黑暗中的自然界 (3) Nocturnal Behavior

  • 3年前
Process Of Night Research:--
From the primordial rain forest in the north to the dark hinterland of the Amazon rain forest, they used new technology to show the world which human being never see before, uncover more night secrets of Southernmost Patagonia in South America. Many animals living here are active at night, but they are rarely studied and rarely photographed in the dark. It took 6 months for the team of biologists and photographers travel to remote areas of Central and South America to study and film, the whole process of the lion enjoying its prey, looking for the reason why humpback whales gather on the shore, installing a tracker on vampire bats to find the trail of the bats, revealing the whole process of how the cougar acts at night to hunt its prey.....
从北部的原始雨林到亚马逊雨林的黑暗腹地, 他们利用新科技展示出一个人眼发现不了的世界, 揭开更多的夜间秘密 (南美洲最南端的巴塔哥尼亚). 很多动物都在夜间活动, 但它们却很少在夜间被研究, 并极少在黑暗中被拍到, 历时6个月一个由生物学家和摄影人员组成的团队, 正赶往中南美洲的偏远地带, 记录美洲狮享用猎物的全过程, 找寻座头鲸汇聚岸边的原因, 给吸血蝙蝠装上追踪器探寻蝙蝠的踪迹, 揭秘美洲狮如何在夜里行动享用猎物的全过程.....


