• 2 years ago
00:00 Hey guys, how are you today? I'm Kylie from Kylie's Corner and we are going to
00:09 curl our hair. I am so excited because I'm going to show you some of my tips
00:15 and tricks on how I get my curls to last for days and days and days at a time. So
00:22 I'm excited. As you come in make sure to say hello, let me know how you guys are
00:27 doing. I have missed you so much, it is crazy. I haven't been here for a couple
00:32 of weeks because I just had my baby but I am happy to be back and I am happy
00:37 that you guys are all here. So let me know how you're doing and yeah just let
00:43 me know what's going on and everything. Hello Nicole, how are you? Thank you so
00:48 much for being here. Thank You Lounge. We are so excited. We have absolutely loved
00:54 having our baby boy here. He is our third for those of you that are new here. If
01:03 you're not already make sure to follow Kylie's Corner and then you can see cute
01:06 pictures of him and his little siblings. So Katie, I am feeling amazing actually.
01:13 This has definitely been like my easiest recovery so far. So it has been awesome
01:21 but I paid for it because obviously I had a baby that was in the NICU for a
01:27 week. So anyway I guess you win some and you lose some right? Nicole, the kiddos
01:34 are doing so good and thank you Kristen. Oh and then you guys also for every 100
01:42 shares we are giving away wands. So make sure to share if you guys want a chance
01:48 to win the wands. Okay so let's start talking about how to get curls to last
01:54 for days. I get emails about this all the time about how you know like my hair
02:00 won't curl or my hair doesn't hold a curl for longer than an hour. So first of
02:04 all whenever you're using a curling wand maybe try a smaller one. Especially if
02:10 you're using the 32 millimeter. This one is the 25 millimeter. You guys know I
02:15 always use my 25 millimeter. I do love the 32 as well because it does create
02:20 like a looser beach wave. But with the 25 millimeter you're just going to get a
02:24 little bit of a tighter curl and then as it relaxes over the next few days those
02:29 curls are still intact. And so what I've found especially even with my hair is
02:34 with the 32 millimeter even though the curls will last for a couple of days
02:38 they just kind of continue to get straighter and straighter and straighter
02:42 if that makes sense. You know so that's tip number one. Use a smaller wand. Tip
02:49 number two. Use smaller sections especially if you are somebody that has
02:53 very thick hair. If you have really thick hair and you're using big sections and
02:58 you're not evenly distributing the heat on your hair with the wand you guys are
03:03 going to hate it because you're not going to get the curl that you want. So
03:08 just make sure to use smaller sections so that the hair is evenly distributed
03:12 onto the heat of the wand. Step number three. Use a dry shampoo or some kind of
03:18 a texturizing spray on your hair prior to going in with your curling wand. So
03:26 I'm using the Volange dry shampoo and I am just going to go ahead and spray this
03:34 everywhere and I'm not just focusing on the roots. You can see like my hair is on
03:39 like day two or three actually. I don't even remember. But I don't just focus on
03:48 the roots I actually go through the ends because this is going to create like
03:51 texture and it's going to help for those curls to last. Another thing I'm going to
04:00 use is also the heat shield by Lounge as well. I love this just because it doesn't
04:06 get your hair crunchy. I'm able to spray it in and if you leave it and let it dry
04:11 it actually is going to, it won't make your hair crunchy. Oh and then I'm just
04:20 going to mention too I did use the whip the other day after I showered and
04:24 washed my hair I used the whip in my hair. I love this and it also kind of
04:29 creates like a little bit of texture and then I'll let my hair air dry and so
04:34 when I do go in and curl it or anything then it actually like curls super well.
04:40 Let's see. Oh thank you Jamie. Yes Kimberly the dry shampoo is a must. So
04:49 I'm going to go ahead and just start sectioning the hair and I'm using the
04:53 Lester wand today and it's the 25 millimeter. For those of you that aren't
04:58 familiar with the Lester wand compared to the On Dual, so the differences are
05:05 you've got this little like piece up here that's going to help you to not
05:11 burn yourself which is nice but then also has like an auto shut off and then
05:15 you can also adjust the heat depending on where you want the heat to be. So now
05:20 what I do because that's a really tight curl is as soon as it comes off is I
05:25 actually kind of just pull tug on it just a little bit just to loosen it a
05:29 little bit. I still like a tight curl just because like I said as it relaxes
05:34 over the next few days it is like the perfect like beach wave. So you're
05:41 welcome Jennifer. Thank you for being here.
