Super Bowl Workout: The 20 Minute Fat Burning and Conditioni

  • 15 years ago
Super Bowl Workout - The 20 Minute Fat Burning and Conditioning Workout Instructions:

Perform each exercise (in order) for the recommended reps followed by 10 seconds break in between sets.

Complete all 10 exercises for 1 round.

Repeat for the recommended rounds:

Beginner: 2 rounds
Intermediate: 3-4 rounds
Advanced: 5 rounds

Perform 3x per week

1. Explosive pushups - 15 reps
2. Modified Squat and Press - 15 reps
3. Renegade Row - 15 reps per side
4. Alternating Split Squat Jump - 15 reps
5. Shuffle Squat - 12 reps per side
6. Burpees - 15 reps
7. High Knee Drill - 15 reps per side
8. Bear Crawl - 30 setps
9. Fast Drill - 50 steps
10. Push Plank - 15 reps per side
