• 2 years ago
00:00 Hello guys.
00:02 Hey y'all.
00:04 How is everyone doing?
00:06 I'm trying to get on my page
00:11 to make sure that I'm seeing comments.
00:14 When you get on, just say hello.
00:19 I will introduce myself really quick
00:22 and we will get this party started.
00:24 I'm so flipping excited.
00:26 Hello everyone.
00:28 When you get on, comment because I want to make sure
00:33 that I can see everything.
00:35 'Cause right now...
00:37 Hi guys.
00:40 Hello, hello.
00:41 I am not seeing comments.
00:44 I'm swiping, I'm swiping.
00:46 Let's see here.
00:52 Not seeing anything.
00:55 Hey guys, hey.
00:56 Sorry, I'm not seeing comments
00:58 and I want to make sure I can see them.
00:59 So I'm getting on over here.
01:00 Oh, there I am, there I am.
01:04 Oh, of course.
01:05 Look, now I can hear myself.
01:06 Hey Tiffany.
01:08 Okay.
01:09 Oh man, I'm not seeing them on my phone
01:10 but I'm seeing them right here guys.
01:12 I'm wondering if I can.
01:15 Let's see here.
01:17 I don't know if I can read those.
01:20 Hey, hey.
01:22 Okay.
01:23 Trying to figure this out.
01:24 I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.
01:27 (mouse clicking)
01:29 I want to see you guys.
01:31 You guys, waste no time.
01:33 Look at everybody already liking and sharing.
01:36 And I can't hold this the whole time to read.
01:39 I've got my girls on here.
01:40 I'm going to try and see if they can help me out.
01:43 'Cause I'm blind as a bat, so I will not.
01:46 Hey Cortland.
01:47 I will not be able to read these from my iPhone.
01:50 Darn it you guys.
01:56 Okay.
01:56 Cindy.
02:00 Hey Abby.
02:01 Hey Jessica.
02:02 We're trying to get these comments to come up.
02:04 I'm not seeing anything.
02:06 Darn it.
02:07 Okay.
02:10 Well, let's see here.
02:13 Tiffany, you shared, yay.
02:17 Hey Danielle.
02:18 I'm sorry guys.
02:19 I'm just trying to figure out how I can see your comments
02:21 so I can answer questions.
02:24 We can wait and see.
02:26 Thank you guys for all the sweet compliments.
02:29 Let's see.
02:30 I may just have to like read to the side,
02:32 but I hate looking over there and not at you guys.
02:35 Hey Jamie.
02:36 Okay girls.
02:37 So we're going to try this.
02:40 And I'm so sorry that I'm going to have to be looking
02:43 over there to answer your questions.
02:45 I see everybody joining.
02:46 Oh my gosh.
02:47 You guys are the best.
02:48 Okay.
02:49 So I'm going to introduce myself anyway.
02:50 I am Danielle, Danielle Henson.
02:53 I am from a small town in Missouri,
02:57 very small town.
02:58 And I have three kids, an awesome husband,
03:02 and I stay at home,
03:05 but I also sell CineGent skincare and makeup.
03:08 And I have a kind of a small little lifestyle blog
03:12 called Unraveling Grace.
03:13 Okay.
03:15 Hi, Nicole.
03:16 Okay guys.
03:17 So just going to kind of jump in.
03:19 I feel so bad.
03:20 I cannot see anything.
03:22 And I keep trying to swipe.
03:24 So anyway, that's all about me.
03:26 I have three kiddos.
03:27 They're all here right now.
03:28 So I apologize for any kind of embarrassment
03:32 that they might cause me,
03:33 especially the four year old,
03:34 'cause he loves to jump in my videos.
03:36 And if you ever watch my videos
03:39 on Unraveling Grace and Beauty here on Facebook.
03:42 Okay, Cindy, got it.
03:45 She just told me, read the comments.
03:46 I will read them over here.
03:48 I'm so sorry that it's not really,
03:52 it's a little more difficult,
03:53 but we will get it done.
03:54 And I will read your comments and I will answer them.
03:57 But anyway, I do all kinds of live videos on there.
03:59 And my toddler likes to interrupt every single one of them,
04:04 literally crawling all over me like an animal.
04:06 So I've threatened him this morning.
04:09 So let's hope that he listens.
04:10 So anyway, okay.
04:11 Well, today you guys already know
04:13 if you're Launch live video professionals by now,
04:18 that if you like, share and comment,
04:21 Launch is partnering with me today on every 100 shares,
04:24 they will be giving away one free wand.
04:27 And today, I actually haven't even turned it on yet
04:30 'cause it heats up so stinking fast.
04:33 Let's see, I'm so, hi, Kate.
04:35 Hey, Krista.