05:47 All right so again and how I like to hold the wand too is I actually like to
05:54 hold it down this way it's easier for me to wrap from the top or from the bottom
06:00 to the top right yeah bottom to the top then to try to do it any other way. So
06:09 I'm just wrapping and you can see that my hair in the sections that I'm picking
06:14 up it's evenly distributing that heat throughout and I'm also I'm using the
06:20 titanium wand for those of you that are asking. You just got the 32 you
06:27 definitely need a 25 you do I feel like it's fun to have both of them. They are
06:33 both great. I love my 32 millimeter to be completely honest I use my 25
06:40 millimeter more but that's just personal preference it depends on what kind of
06:45 curls you like and how lazy you are because for me my 25 millimeter I can
06:50 curl my hair once a week and I I'm good for the week and I don't have to touch
06:56 up I have those curls for days and they just last and last and last. So thank you
07:06 Jenna and Ashley thank you I just had a baby so that's probably why. So another
07:15 tip that I'm going to give you guys too is to make sure that you let your curls
07:21 completely cool down before you touch them. That is probably like the most
07:27 important thing ever you guys can do to get those curls to last for days and
07:34 days. I'm not even lying you guys like so many people will go in with like their
07:39 hair is still warm and they go in and start playing with it and then that just
07:43 kind of relaxes those curls so much and then you lose them. So if you are
07:48 somebody that likes to touch your hair don't or you're going to lose your curls
07:55 so you just want to make sure to wait until they're completely cooled down. So
08:00 again just wrapping it and you can see that I evenly distribute all of the hair
08:05 around there in order to evenly distribute that heat. So for somebody
08:12 that maybe has like a little bit thicker hair you are going to want to take just
08:17 like smaller sections like I said. And like I said you guys we are giving away
08:23 wands for every 100 shares and also the link up above that we have kind of goes
08:30 to like a little secret sale. You can't get to it off of just like going to the
08:34 Lounge website you got to click the link up above and you've got all of your sale
08:39 items and then it also automatically takes off 50% off of anything that isn't
08:44 on sale. So check it out if you want to try to get some good sales going on.
08:55 Oh Melanie darn it that stinks. Yes their dry shampoo is awesome. I love it. Like I
09:03 said it creates beautiful texture in the hair and it helps my curls just like
09:08 last and last and last. Everybody is always asking me well because I literally
09:13 you guys I am so lazy. I wash my hair like once a week and so people are
09:19 constantly asking me like what are you using in your hair so that you can make
09:24 it only once a week and like how do you get your curls like to stay for that
09:30 many days and it's because of these dang wands. I don't know what the thing is
09:35 with the wands but my hair holds curls so good with these things. You have the 25
09:44 you need the 32. Yes the 32 is so good especially for creating those really
09:50 pretty loose bouncy beach waves. Totally agree. It is one of those things that like
09:59 I love having in my drawer but to be honest I'm always reaching for my 25 but
10:08 that's just personal preference. It depends on what you want. I know that my
10:14 friend Savannah she's the one that has like the most gorgeous like mermaid hair
10:18 ever. She loves her 32. She uses the 25 as well but she's got like crazy long hair
10:26 it's down to like her butt and she uses her 32 millimeter and just creates like
10:31 the most beautiful curls with it and she just loves that one so I guess it's just
10:40 kind of personal preference on what you want.
10:44 Alrighty. Never been able to curl your hair would love to try one of these. Amy
10:53 yes. Some people find it easier to use these. I know that my my sister-in-law
11:00 she's 14 and she finds it easier and her hair actually curls and like holds a
11:06 curl better with a wand as opposed to using like a curling iron. She can't
11:11 figure out like because with a curling iron you know how you have to clamp on
11:15 and then you're kind of twisting that iron around in a circle in order to
11:20 create that curl like you're twisting. Well with this it's just you're wrapping
11:24 hair around a wand. Now one tip that I'm going to give though is if you get one
11:29 of these and you have never used one before don't turn it on go and like wrap
11:34 your hair around it a few times on both sides so that your hands get used to
11:38 that motion and then go in and turn it on because these wands get very very hot.
