القرين وعلاقته بالقولون العصبي #الحلقة 6

  • l’année dernière
سلسلة من 10حلقات نتناول فيها علاقة القرين بالقولون العصبي ،هذا العلم لم تستمع اليه من قبل مطلقا وسنتناول طوال هذه الحلقات ال10 عدة اسرار والطريقة البسييطة للشفاء من القولون العصبي والحد ايضا من تصرفات القرين

00:00 (l'arabe)
00:02 (arabe)
00:04 (arabe)
00:07 Brothers, this is the second part of the topic of the nervous system, its causes and its treatment.
00:13 This lesson may contain many attempts and many points.
00:17 We will try to collect them and study them together, God willing.
00:21 In the last lesson, after I advised the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)
00:26 in the performance of the hijama for those who suffer from the nervous system,
00:31 especially to be careful about it.
00:33 Some brothers said that they find, especially those who have been hit for the first time,
00:39 some fear, terror, and fear of heights, and some of them have been overwhelmed and some of them have been thrown.
00:46 I say, "All this does not make you feel better."
00:49 What he finds that comes to the hijama is a feeling of fear and fear of heights.
00:56 The slave may donate blood and may be injured,
01:00 but he does not feel the same as he does when he is in the hijama.
01:04 This is the effect of the nervous system.
01:06 Even the slave, for example, in the morning, may become depressed.
01:11 He says, "I feel that something bad will happen to me."
01:16 All this is because of his sadness, the sadness of the devil, the sadness of the nervous system of the slave.
01:21 The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
01:24 "The Muslim is afflicted by a disease and no disease."
01:28 The disease is fatigue in the body, and the disease is what we find, this sadness that is in the heart.
01:33 "No disease, no disease, no worry, no sorrow, even the thorn is grieved, except it is an excuse for him."
01:41 But the extent of this disease and this sadness in the nervous system of the slave is excessive.
01:47 I said, "Because the slave knows that the slaves are affected a lot."
01:53 "No matter what they are going through in their lives, they may hear about something they wish to have, and they feel sad."
02:00 This is the effect of envy, my brothers.
02:02 "They may hear about the symptoms of something, and they feel sad about it."
02:06 "So that they feel sad, this is from their action."
02:09 That is why the hijama, my brothers, by Allah, listen,
02:12 "No disease, no disease, no worry, no sorrow, even the thorn is grieved, except it is an excuse for him."
02:17 "If a person does not exaggerate in it, and does what he should do, and it is easier than we think."
02:22 "A person can do the hijama for others, especially women, without the need to go and without all these exaggerations."
02:31 "Because a person will continue to do it for the rest of his life, because the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, recommended it."
02:38 Now we will start with these points, God willing.
02:41 My brothers, I will say some hadiths that may seem to be different at the beginning.
02:46 But they are gaining knowledge until we gather together what is meant by this lesson.
02:51 For example, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
02:54 "When a servant leaves his house, he says, 'In the name of Allah, I have put my trust in Allah, and there is no power or strength except with Allah.'
03:02 He is called 'Hudita', 'Kufita' and 'Wuqit'.
03:06 Ibn Majah has a very important saying,
03:09 "The devils come and say, 'We have read it.'"
03:13 The devils come and say, "We have read it."
03:26 "How can you be with a man or a servant who has been guided, saved and saved?"
03:31 The devils may conspire with the companion against the servant.
03:36 This is like the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, listen to this second hadith.
03:41 "The devil has placed his throne on the water," and there is a narration on the sea,
03:46 "He looks like the Merciful, he sends his chariots every day,
03:51 so bring them closer and lower than him, a level greater than him, a trial for the creation."
03:56 This is a well-known hadith, my brothers.
03:58 But when he said, "He sends his chariots," what does the chariot mean?
04:03 The chariot is in the army and the soldiers are organized.
04:07 Imagine, my brothers, we meet when he says, "He sends his chariots,"
04:13 like the waves of the sea, they follow him.
04:17 All of these are to mislead the son of Adam.
04:20 We are unaware of this.
04:22 When we say that Allah is the Lord of the worlds, what does the world mean?
04:26 Pharaoh said to Moses, "What is the Lord of the worlds?"
04:29 He said, "The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them."
04:33 Allah is the Lord of mankind, jinn and angels, the world of the unseen and the world of the seen.
04:40 This is what the Messenger of Allah told us about the unseen.
04:45 When the devils are armies and soldiers,
04:50 some of them have horses, some of them have men on their feet,
04:55 all of them are misleading and people are unaware of them.
04:59 But the Messenger of Allah said, "If it was night's coal or the darkness of the night,"
05:07 listen to the word "coal" and "darkness"
05:09 The lesson of this day, my brothers, is to focus on the colors, black and white.