04:36 So if you're just jumping on, oh, thank you, Donna.
04:39 I am not seeing comments on my phone.
04:41 So I have my second device here, thank goodness.
04:44 My iPad turned my toddler, so I can barely see the screen,
04:47 but I'm gonna be looking at it.
04:49 Anyway, I'm using the 32 millimeter wand today.
04:53 I just turned it on.
04:55 I'm going to kind of just be doing loose,
04:58 beachy waves, I guess you could say.
05:01 Hey, Miss Mel, Jamie, Krista, Kate, you guys are amazing.
05:05 Okay, so don't forget you guys.
05:06 Hey, Melissa, like, share and comment
05:09 because every 100 shares, they give away a free wand,
05:13 but they pick them by whoever comments
05:16 or by all of the comments, I mean.
05:17 So you definitely want to comment after you've shared it.
05:20 Only one share per page.
05:22 Okay, so I actually, I don't know why I took this off.
05:25 I'm gonna start with the heat shield,
05:27 which I actually already put it on
05:29 because I like mine to be super dry
05:32 and soaked in before I use it.
05:35 And I already know if you guys are asking me about my hair.
05:37 So, okay, here's how this works.
05:40 I did not have this hair when Launch first emailed me
05:43 about doing this video.
05:45 It was a little bit shorter than that.
05:46 And I still used clip-ins because my hair does not grow.
05:50 But then Friday, I literally, I got all of this.
05:54 Mama got all this hair.
05:55 And I'm a little overwhelmed with it.
05:57 And so now over the weekend, I'm like,
05:58 oh, I gotta practice.
05:59 But luckily, thanks to Launch,
06:01 these puppies curl just as easy and just as amazing.
06:06 So, okay, don't forget to like and share.
06:08 I've already put on, we'll jump right into it.
06:10 I've already put on the heat shield.
06:11 Smells amazing, you guys.
06:13 Hey, Kelly, it really smells so good.
06:16 And I used to be real big.
06:18 I wouldn't be able to use product
06:20 because my hair would get so greasy so easily.
06:24 Well, let me just tell you, I trained my hair.
06:26 And now I can go days without washing it because mom life.
06:29 And I can use, I've used all of their products
06:32 since about Mother's Day.
06:33 And I've had no issues with it.
06:36 The dry shampoo, my favorite.
06:38 And there's a huge sale going on right now
06:41 on the Launch page.
06:42 If you click on me, you'll get to my code,
06:45 and, or our code, and it will take you
06:47 to the big sales page.
06:49 The bundles, which I will just say real quick,
06:52 the heat shield, the dry shampoo,
06:54 and the root booster are my favorite.
06:57 And that, I think, is actually a bundle.
06:59 So, if you already have a wand or a straightener,
07:04 you don't have any product,
07:05 I would recommend that bundle, and it is on sale.
07:08 Anything off of that sale page,
07:10 as long as you go through my link,
07:12 anything off of that sale page is already,
07:14 or will automatically be 50% off
07:17 using the code that adds to your cart
07:20 as soon as you get there.
07:21 So, we're gonna get started because this is a lot of hair.
07:26 Who else has extensions?
07:29 Does anybody have extensions?
07:31 I've worn them forever.
07:33 My daughter is standing at the doorway,
07:35 watching me.
07:38 I really figured it'd be.
07:41 So, I'm going to put it half up.
07:44 Let's see.
07:45 Olivia, you can't believe you're still
07:47 watching these videos, girl.
07:48 I watch them all the time, too.
07:51 So, okay, I have the hand-tied weft extensions.
07:54 So, girls, they are amazing.
07:57 No more clip-ins every day, every night.
08:00 My hair just wasn't growing.
08:01 After three kids and bleaching since seventh grade,
08:05 did not work out for me, apparently.
08:07 My hair just stopped growing one day.
08:10 So, these hand-tied wefts are amazing.
08:13 I don't have to take them out every night.
08:14 I can wash my hair with them.
08:17 Okay, so what products am I using today?
08:20 Today, I have had the heat shield in,
08:23 and I've used the Root Booster,
08:25 but I use that before I blow dry,
08:27 and then put it in there.
08:29 And, of course, the trusty dry shampoo,
08:33 'cause I use that, like, every day.
08:35 Go as long as I can without washing my hands.
08:38 Hey, Shelby, hey, Tabitha.
08:39 Okay, guys, okay.
08:42 Dry shampoo, my hair's so fresh.
08:44 Yes, Samantha, the mousse, the sea salt spray.
08:47 You know, I did try the mousse.
08:48 Oh, gosh, the first day I got it,
08:52 and I got out of the shower,
08:53 and I don't really use mousse a lot,
08:55 but because I've got the product,
08:57 I thought I'd use it, and oh, my gosh,
08:59 it all smells so good, so good.