11:44 They do come with a little glove that you can use but just for safety I would
11:49 definitely recommend practicing with it off first.
12:00 Let's see you always missed it so I don't have it. Well you're here now you can
12:09 definitely share for to win when you can't wait to get it. Yay Catherine! I'm
12:16 excited for you to get it too. Let's see.
12:23 Oh thank you Bernadette. I totally butchered your name and I apologize.
12:30 Yes Savannah is beautiful. She is gorgeous inside and out. I absolutely
12:36 love her and I'm so grateful that we are friends. And she's like a rock star. She's
12:45 got three beautiful little girls and she's a total mom boss. So I have
12:52 mad respect for that girl. All right now you notice I am not touching my curls.
12:59 You want to definitely make sure that you do not touch them or play with them
13:07 or fluff them or do anything until they're completely cooled down.
13:10 Especially if you are somebody that has a really hard time with keeping a curl.
13:13 If you want it to last for days and days do not touch them. Don't even go in and
13:20 hairspray them. Don't do anything to cool them down faster. You let them cool on
13:25 their own time and then you go through and spray them. Do whatever you need as
13:31 soon as they're cool.
13:34 All right so I'm letting these cool and I'm just gonna go ahead and go in with
13:48 this little clippy to pull those back. I'm gonna grab another section. Now like
13:54 I said for those of you that have had a hard time or that have emailed me about
13:58 having a hard time with getting your hair to like keep a curl, take smaller
14:05 sections, use a dry shampoo or some kind of a texturizing spray in your hair
14:10 prior to going in and don't touch them. Just leave them be until they are
14:17 completely cooled down. You want to evenly distribute that heat around and
14:23 then you just want to let them go. You guys my hair has grown so much. That's
14:30 like the one good thing about like being pregnant but then you lose chunks of
14:34 hair. Does anybody else do that after having babies? I like lose my whole like
14:40 front section of my hair where my bangs are and that is why I wear bangs because
14:45 I already have a five well I probably have like a ten head as it is and so it
14:51 is really I have to like keep my bangs there especially after having babies
14:56 because girl it's not pretty. All right so just going in you can see I'm taking
15:05 little sections and they're just small enough they're probably like I don't
15:10 know maybe just over an inch or is that an inch probably like an inch little
15:14 more and then I always wrap from the top down so going here and just wrapping
15:21 around because you can see that I'm evenly distributing that hair on there
15:24 and that is what is going to help with creating those curls and keeping those
15:30 curls nice and tight. I also recommend if you guys have a hard time like if you're
15:35 using the 32 millimeter and you have really long heavy hair and you're having
15:39 a hard time with keeping your curls in try using the 25. It's going to create a
15:45 tighter curl and those curls are just going to relax over the next few days to
15:51 where you get like a more beachy wave and I mean they're beautiful curls
15:56 either either way they're beautiful but it does help a lot to use a smaller size
16:03 wand if you want them to last because you maybe are lazy like me. I curl my
16:09 hair once a week so works for me that's what I do and then people are constantly
16:16 asking me what I did and how I get them to stay so. Do you prefer the Lester over
16:25 the Ondual? So Kim they're both awesome the thing is is the Onduals right now I
16:32 believe are out of stock so the Lester are there and they are on sale if you
16:37 click on that link up above. I like them both and here's why so I really like the
16:47 Ondual but if you are somebody I know that there's a lot of people out there
16:52 that are like worried about the heat on the Ondual because you're not able to
16:56 like actually set a certain heat on there and so that's why a lot of people
17:02 really like the Lester wand because you're able to go through and adjust
17:06 like dial up and adjust the heat that you want in there and then it also has
17:11 this little guy right here which is nice because you're not like accidentally like
17:15 even if I tap my finger it's not burning me so I mean you should be wearing a
17:22 glove especially if you've never done this before but I have been using a
17:28 curling wand for a long time so I just don't use the glove even though I just
17:34 like suffer through the the burns that I get occasionally so again just wrapping
17:40 it around. Let's see between wrapping it around and twisting it around so they're
17:51 just going to create a different kind of a look for the curls. I am evenly like
