Battle Factory @ Military @ Soldiers (军工厂)

  • 3年前
全球各国的军队每天都使用上百万项军事用品, 但各位可有想过, 阿兵哥们上战场戴的防弹护目眼镜, 防热手套, 士兵靴子, "CZ75" 手枪, "ECS"框架, 遥控无人机, 防弹卡车, “A”类型避难所......
Military Supplies:--
The armies of various countries around the world use millions of military supplies every day, but you may not have thought about it, soldiers are on the battlefield, Like Bulletproof goggles, heat-proof gloves, Danner Boots, CZ75 Pistol, ECS CASE, Remote Control Flyers, Bullet Proof Trucks, The "A" Shelters.....