09:02 Okay, so, you guys, today, I'm using the 32.
09:05 Here's the 25 compared to it.
09:08 It is a little smaller, and I mean,
09:10 I'm assuming you guys have been asking this.
09:12 I can't really read those.
09:14 The 25, I love them both, don't get me wrong.
09:17 The 25 will kind of give you more of the tighter
09:21 date night romantic curls,
09:23 but a lot of girls will use it the first day,
09:26 have 'em a little tighter,
09:27 and then be able to go three days or so with those curls,
09:31 because they loosen up, they loosen up,
09:33 and they become beach waves by, like, the third day.
09:36 I just, with longer hair, the 32 is just,
09:40 I mean, it's kind of the rule of thumb.
09:42 It's what they recommend, and it's honestly
09:44 just what I, I love it.
09:46 So, I've already put my heat shield on,
09:49 and it smells like candy.
09:51 It's amazing.
09:51 You guys, if you're getting the wand
09:54 or the straightener today,
09:56 I highly, highly recommend the heat shield,
10:00 because it protects your hair,
10:02 and these suckers, I am using the Ondule.
10:05 This is the titanium, and share, girls, share.
10:09 I'm so, I don't even know if I can see
10:11 how, if we've had any winners, guys.
10:13 I'm so sorry.
10:14 I hate that I cannot see all of this.
10:15 Hey, Crystal.
10:17 Kristen, "I have super fine hair.
10:20 "Is the L'Ange hairspray good for that?"
10:22 Yes, so they have two type of hairsprays,
10:24 and there's one that's like a,
10:26 it has, like, three notches on it,
10:28 and you, it's for, I guess, like, strong hold,
10:31 medium hold, and whatnot.
10:32 I do not have that yet, but I'm about to get it,
10:34 because it's awesome.
10:36 It literally, like, ticks.
10:37 You get to pick what setting you want.
10:39 So, okay, the 32 millimeter Ondule titanium wand
10:44 is what I'm using today,
10:47 and the Ondule is actually what we are giving away today.
10:50 Every 100 shares, ladies.
10:53 So, and I've already turned mine on.
10:54 This gets hot super quick.
10:56 So, what, oh gosh, hold on, guys.
10:59 So, what I do is I section my hair.
11:02 Of course, it's so long and overwhelming,
11:05 and then I just take kind of medium, not super thick.
11:08 I'm gonna get my real hair in there, too, to blend it.
11:12 Okay, and then always point it down.
11:14 These come with a glove,
11:15 but I was so excited when I got mine
11:18 that I haven't even got my glove out.
11:21 I just started using this wand.
11:23 Hey, Crystal, hey, Christy, hey, Summer, Kayla,
11:26 oh my gosh, you girls, keep sharing this video,
11:29 and every 100 shares.
11:32 So, because I have this awesome, thick hair now,
11:37 overnight, I hold it a little bit longer,
11:40 but look at that, girls.
11:42 Look at that.
11:43 Oh my gosh, it literally cuts down my curling time.
11:46 Hi, Brody, would you like to come in
11:48 and say hi to everybody?
11:49 I know it's killing you.
11:50 - Hi.
11:53 - Oh, oh, can you see?
11:55 Say hello.
11:56 - Hi.
11:57 - Hi, everybody.
11:59 - I can't see.
11:59 - Oh, goodness.
12:01 Oh, so he's gonna bring the chair over here.
12:03 Okay, oh my gosh, so I warned you guys.
12:06 Okay, so, careful, this is hot.
12:09 Listen, dude.
12:10 Okay, so, always point it down,
12:12 and like I said, I mean, it's so easy.
12:14 You really, listen, I am not a beautician.
12:17 I don't do hair.
12:18 Oh my goodness, Kayla.
12:19 - Hi.
12:20 - Okay, you guys.
12:22 Okay, tell 'em bye.
12:25 - Hi, bye.
12:26 - Tell 'em good luck, keep sharing.
12:28 - Good luck, keep sharing.
12:30 - Hey, Holly.
12:31 Okay, and so here's another tip.
12:35 If you hold it before you let it go,
12:38 it kinda just keeps the bounce.
12:39 Now, as I get more towards the top of my hair
12:42 and to the front, I do not hold it as much
12:46 'cause I don't want them so bouncy.
12:48 Hey, Tessa.
12:50 Okay, guys, love the color of the ones.
12:52 Yes, Nicole, rose gold and pink
12:55 doesn't get any better than that.
12:58 That is really the reason that I got it in the first place.
13:01 Kayla, yep, there's Brody, girls.