17:55 distributing that heat so I like to lay my hair flat against the wand. If you
18:01 twist it like say you twist your hair and then you go through and you wrap it
18:07 around it's just going to create a little bit of a looser and a different
18:10 type of a curl because you're going like instead of getting that evenly
18:13 distributed heat in there it's going to be a little bit more of like kind of
18:20 like a cork corkscrew curl. So again just wrapping it around and you can see that
18:33 I lay it flat and I'm just evenly distributing all of that heat. Yes Nancy
18:45 I agree. Once you practice it really is very easy to use and that's why I
18:49 always recommend to people if you're going to buy one or if you're going to
18:53 win one or whatever in the case maybe you want to practice with the wand off
19:00 first just so that you don't accidentally burn yourself and then
19:04 throw it against the wall and it gets broken or whatever just practice with it
19:11 off and you can see you guys even though I'm creating these really tight curls
19:17 I'm going to go through once they're completely cool and then I will kind of
19:22 tassel them a little bit spray them with some hairspray and some oil but you
19:29 don't want to touch them until they've completely cooled down. That's like my
19:32 biggest tip and I'm always like I feel like I'm like writing that constantly to
19:37 people because people are always asking me like I can't get my hair to keep my
19:42 curl what am I doing wrong and I ask them hey are you playing with it before
19:48 it's completely cool or are you running your fingers through it oh yeah I guess I
19:52 am that's why if you do that you're gonna relax those curls and they're
19:57 going to just not hold. So they're giving away wands for every 100 shares and
20:07 Lounge is actually the one that is going to be um they pick the winners so make
20:17 sure that you are commenting and letting us know what you're doing being nice and
20:22 active on here and good luck.
20:28 Okay I... let's see... there we go.
20:33 Wrap it around...
20:57 Luster wand the one you are using. Tiffany yes I am using the 25 millimeter
21:02 titanium luster wand. It is great I love it you can also use if you have the
21:13 undo all then you can use the undo all just do the same thing that I'm doing
21:17 and use these products that I listed to you guys and you will love the results I
21:26 promise. So you have very thick fine long hair three-fourths down your back won't
21:36 hold a girl's shite. Yes Rhonda do try the 25 millimeter and try doing smaller
21:42 sections and make sure you're evenly distributing the heat so if you're using
21:46 like big thick sections and you notice that like if you touch the hair on the
21:52 wand and you can't feel any heat you're not evenly distributing that heat so
21:57 like that outer layer isn't getting any heat to it so you want to make sure that
22:02 you evenly distribute that and so like when you touch it like it's hot on there
22:07 and that is like a good way to know okay I'm curling right I've got it evenly
22:15 distributed so yes which one will be best for shorter hair so that's going to
22:26 depend on if you like like a looser curl or if you like a tighter curl the 32 is
22:32 going to create like looser curls so if you are somebody that does have short
22:37 hair and you like kind of that like little bit of a tousled beach wave look
22:41 then you're definitely going to like the 32 millimeter if you want curls that
22:47 are going to last for like really a long time then use the 25 millimeter and as
22:52 they relax over the next few days they're going to create that pretty
22:55 beach like beach wave look that you're going for
23:01 sorry you guys I got like a little bit of a cold so I sound like a man every
23:10 once in a while okay so Faith I will show you really quick what I used so
23:17 whenever I got out of the shower I used the whip mousse I love this stuff
23:23 because it's going to give me like volume even though I don't go in and
23:27 like actually blow-dry my hair I'll usually just blow-dry my roots and my
23:29 bang area but I go in with this and it gives really good texture to the hair
23:35 and then prior to curling I use the heat shield I make sure to let that set in
23:41 the hair and get all dry and then I use the dry shampoo and I don't just use it
23:47 in my roots I actually spray it down all the way down the hair so that it has
23:51 that texture in it and then it's going to help that curl to hold it even better
23:58 so again you guys can see that these are very tight curls and we will go through
24:07 and loosen them up here soon
24:10 and if you guys aren't already make sure to follow Kylie's corner for like hair
24:27 and makeup and all that kind of stuff okay so it's going in with the dry
24:30 shampoo I will spray up at the roots but then I go down the hair as well and then
