• 2 years ago
(Adnkronos) - In occasione della seconda giornata di Hydrogen Expo, l’innovativa mostra-convegno italiana dedicata al comparto tecnologico per lo sviluppo della filiera dell’idrogeno, volta alla sua 2° edizione, in programma dal 17 al 19 maggio 2023, è intervenuto Lorenzo Stocchino, delegato sezione energia di Animp. 


00:00 [Music]
00:04 It's a great pleasure to see that we are reaching the objectives that we had set.
00:10 Obviously, like any path in the energy sector, it takes time, it takes building from the ground up.
00:18 So the first edition was certainly a test for many.
00:24 We knew that it would have grown where it is today with all this success.
00:30 Certainly one of the words we have used the most and that is most useful in the world of energy in this phase is collaboration.
00:38 Collaboration because the challenges are disproportionate compared to the individuals, which can be a company or an association.
00:48 It is only through collaboration that we can reach the ambitious goals that we have set, I would say, as Italy and as Europe.
00:59 As Animp in the energy sector, we aim to promote know-how, always talk about new trends.
01:07 We had already talked about hydrogen in the past years and we continue to talk about it because it will be a topic for the coming years.
01:17 In this area, we have found a common ground with other associations of the category OICE, H2ET, ANIE and ANIMA,
01:31 with whom we are developing initiatives in common.
01:37 Sometimes there are topics of this range and above all they can be of interest to us as an association and to our associates.
01:47 Hydrogen is one of these topics and so we were together yesterday in the preparation and then in the execution of the agreement that has been very successful.