13:03 Yes, the titanium, you guys, is to me,
13:08 I mean, it's just, you know, the on-delay,
13:11 the titanium, the on-delay goes up to 410.
13:15 This does not have any settings,
13:17 but it is better on like, you know,
13:21 like hair that does not curl very well.
13:24 I love the titanium.
13:27 Now, it doesn't have like a safety tip
13:30 like the Luster does, and the Luster is,
13:33 if you click my link, you can see the Luster too.
13:35 That, I feel like it's kinda more for,
13:37 you know, hair that doesn't, hey, Molly,
13:40 hair that is very coarse and,
13:43 let's see, because it has, it has settings on it.
13:49 I think it starts at 170 and it goes up to 450, maybe,
13:53 and it also has a safety tip and an auto shutoff, I think,
13:57 which, that would be nice for me.
14:00 But you guys see how easy that is?
14:01 I'm still not holding them very long,
14:03 and they're still, like you can't,
14:06 you can't mess these up is pretty much the thing.
14:10 You cannot mess these up.
14:11 I can do these so quick when I'm not talking
14:15 and I don't have a toddler coming into my room,
14:17 but if you have short hair,
14:22 sorry, guys, this is gonna be all in my face, isn't it?
14:24 If you have short hair, the 25 is what I recommend.
14:29 Hey, Holly, I recommend the 25 because it's just,
14:35 I mean, it's smaller and you can get, you know,
14:37 more hair around it with that one,
14:39 but really it's the most versatile one.
14:42 So you can wrap it a different way.
14:44 You can wrap it tighter to get those romantic curls,
14:47 or you can wrap it looser and still do the beachy wave
14:51 with the 25.
14:52 I have, after this, I'll link on my Instagram
14:56 because I didn't, I was thinking I was gonna be able
14:59 to just chat with all of you guys
15:00 and I just can't see your comments.
15:02 I'm so sorry.
15:03 I will link my Instagram on there.
15:05 We all gotta keep in touch.
15:07 So see those?
15:08 If I left it on longer, they would definitely be tighter,
15:12 but I'm just doing, I'm showing you how I can literally,
15:15 just really quick with all the kids running around,
15:19 throw some curl in my hair.
15:20 These last a while too.
15:24 I've trained my hair to not have to wash.
15:27 Don't forget to keep sharing, girls.
15:29 Can you tell I didn't really hold those as long actually?
15:31 Hey Brecken, what's up?
15:33 Hey Megan, Susan, hey girl.
15:35 I'm gonna hold that a little bit longer.
15:38 Okay, let's see.
15:39 Justin Slates, what's up, buddy?
15:41 I love using my 32.
15:43 Yes, I've used both of them
15:45 and honestly, truly, I love them both.
15:47 I'm just so used to doing these curls with my 32.
15:52 So just like that.
15:55 Would have been super, super fast
15:58 if I didn't have to stop for a toddler
16:01 to get his couple minutes of fame.
16:04 Oh my gosh, my hair is so thick from what I'm used to.
16:07 Hey Lauren.
16:09 Okay guys, I've gotta be reading you guys.
16:12 I feel like I'm so behind.
16:14 I'm so sorry.
16:15 So don't forget, if you share, hey Lacey.
16:19 Hey Brandy.
16:21 What is the tool that straightens and curls?
16:24 They have a straightener, girls.
16:26 Yes, Kristen, you need to get one for your wedding.
16:30 Amazing.
16:32 Let's see.
16:32 Yes, you can get the guard and that is the luster wand.
16:36 Okay, so I think what I'm gonna do
16:39 is just kinda take my short, my shorter hair
16:43 and pin that up and then work on this.
16:45 So yes, the titanium wand is what I'm using, guys.
16:48 And it is just for hair that's kinda harder to curl.
16:53 Hold on, and the ceramic, let's see,
16:59 for like damaged hair, dry or curls easy.
17:02 And then of course, like I said,
17:05 the luster is the one that has the safety tip.
17:09 Hey girl.
17:09 Okay, so I just parted it again.
17:14 I don't think I'm gonna use that thick of hair.
17:17 See, I wanted to talk to you ladies.
17:19 I wanted to ask where you're from,
17:23 who has too many kids like me.
17:26 And I hate that I can't see you.
17:29 Hey Lauren, keep sharing, guys.
17:32 I'm not sure how many shares we even have.
17:36 Get you guys some free wands.
17:40 Who doesn't want free wands?
17:41 Hello.
17:43 Anyway, okay, so, and if you must know,
17:48 I can go, I don't know if I can,
17:51 I go days without washing my hair.
17:54 Mom life.
17:57 But I also spend a lot of time at the baseball fields,
18:02 because once again, mom life.
18:05 So lately I've been having to wash it
18:08 a little bit more often,
18:09 but I just feel like my hair curls so much better
18:11 on like the third day.
