最初,马可波罗号游轮是由东德的 Mathias-Thesen-Werft 于 1965 年为苏联波罗的海航运公司建造的远洋班轮 (Aleksandr Pushkin). 1993 年至 2008 年, 经过重大改建和增建后, 这艘船以马可波罗的名义在东方航线航行. 马可波罗以亚历山大普希金的名义下水五十五十周年, 以俄罗斯诗人的名字命名. 1966 年, 这艘船开始了从列宁格勒 (现为圣彼得堡和 CMV 最受欢迎的邮轮停靠点之一) 到蒙特利尔的一系列史诗般的航行. 半个世纪后, 这艘船将再次驶入加拿大港口. 前 CMV 游轮马可波罗于 2021 年 1 月 14 日在阿朗停止航行了.
MS Marco Polo was a cruise ship originally built as ocean liner Aleksandr Pushkin in 1965 by Mathias-Thesen-Werft, East Germany for the Soviet Union's Baltic Shipping Company. After major alterations and additions, the ship sailed as Marco Polo for Orient Lines from 1993 to 2008. Marco Polo is celebrated 50 years since the vessel was launched as Alexandr Pushkin, named after the Russian poet. In 1966 the ship began a series of epic voyages from Leningrad (now St. Petersburg and one of CMV’s most popular cruise calls) to Montreal. After half a century the ship is due to sail once more into the Canadian port. The Ex-CMV cruise ship, Marco Polo was beached at Alang on 14th of January 2021.
MS Marco Polo was a cruise ship originally built as ocean liner Aleksandr Pushkin in 1965 by Mathias-Thesen-Werft, East Germany for the Soviet Union's Baltic Shipping Company. After major alterations and additions, the ship sailed as Marco Polo for Orient Lines from 1993 to 2008. Marco Polo is celebrated 50 years since the vessel was launched as Alexandr Pushkin, named after the Russian poet. In 1966 the ship began a series of epic voyages from Leningrad (now St. Petersburg and one of CMV’s most popular cruise calls) to Montreal. After half a century the ship is due to sail once more into the Canadian port. The Ex-CMV cruise ship, Marco Polo was beached at Alang on 14th of January 2021.