24:45 I'm also going to go in with just the heat shield and you want to just kind of
24:50 spray it and I love the smell of this stuff it smells so good I like to just
24:59 go in Terry yes I used the dry shampoo that was this one right here
25:08 alrighty and that stuff dries super fast the heat shield just in case you're
25:18 wondering so it's not like you're sitting and waiting for like a really
25:21 long time for it to dry and I always curl especially like my front pieces I
25:26 always curl away from my face and then I just tug on it a little bit to loosen it
25:37 out
25:46 Rebecca the heat shield is also by Lounge so if you click on the link up
25:51 above that I have up there for you guys you guys can get 50% off of everything
25:57 on the site
25:59 I shampoo tend to hold your curls longer Christine and yes the dry shampoo you
26:10 can also use like if you want to use like a texturizing spray launch has like
26:14 a really good sea salt spray that you can definitely use on your hair like
26:21 after you get out of the shower while it's still damp and just let it air dry
26:25 in there and it's going to give you a nice texture as well but the dry shampoo
26:30 is also something that I like to use just because it's going to kind of clean
26:34 the hair but then also gives it that texture so that that curl will last
26:41 a little bit longer. Shannon my baby is good doing so good I was able to bring so like he
26:53 was in the NICU all last week he um so for those of you that don't know I had
27:00 a baby last Monday and he had the meconium or whatever inside of me that
27:12 makes sense and he swallowed a bunch of it and so when he came out he wasn't
27:15 breathing and we actually had to do CPR on him twice and then they had to like
27:22 section out all kinds of gunk like they got like this much gunk out of his
27:26 airways and luckily it didn't get stuck in his lungs at all so we were so
27:32 grateful for that because we probably would still be in the hospital but
27:40 anyway they had to put him on some oxygen and he ended up having a little
27:45 bit of fluid in his lungs and everything and so we were in the NICU all last week
27:51 or not last week it was the week it was 19th of April or February so I guess it
27:58 wasn't last Monday it was a Monday before and yeah anyway it was a long
28:05 long week because my other two babies were not able to see their little
28:10 brother because right now is flu season and so they don't let anybody under the
28:15 age of 14 into the NICU and so it was super sad and especially for River
28:23 because River was so excited to meet her little brother she's like a little mommy
28:28 and so she was just like heartbroken and yeah so anyway that was really really
28:37 sad but we're home now he's good he is eating good he is like I said he's like
28:43 two weeks old and he seriously you guys like when we last week I was trying to
28:48 put him in like zero to three month clothes and they drownded him and he
28:55 already fits into this week they are still like a little bit long just a
29:01 little bit but for the most part like he fits really good into him I'm like man I
29:05 wonder what it would be like to have like a normal-sized baby that actually
29:10 like wore their clothes for longer than like a couple weeks at a time because my
29:16 other two they grow out of their clothes super fast too. Kelsey yes this is the 25
29:21 millimeter and this is the Lester wand and it's the titanium.
29:31 There we go. Alrighty okay like I said you don't want to touch them until they
29:42 have completely cooled so let me get my hairspray I can never get this
29:50 hairspray open. Oh thank you Kelly I love that you love Kylie's Corner so I'm
29:56 using this is the three-way hairspray and this is by Lounge as well what I'm
30:02 going to do is just spray I'm going to spray this side first because this side
30:06 is cool and this side is cool now. I want to go ahead and get those sprayed and
30:18 then what you do is you just kind of go through from the bottom and I work my
30:24 way up and I just go through gently go through with my fingers
30:33 and it creates these beautiful curls
30:49 so you can see how pretty they are and they literally like as they relax they
30:56 get even better so it's like as the days go by these curls get better and better
31:01 and better so there we go those are my curls and that is how I get them to last
31:11 for days and days and days so anyway thank you guys so much for watching and
31:17 if you're not already make sure to follow Kylie's Corner because you're
31:20 gonna like the makeup and hair tutorials and all that kind of stuff that we love
31:24 to do so anyway thank you guys so much for watching and for sharing and for
31:30 being so supportive and great here's these curls I'll show you a little
31:36 twirly twirly and they're my favorite so I will talk to you guys later love you
31:45 Let me see.
31:47 Alright.
