:50 I'm going to show you guys how to do a twisted edge fishtail.
00:54 Now prior to doing the twisted edge fishtail, we want to make sure that we set ourself up
00:58 for success so I'm just adding bend right now to her hair.
01:02 I'm going through with my flat iron and just simply creating just really soft flat iron
01:08 waves and the reason for it is because when we braid the hair, we don't want any pieces
01:13 to like pop out.
01:15 When you have a little bit of bend to it, what that allows you to do is it just kind
01:20 of goes, like flows into the braid opposed to like poking out.
01:24 So it's going to make a big difference for when we're braiding and then it gives us a
01:28 little bit more body too.
01:30 And I pre-prepped her hair with some salt spray here.
01:33 I'm going to show you guys here, the Texturizing Salt Spray by Catwalk and that just allows
01:38 us to have some nice grit and texture to her hair.
01:42 So just going through, taking kind of large sections, clamping down with my flat iron
01:48 and then just pulling the hair straight out and I'm leaving the ends kind of straighter.
01:53 So yeah, after these last next sections, couple sections, I'm going to turn her around and
01:59 we're going to get started with our Twisted Edge Fishtail.
02:02 So she's actually going to be helping me out with it.
02:06 So you can use an assistant or a lovely model like I have here to help you out.
02:12 I have my clients hold their sections to create that twisted edge and it will all make sense
02:17 momentarily.
02:18 So I'm going to have her turn around now.
02:21 Turn around this way.
02:24 Perfect.
02:25 Okay.
02:26 So you can see we just have those kind of barely there curls.
02:29 So now with this, I like to start doing a, almost like a triangle section or like a teardrop
02:36 because I want it to be pulled back and I want it to look seamless.
02:39 So anytime you're doing any type of braid, it's really important that you do a triangle
02:43 section.
02:44 You don't want to do a large square or you might see those corners of that square.
02:48 So I'm going to have her kind of put her head back.
02:51 We're going to create our teardrop now.
02:53 I'm just using my fingers here.
02:55 You want it to look kind of organic and soft.
02:59 So we're going to split the hair in half, making sure each section are nice and even.
03:05 The density is the same on both sections.
03:07 So now we're going to go ahead and take a small section from our right side and cross
03:12 it over like you would a normal fishtail braid.
03:16 Taking a small piece of hair from the left, crossing it over.
03:21 I'm going to do that one more time on each side.
03:27 Now we're going to connect some hair to the scalp.
03:29 Then we're going to start creating our fishtail or our twist of edge.
03:33 So I'm adding hair from the hairline back.
03:39 That's our new right section.
03:43 We're going to go ahead and cross that over right to left, just a little bit of that hair
03:48 right to left.
03:49 And do the same thing on the opposite side here.
03:53 All right, so now we're going to create our twisted edge.
04:00 So this is the part you guys want to go ahead and pay attention.
04:03 So we're going to take a small piece of hair from the right.
04:06 I'm going to go ahead and have her hold it.
04:09 We're going to pick that hair up later.
04:12 So I'm just going to direct her hand right here.
04:13 She's going to get a workout at the same time.
04:16 So now we're on the left side.
04:17 We're going to do the same thing.
04:19 So we're taking quite a bit piece of hair here, and she's going to hold on to that section.
04:24 So now we're going to go ahead and continue on with our braid.
04:27 So I'm going to go ahead and connect it to the scalp from the hairline back to the braid,
04:33 adding that to our right section.
04:37 Taking a small piece of hair, crossing it over right to left.
04:42 Then on the left side, the same thing.
04:44 And we're going to do a couple passes before we start creating our twisted edge.
04:49 So we're doing large sections because I want you guys to really see the technique.
04:56 So we're going to continue on a couple more times.
05:00 Hairline to the braid, incorporate that into our right section, regroup, add a small piece
05:06 of hair right to left.
05:09 Do the same thing on the opposite side.
05:14 Incorporate that in our left section and go left to right.
05:17 Now this is where the fun begins and you can start seeing the pattern.
05:21 So I'm going to take a small piece of hair here.
05:24 I'm going to trade it with this hair that she's holding.
05:26 So you guys see this?
05:27 So instead of passing it, we're going to go above.
05:30 So I'm going to grab that piece of hair.
05:32 It's going under and I'm going to go ahead and give her this section of hair.
05:37 So you can see it's creating a loop.
05:40 Now we're going to do the same thing on the opposite side.
05:44 Take a small piece of hair, trade it for this hair going over and she's going to grab onto
05:51 this hair.
05:54 You can kind of see that pattern in there, right?
05:57 So now we're going to go ahead and make a couple passes.
06:00 So from the hairline to the braid, incorporating hair to connect it to the scalp, then taking
06:07 a small section of hair going right to left.
06:12 Doing the same thing on the opposite side.
06:17 Small piece of hair left to right.
06:22 We're going to do that a couple more times here before we add our twisted edge again.
06:33 Now I want to mention too, it's really important that when you're choosing braided styles,
06:38 you definitely want to work on a model that has some color definition, some kind of contrast.
06:44 That way you can actually see the braid in there.
06:47 Okay, so now we're going to go ahead and trade out a piece of hair for the one that she's
06:53 holding.
06:54 So I'm taking a piece of hair here.
06:56 I'm going to go above this section of hair and grab this underneath and have her hold
07:00 this.
07:01 So you guys can see that that twisted edge is forming now.
07:05 So cool, right?
07:07 So now we're taking a piece of hair from the other side, going underneath and she's grabbing
07:17 that hair.
07:20 Now if she puts her hand down a little bit, you guys can see the pattern in there.
07:24 Isn't that so neat?
07:26 Okay, so we're going to continue on.
07:29 Hair line to the braid, adding that into the hair, right to left.