18:13 That's what dry shampoo's for, right?
18:16 So don't forget to click, if you click on me,
18:18 click my nose, click anything,
18:20 and you will see the code pop up,
18:24 and going through that code is what you wanna do,
18:26 because that'll take you straight to the huge sale
18:30 that's going on right now,
18:31 with the bundles and the wands, et cetera.
18:35 And if you do work your way off of that sale page,
18:40 guys, I am just, I'm dying that I cannot see comments.
18:45 But if you work off that sale page,
18:48 yourself off that sale page,
18:49 if you've gone through that link,
18:51 my code will automatically add to the end in the checkout,
18:55 and you will get the 50% off anything
18:59 that's not already on sale.
19:01 So stock up while you can.
19:04 Get you guys, oh, what am I doing here?
19:08 See, I'm talking, and now I'm like, ah!
19:10 But, okay, let's see here.
19:13 So you see, I'm kinda using,
19:15 I can use thinner, I can use thicker,
19:17 really just depends.
19:18 And also, if you, I don't,
19:22 I mean, I'm sure we've had somebody say it,
19:24 if you have a hard time, your hair doesn't hold curl,
19:27 I recommend the sea salt spray
19:31 before you actually curl your hair,
19:33 because it kinda gives it some texture,
19:37 and it doesn't make my hair greasy,
19:40 and it smells like you're at the beach.
19:42 Like, move over, Bath and Body Works.
19:45 I'm just gonna spray the sea salt all around my room.
19:49 There you go.
19:50 I'm also doing this in my phone.
19:52 And I am used to the huge mirror behind me.
19:57 Okay, guys.
19:58 So don't forget to keep sharing.
20:01 I wanna get as many wands out as possible.
20:07 And if you're just jumping on,
20:08 I was telling everybody, I have,
20:10 I just got these hand-tied extensions Friday.
20:14 I love them.
20:17 Used to be a clip-in girl.
20:19 They always give me a headache.
20:21 So I'm holding it and then letting 'em go.
20:24 Okay, guys.
20:25 Help with oily hair.
20:28 If there's any products that help with oily hair,
20:31 the dry shampoo, girlfriend.
20:33 I probably go through way too much dry shampoo, actually.
20:38 I did not do very well on this side
20:41 when that toddler came in and interrupted me.
20:44 Hey, Amber, hey, help.
20:45 See, I can see when you guys are jumping on.
20:47 I just can't see.
20:48 Now, usually, too, I will brush my hair out before I do it.
20:52 I just haven't been doing that for you guys.
20:54 Sorry.
20:55 Okay.
20:57 So, I'm going to wand.
21:02 But yes, I feel like if your hair does not hold curl
21:07 and you just, well, first of all,
21:09 have you tried the Longe wands?
21:11 Sorry, that's all in my face.
21:12 Because if they don't hold curl,
21:16 but you haven't tried these wands, try these wands.
21:19 And get some sea salt.
21:20 Sea salt spray while you're at it.
21:22 And the dry shampoo.
21:24 Miss Avery here, actually, come here, Avery.
21:26 This girl does not need wands.
21:29 Look at that.
21:30 This is natural.
21:31 It used to be way down here, and that's not.
21:34 So, what I use, oh, and she had it in some braids, too,
21:37 though, but her hair is always naturally curly.
21:40 And here's the sea salt spray.
21:42 Amazing and cute, of course.
21:44 Leave it to Longe, all cute products.
21:47 But I will actually just spray.
21:49 Can you tell I don't stay on track?
21:53 I get very, look at that, ooh!
21:56 She took her braids out earlier,
21:57 and she said, "Now I know why you want my hair."
22:01 Okay, girl.
22:01 Okay, turn around and kinda show 'em.
22:03 Smells so good, doesn't it?
22:04 Look at that.
22:05 Come up here real quick.
22:07 Beautiful curls.
22:09 Little sea salt spray for texture, and she's good to go.
22:12 Okay, I just wanted to show 'em that.
22:13 Thank you so much, since she's in there
22:15 staring at me anyway.
22:17 Okay, back at it.
22:18 Nope, nope, nope.
22:19 Now they're trying to steal my iPad.
22:20 - Bye!
22:21 - Okay, Brody.
22:23 Bye!
22:24 See, it doesn't go.
22:25 Okay, don't have, does the 32 come in ceramic?
22:28 So yes, they actually, the ceramic and the titanium,
22:32 nope, I need that iPad.
22:34 The titanium and the ceramic both come in the 32 and the 25.
22:40 I'm sorry, guys, I get so distracted.
22:42 If you are a mama, you understand, I'm sure.
