• 4年前
Crimea: - Shuttle at the crossroads of civilization collision
For thousands of years, Greeks, Byzantines, Genoese, Tatars, galloped across the magnificent waves of the Crimean Peninsula, giving their lives in the beautiful scenery of the Crimean Peninsula. They left deep traces of cultures. Simferopol, the capital of Crimea, is the only ancient Greek theater in the Soviet Union at the entrance of the ancient city. It was used as the Colosseum during the Roman Empire. Xeniso is the largest ruin spreading from the coast to the hills, city walls, city gates, towers, temples, street layouts and suburban vineyards are clearly visible. Those half-dumped walls, huge rectangular spaces shaped like deep pits, grassy foundations, once used to be merchant houses, Roman water supply system, wine cellars, Christian churches, etc. The Genoese fortress in Sudak a bit like the Great Wall, looking up at a magnificent castle in a grass, of course it is much smaller than the Great Wall. The fortress was built in the 14th to 15th centuries and is located on a hillside to the west of the city. Overlooking the beautiful bay, the winding walls along the mountain are still towering, seemingly guarding the trading city. In the 16th century, Bakhchisaray was the capital of the Crimean Khanate, and its name means It is a "garden palace". There are a large number of fountains and gardens in the Khan Palace. Like every Islamic palace in the world, the courtyards and buildings of the Khan Palace have elaborate designs, layouts and detailed decorations, surrounding the fountains Roses are in full bloom, and the water of Dingdong reveals a rainbow in the refraction of the sun. The lush green trees cover the red-tiled houses. The beautiful stained glass and carved ceilings are preserved in the palace, and the golden chairs of Khan are in the magnificent hall. It looks very dazzling. The bedroom and the forbidden courtyard are covered with thick wool carpets, and soft cushions are placed. The soft light from the lattice windows adds a bit of comfort and privacy...
几千年来, 希腊人, 拜占庭人, 热那亚人, 鞑靼人, 众多民族与帝国在在克里米亚半岛壮阔的波涛声中驰骋纵横, 在克里米亚半岛绮丽的风光中付出生命, 他们留下的深刻痕迹. 克里米亚的首府辛菲罗波尔, 古城入口处, 便是苏联地区唯一一座古希腊剧场, 罗马时期曾作斗兽场. 克森尼索是规模最大的遗址, 废墟从海岸一直蔓延到山丘, 城墙, 城门, 塔楼, 神殿, 街道布局和郊区葡萄园都清晰可见. 那些倾倒一半的墙壁, 形如深坑的巨大长方形空间, 长满荒草的地基, 曾经是商人住宅, 罗马供水系统, 葡萄酒窖, 基督教堂等等. 苏达克的热那亚堡垒 (Genoese fortress) 有点像长城, 仰望着一片荒草中的宏伟城堡, 当然它比长城的规模小得多. 堡垒修建于14到15世纪, 坐落于城西的一处山坡上, 俯瞰着美丽的海湾, 沿着山势的蜿蜒城墙依然高耸, 似乎还在护卫着这座贸易城市. 16世纪时, 巴赫奇萨赖曾是克里米亚汗国的首都, 它的名字意为 “花园宫殿”. 保留至今的汗宫里大量的喷泉和花园, 和全世界每座伊斯兰宫殿一样, 汗宫的庭院与建筑都有精心的设计, 布局和细致描绘的装饰, 环绕着喷泉的玫瑰盛放, 叮咚的水流在阳光折射中显露出一道彩虹, 葱茏的绿树掩映着红瓦房屋. 宫殿内保留着美丽的彩绘玻璃和雕花天花板, 可汗的金椅子在宏伟瑰丽的大厅中显得十分耀眼. 寝宫和禁苑里铺满了厚重的羊毛地毯, 摆放着柔软的靠垫, 格子窗投进的柔和光线增添了几分安逸, 隐秘的气息......