07:37 On the other side, adding hair, left to right, continuing down.
07:44 At this point I'm going to have her move her head down just a little bit.
07:52 Right to left, left to right.
07:57 And I noticed someone saying something about her hair right and left different than mine.
08:03 It might actually be mirrored, you know, like opposite.
08:08 So maybe that's why you guys are getting confused.
08:12 Is that right?
08:13 Is it mirrored?
08:14 Alright, so we're trading this section out so you guys can start seeing.
08:19 Isn't that so cool?
08:20 It's very intricate but it's super easy.
08:26 Taking a small piece of hair, trading it out.
08:30 She's getting her good arm workout.
08:34 Definitely if you have an assistant inside the salon you could have them hold the hair
08:38 as well.
08:39 Alright, so continuing down, connecting to the scalp, adding hair right to left, kind
08:44 of re-tightening it here, left to right, adding some hair, continuing on, left to right.
08:59 So now at this point we're going to go ahead and add the last bit of hair on each side
09:04 and then we're going to continue our twisted edge.
09:07 Okay, so now we're going to go ahead and take this hair, pick it up, exchange it for this
09:14 section of hair, exchange it on this side going underneath.
09:20 You always want to go underneath.
09:22 Perfect.
09:23 We're going to make a couple passes here.
09:29 Right to left, left to right.
09:34 Continuing down.
09:37 See how beautiful that looks with her hair color as well.
09:41 Okay, so now taking that section of hair, I'm going to take it from underneath here
09:47 and exchanging it so we're getting towards the ends.
09:50 Doing the same thing on the opposite side.
09:57 So this is just a cool, unique way to do a braid and it's really, really easy.
10:05 So left to right, I'm going to pick up the last piece of hair here.
10:15 So small piece of hair here, so it's going, someone said that you can't see.
10:22 There we go.
10:24 Perfect.
10:27 Continuing on.
10:31 So now that we're to the end, we're going to go ahead and add the rest of the hair right
10:38 here.
10:41 We're going to go ahead and secure the ends with a hair elastic.
10:50 Isn't that neat, you guys?
10:51 All right, so we're going to go ahead and secure the ends with a hair elastic.
11:01 And now we're just going to go ahead and kind of pull out a little bit.
11:04 I want to make the twisted edge a little bit more dramatic, so I'm just going through and
11:09 fanning it out, fanning it out, just making it a little bit fuller.
11:14 So you can utilize this technique in several different ways.
11:17 You can do a half up, half down.
11:20 You can also maybe utilize it in a type of bun or an updo.
11:25 Say you take this and you tuck it, that would be really cool.
11:29 Or you take it and fold it in to create a nice low chignon.
11:32 So there's definitely a lot of ways you can utilize this technique.
11:36 But since braids are so popular right now, I definitely wanted to show you guys a different
11:41 braid that's really, really easy.
11:43 Now we're going to go ahead and just finish it off.
11:45 I'm going to have her kind of move to the side just very slightly.
11:48 I'm going to use some Transforming Dry Shampoo now by Catwalk, spraying it in there, going
11:57 through with my palms, kind of roughing up the texture, pulling some of that hair out
12:00 to make it a little bit more editorial, kind of more of a lived in braid.
12:06 Maybe add a little bit of hairspray, masterpiece, just for a little bit more volume.
12:12 And that is about it.
12:13 So you can see how beautiful that is, very intricate.
12:17 And yeah, that is about it.
12:18 I'm going to have you move all the way so they can see this.
12:22 So do you guys like it?
12:23 I give it two thumbs up.
12:24 For those of you that are just joining us, I'm Courtney Bright.
12:27 I'm the Senior Social and Digital Editor at American Salon.
12:30 I am here in New York with Jenny Strebe, the Confessions of a Hairstylist.
12:34 We are currently taking over Fashion Week in collaboration with Tigi.
12:38 And before we sign off, Jenny, we've seen so many braids on the runway, off the runway,
12:43 and we've been doing them here on Facebook Live.
12:45 For your top three key products, what has been your survival kit this Fashion Week?
12:51 Oh my gosh.
12:52 So salt spray, like you need some grit, texture.
12:54 You need something that's going to help manipulate the hair, right?
12:57 So we have our Texturizing Salt Spray right here by Catwalk.
13:04 Spraying it in the hair to give it that grit and texture.
13:06 So then blow drying it in.
13:09 And then we have been using a lot of dry shampoos to really kind of plump up the braids.
13:14 That's really important.
13:16 And then we've been using a Flexible Hold Hairspray Masterpiece, which is like a shine
13:20 spray and has a really nice flexible hold too.
13:23 Because we don't want anything too stiff, right?
13:25 We want it to allow it to move with that undone texture.
13:28 So a masterpiece definitely gives us a nice flexible hold.
13:31 Awesome.
13:32 So thank you, Jenny, for joining us.
13:33 And where can we find you on social media?
13:36 You guys can find me at the Confessions of a Hairstylist on Instagram, Facebook, Hair
13:40 by Jenny Strebe.
13:41 I have a website, the Confessions of a Hairstylist as well.
13:44 And you know where to find American Salon on Facebook.
13:46 Because we're all here, you can also find us on Instagram at American_Salon, where Jenny
13:50 and I have been taking over Insta Stories all day today.
13:52 You can see more behind the scenes, backstage.
13:55 You can also watch this video at any time on our Facebook page, along with our other
13:59 Facebook Live videos, as well as this style Jenny did on me this morning.
14:03 Oh, yeah.
14:04 And you can see the full tutorial always here on Facebook.
14:06 So thanks so much for joining, and we'll see you guys next time.
14:09 Bye.
14:10 Peace out.
14:10 - Bye. - Bye.