22:47 But they do, they both come in the size
22:50 and the luster and the ondolay,
22:54 which the ondolay is what we're giving away today.
22:57 So, but see how easy that is?
22:59 I mean, you really, truly,
23:00 you can't mess up using this thing.
23:02 You can burn the heck out of yourself if you're not careful.
23:05 But you can always use the glove too.
23:08 But today, the ondolay is what we're giving away,
23:16 but you get to pick the size of it.
23:19 So, like we had said earlier, if you have short hair,
23:24 we recommend the 30, or the 25, I'm sorry.
23:27 And the kind of like shoulder to right above
23:30 that you know what's really either way could go.
23:35 You could still use that 25, you could still use the 32.
23:38 Sorry, that ugly cord's right in my way.
23:40 Hey, Natty, Shelby, you girls better click on my face
23:45 and click that link.
23:47 Get you some good sales.
23:50 And the bundles, I can't stress enough how amazing
23:55 the heat shield smells, the sea salt spray,
23:58 and the dry shampoo.
24:00 So check out those bundles.
24:03 Melanie, what's up, girl?
24:05 Girl, I'm like sweating.
24:08 My kids make me so, I think my kids make me more nervous
24:11 than actually getting on here.
24:13 Keep sharing, keep sharing.
24:15 And they, I don't know if they've said already,
24:19 but they actually will put all of the winners
24:22 in the comments after the video.
24:26 Yes?
24:28 - I'll do this for one minute.
24:30 - Yes.
24:31 My 12-year-old is just now, it is 12 o'clock here in Missouri
24:36 well, after 12, and he's just now coming down
24:39 to eat breakfast, asking me how long he puts
24:42 the sausage biscuit in that he makes like every day
24:44 of his life, and I tell him a minute every single time.
24:47 Okay, so, bam.
24:50 If I wasn't talking, ladies,
24:54 this would be going by so much faster.
24:55 Okay, I'm gonna check questions.
24:58 Okay, Monica, what type of extensions
25:00 I have the hand-tied weft, girl?
25:02 They, we won't talk about price
25:04 in case my husband's watching.
25:06 Message me later and we'll talk.
25:08 Add me on Instagram so we can hang out after this
25:11 since clearly I'm not able to talk,
25:14 since I say, or answer questions right off the bat
25:17 since I don't have, I can't see your comments.
25:20 So, real hair right here.
25:22 Now this is where, hold on guys,
25:26 I will do the curls that like,
25:30 I won't do 'em so close to my scalp.
25:32 Sometimes I will for the volume,
25:33 but today I'm just gonna kind of show you.
25:38 I'm gonna start back here.
25:40 I'm not showing you guys my armpits.
25:43 Let's see here, okay.
25:45 So, like I was saying earlier too,
25:47 I always try to brush 'em out before I curl 'em, but.
25:50 Okay, so, and curling away from your face
25:58 is always a must for me, but once you get back here,
26:02 you can, you know, kind of change it up.
26:04 You can curl the opposite way every other hair,
26:07 every, you know, strand and make it kind of messy,
26:10 but I'm not gonna lie, like I just do,
26:13 half the time I just don't pay attention.
26:15 I just throw them in my hair
26:17 and everybody always is like,
26:18 how do you curl your hair?
26:19 Like, I don't know, like I'm not a hairstylist.
26:22 Oh, the husband's on.
26:24 Hey, Cory.
26:24 Hey, Rochelle, Mindy, Jessica, what's up girls?
26:27 So, if I wanted more volume,
26:29 I would start more at the root
26:31 and I would, as tight as I want,
26:33 but I actually might have to put on a hat today, girls.
26:38 Okay, so I will just start here
26:40 and I won't wrap it like as close together
26:43 'cause I don't wanna,
26:46 hey, Casey.
26:48 I don't want 'em super like bouncy,
26:51 but like I said, if you aren't used to curling your hair,
26:54 you've never used a wand,
26:56 you gotta get one of these because they are so easy
26:59 and usually so quick if you're not talking.
27:05 Candice, what's up, girl?
27:08 Don't forget to be sharing, liking,
27:12 uh-oh, that's gonna drive me nuts,
27:14 and commenting because every 100 shares,
27:17 they give away the wand
27:19 and then they pick them by the comments.
27:22 Okay.
27:25 Don't forget to go through the link
27:28 and these I will pull down instead of holding
27:31 because I kind of want them to be like that,
27:35 whatever that is.
27:36 Okay.
27:37 Let's see.
27:40 And don't forget, girls,
27:41 the bundles are so worth it.
27:45 There's more than the one I was saying earlier,
27:47 but my favorite is definitely
27:48 'cause you need the heat shield.
27:49 If you don't get any other product
27:52 but you're getting a wand or a straightener,
27:54 you need the,
27:57 what was that, where'd it go?