05:13 He said, "If it was night's coal," meaning black and coal,
05:17 the food is coal, "If it was night's coal,"
05:20 "If it was night's coal,"
05:23 "What should we do?"
05:25 He said, "So fill your cup,"
05:27 meaning close the one you drink from, the pot you drink from,
05:31 "and boil your pot and mention the name of Allah on it."
05:36 "And if you put something on it,"
05:39 "for example, you put a spoon or a fork on it,"
05:43 "this is like a guard, so the devils do not approach it."
05:47 Why? Because they are concerned with harm,
05:50 they are concerned with impurity,
05:52 they are concerned with being hit by everything that harms the son of Adam.
05:56 And we also know that Allah Almighty has made for the jinn,
06:00 Muslims and infidels, and for the Qarin as well,
06:03 a share of the provision.
06:05 Allah Almighty, when He said to Satan and Adam and their offspring,
06:09 when He said to them, "Get down from it all, some of you are enemies of others,"
06:14 "and you will have a place to dwell and provision for a while."
06:18 So what is necessary for the settlement and provision?
06:20 Provision.
06:21 All of them are fed by Allah Almighty.
06:24 Now, let's summarize this hadith as well.
06:26 Abu Huraira, peace be upon him, said,
06:28 "My Khalil, the Messenger of Allah, said to me,"
06:32 "Three things, I will not leave them until I die."
06:35 "One of them is fasting for three days every month."
06:40 Then the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said to him,
06:43 "If you are fasting for a month, fast for thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen days."
06:50 These are specific days.
06:52 What do we call them?
06:53 We call them the white days.
06:55 Why are the days called white?
06:58 My brothers, the days are white.
07:00 You saw when we talked about the black days.
07:02 He loves the black days, the jinn's fat.
07:04 They love the fat, they love their spread and their deeds.
07:08 This is the strength and power that Allah has given to the seers.
07:12 So, what did He give them in darkness, in darkness and in the coal?
07:16 And they ate the coal.
07:18 But we call the days white.
07:22 Why were the days called white?
07:26 The days were called white because at night they were white.
07:30 At that time, the full moon was full.
07:33 So, the night became like the day,
07:36 and the day became like the night and the day.
07:39 So, we call the days white because the day is the sun,
07:42 and the night is white because of the full moon.
07:45 So, because of the full moon and its white light,
07:49 we call the night like the day.
07:51 So, the night and the day are the same.
07:53 So, the days became white.
07:55 So, the black days are gone.
07:57 My brothers, in these days,
07:59 those who live on the coast and study something know
08:03 that the sea is moving in these days.
08:05 They say it is related to the full moon.
08:07 Yes, but what is moving this sea?
08:10 We said in the hadith that the Messenger of Allah said
08:13 that the devil sends a net that moves with the waves.
08:17 A net behind a net.
08:19 So, when the days are white at night,
08:22 the sea moves.
08:24 Why?
08:25 Because the devil and the devils,
08:27 when the light is more than necessary,
08:30 the light is more than necessary,
08:32 this causes a sea.
08:34 The sea likes black, but the white light
08:37 causes a sea.
08:39 So, when we said in that hadith
08:41 that when the person gets up in the morning,
08:45 what does he do?
08:46 When he says, "In the name of Allah, I put my trust in Allah,
08:48 and there is no power or strength except with Allah,"
08:50 the devil comes to hurt him,
08:52 to provoke him,
08:54 and to mislead him.
08:55 Now, when the day is white,
08:57 at night, that light causes a sea.
09:01 A very strong sea.
09:02 So, now, when you accept the misleading,
09:05 what is the situation and how do you accept it?
09:07 You accept it with the most evil and the most evil.
09:10 Its evil is the greatest,
09:12 and its evil now is the evil that comes out of it.
09:15 We will know why we do this.
09:17 Listen.
09:18 The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him,
09:20 one day, in those nights, said to Aisha,
09:22 "O Aisha, seek refuge in Allah from the evil of a thief,
09:26 when he steals, and this is a thief when he steals."
09:30 He did not say, "He is a thief when he steals,"
09:32 but he said, "And this is a thief when he steals."
09:34 Which means the moon.
09:35 Why?
09:36 We say, "And seek refuge in Allah from the evil of a thief when he steals."
09:42 So what does it mean, "a thief when he steals"?
09:44 The thief, my brothers, is the thing's stain.
09:47 It brings out its stain.
09:48 The eye, before it tears,
09:50 in its time, the tear comes out,
09:53 it is said, "The eye is stained."
09:55 Aïe !
09:55 *Bruit de bouche*
09:57 [SILENCE]