27:59 The heat shield.
28:01 For sure, to protect your hair.
28:03 For both of them.
28:04 Now, the Luster, you can go,
28:07 you don't have to go as high as the 450
28:10 if you don't need it so hot,
28:12 but I think it,
28:15 Cindy, are you on here?
28:16 I think it, when it heats up,
28:18 it just heats up differently than the titanium wand,
28:20 maybe like all the way through and evenly or something,
28:23 and the titanium does different.
28:25 Okay.
28:26 Oh no, he's back.
28:29 What?
28:30 - He disturbed me with the slice of water.
28:33 (sighs)
28:35 - Okay.
28:36 I'll deal with him after this.
28:39 Bye.
28:41 Oh my gosh, you guys.
28:43 Telling you.
28:47 Oh, hello.
28:48 Okay, so, always curl down.
28:51 Like I said, curl around the face.
28:52 I'm trying to think of all the questions
28:53 you guys would have because,
28:55 since I can't see anything.
28:56 I know I've said that like 50 times, but.
28:58 Oh, Bliss, thank you so much.
29:02 What size would you suggest for soldier,
29:06 for shoulder length hair?
29:07 Amanda?
29:08 25, for sure.
29:12 Just because it's more versatile anyway,
29:14 so with the 25, you could do,
29:18 okay, and see, I always point the wand
29:19 towards the back with my front pieces.
29:23 Don't know if it does anything, but to me, it works.
29:27 But I would recommend the 25 for shoulder length
29:32 because you can either do it, you know,
29:34 far like that or super close together
29:37 for those super tight ringlets.
29:39 It's just very versatile with the 25,
29:41 so don't get me wrong, I love the 25.
29:44 But I always go for the same look, pretty much.
29:48 Careful, don't burn yourself, Danielle,
29:50 because I'm using my phone right now
29:52 and if you feel like you're too far
29:56 or too close to your scalp, I mean,
29:58 you can always like roll it in and out,
29:59 depending on where you wanna be with it.
30:01 There we go.
30:03 Pull it a little.
30:04 Cassidy, hey.
30:06 Brooke, what's up, girl?
30:08 Okay, so pretty flippin' quick, huh?
30:11 But I don't think I got all my back,
30:12 so let's go back there.
30:15 Don't forget to keep sharing, ladies.
30:18 I wanna give away as many wands as possible.
30:22 Okay, so for the back, too, it's even super easy.
30:25 I used to use a curling iron before this
30:27 and I'm not even gonna lie,
30:29 pretty sure it was from Target?
30:33 Not that I'm talking Target, trust me.
30:35 If you know me, you guys, my wand is like,
30:39 or my cord, I'm usually closer to my sink
30:42 and so I'm pulling it, but I love Target.
30:46 I love me some Tar-Jay.
30:48 But the curling iron just wasn't working out for me.
30:51 And then I got this for Mother's Day
30:54 and when I got it and used it for the first time,
30:57 I about died.
30:58 Like, I could not believe the difference
31:00 that it made in my hair.
31:02 Okay, you guys, I don't know if I got
31:04 what works for me.
31:06 That's another thing.
31:07 If you know me and how I'm always running around
31:10 with my kids, then I'm always a hot mess.
31:15 They're just used to me being a hot mess,
31:16 so they're like, "You look so cute."
31:18 I'm like, "Oh, thanks."
31:19 Okay, so after, okay, hold on.
31:21 I wanna answer some questions.
31:23 Any tips for curling the back?
31:24 Yes, so when I part it, I usually start in the back
31:27 and I totally don't think I did.
31:29 Don't judge me.
31:30 It's been a morning this morning
31:33 and we got a new puppy on top of that.
31:35 So I'm like, okay, we're gonna have to put her
31:39 in her little thing during this video
31:41 because the toddler and her do not play well together.
31:45 So like I showed, I missed it.
31:47 So I just reach to the back, grab pieces,
31:50 and it's so easy.
31:51 I just hold it up, point that down.
31:54 It's a little difficult in my phone,
31:55 but and wrap it around, girls.
31:57 Wrap it around, just wrap it around.
31:59 Hold it for a couple seconds.
32:00 This is my real, my thin real hair up top,
32:03 so I don't need to hold it very long.
32:05 And I just kind of pull it.
32:06 Voila.
32:08 Amy, Kelsey, hey, girls.
32:09 So I'm gonna post my Instagram handle in the comments
32:14 because I am so sad that I did not get to really
32:17 talk back and forth with all of you girls.
32:19 And I will even show you guys
32:21 my Unraveling Grayson Beauty page
32:25 'cause I will go live on there a lot too.
32:27 And then we can chit-chat.
32:29 And I don't just do the hair stuff.
32:32 We get on and talk all kinds of stuff.
32:36 Getting fix in that.
32:37 So then once you're done, I mean,
32:38 you can go back through anything that you missed.
32:41 Or if you want it more curled,
32:43 you just go through and you check it out.
32:46 Usually, I don't really like huge, huge, big hair.
32:50 So I will go through afterwards
32:53 and I will tease that part of my hair
32:56 just to kind of give it a little more volume.
32:59 And I'm letting my curls kind of cool off real quick, girls.
33:06 Hey, Kristen.
33:08 Kristen Bowling in the house.
33:10 Jessica, Ashley, hey, girls.
33:12 If you're just jumping on, I'm so sorry.
33:14 I cannot see your comments.
33:16 So I have been trying to read them off my iPad.
33:21 So added a little bit of volume there.
33:25 Let's see, hey, Helen.
33:27 Y'all be powering on.
33:29 Yes, keep sharing, guys.
33:30 You never know.
33:32 I mean, if the girls from L'Ange
33:34 wanted to kick my booty afterwards,
33:37 I'd talk to you guys all day
33:38 and just try to get as many winners as we could.
33:40 Liking the way, thanks, Marissa.
33:44 Liking the way my extensions look.
33:46 Tell my husband that so he knows that they were worth it.
33:48 Okay, so waiting for my heat shield and flat iron.
33:53 Yes, heat shield, you can't.
33:56 Yay for volume.
33:57 Yes, Nicole, I'm telling you.
34:00 A teasing comb, the Root Boost, dry shampoo even,
34:03 because the dry shampoo gives your,
34:05 especially if you just washed it,
34:06 even after I wash my hair on the first day
34:08 when I go to do it, that dry shampoo is all up in my hair.
34:11 I can promise you that.
34:12 From the time, I don't think dry shampoo's
34:14 never not in my hair, actually.
34:17 Can't wait to ruse.
34:18 Yes, did you guys all share?
34:19 That's awesome!
34:22 You do need and need this wand in your life, you guys.
34:26 Okay, so they have cooled off, obviously.
34:30 So I'm not a big hairspray person
34:33 unless I'm doing a top knot and my crazy little,
34:37 maybe my hairs are sticking up,
34:39 then I will spray that puppy down.
34:40 But once again, I reach for my sea salt spray
34:44 and I will just put those through my curls.
34:48 Give 'em a little more texture.
34:49 Oh my gosh, it smells so good.
34:52 See, oh my gosh.
34:53 I have to, I just can't take it.
34:56 Especially for you girls, I have to show you.
34:59 Like right there, I didn't do very well.
35:01 That was when the toddler was in.
35:03 Wrap it around and twisting it around the wand
35:07 will give you more of like a fun,
35:11 I don't even know what kind of look.
35:13 Or you can flat wrap it around your hair
35:15 and that's usually what I do.
35:17 That one was more of a twist.
35:18 Or you can do both and just kind of give it everything.
35:21 Okay, so there you go girls.
35:23 And the sea salt spray and I just kind of,
35:25 I don't really brush it out right now.
35:27 I will use my fingers but I will let them stay like this
35:30 and then I will just go about my day with it.
35:33 I will put it up in a ponytail tonight
35:36 or even a messy bun and then tomorrow I can let it down,
35:40 more dry shampoo in there and wear it again.
35:43 Then usually by the third day I can do
35:46 a half up, half down, a top knot.
35:48 Or I even love, now that I've got all this hair,
35:52 I love doing like a really cute ponytail with it.
35:56 I'll fix the front though.
35:57 Hey Ashley.
35:58 Okay girls, so that's everything.
36:02 Really that's all.
36:03 I don't think I forgot anything
36:06 but I will show you the beautiful boxes.
36:08 Can you see that, that they come in?
36:11 So cute.
36:12 And they actually, you can open them
36:14 and they have instructions inside and everything.
36:16 So cute, so amazing.
36:18 Thank you Launch so much for giving me this opportunity.
36:21 This was so fun.
36:23 And girls, I hope you guys all got wands.
36:25 Keep sharing.
36:27 Can you tell I'm dragging it out?
36:28 Share, share, share, share.
36:30 Anyway, don't forget, if you're wanting to get anything
36:32 on sale, the huge sale that they're having, the bundles,
36:36 even if there's something not on sale,
36:38 if you use my code that's on here,
36:40 they will give you 50% off at checkout.
36:42 No code needed as long as you use that.
36:44 So have a good day girls.
36:46 I'm gonna go ahead and get off here.
36:48 I also wanna post my Instagram and stuff in the comments.
36:51 That way we can chat after this.
36:54 Have a good day.
36:56 Bye.
