Man Eating Tigers of The Sundarbans (印度虎)

  • 3年前
据估计, 每年在孙德尔本斯和孟加拉国的老虎袭击造成估计 50 人死亡, 孙德尔本斯省大约拥有 100 多只老虎, 是該地区最大的老虎种群之一. 据说孙德尔本斯老虎“每年定期杀死五十到六十人”。这些老虎比印度其他地方的老虎更小更苗条,但仍然非常强大,并因摧毁小木船而臭名昭著。当地村民害怕老虎袭击并憎恨老虎杀死他们的牲畜,有时会进行报复性杀戮。这些老虎并不是唯一与人类亲近的老虎,特别是由于席德飓风对沼泽的孟加拉国一侧造成的破坏,这剥夺了老虎的传统食物来源(由于自然动荡),并将它们推向了沼泽中人口较多的印度一侧。没有人确切地确定为什么孙德尔本斯的老虎对人类如此具有攻击性,但科学家、生物学家和其他人已经推测了许多原因......由于更好的管理技术和更少的人类死亡率显着下降每年都有人被杀害。即使以每年 50 或 60 次的速度杀戮,人类也只能提供 Sundarbans 老虎种群每年所需食物的 3% 左右。因此,人类只是老虎饮食的补充。该地区的村民同意偶尔将牲畜释放到森林中,以便为老虎提供替代食物来源并阻止它们进入村庄。政府已同意资助该项目以鼓励村民参与。
Man Eating Tigers of The Sundarbans:--
Tiger attacks in the Sundarbans and Bangladesh are estimated to kill 50 people per year. The Sundarbans is home to over 100 tigers, one of the largest single population of tigers in one area. Sundarbans tigers were said to "regularly kill fifty to sixty people per year". These tigers are a little smaller and slimmer than those elsewhere in India but remain extremely powerful and are infamous for destroying small wooden boats. Local villagers, who fear tiger attacks and resent the animal for killing their livestock, sometimes engage in revenge killings. These tigers are not the only tigers which live close to humans, particularly due to the devastation on the Bangladeshi side of the swamp caused by Cyclone "Sidr" which has deprived tigers of traditional food sources (due to the natural upheaval) and has pushed them over towards the more populated Indian side of the swamp. No one is exactly sure why the tigers of the Sundarbans are so aggressive towards humans, but scientists, biologists, and others have speculated about a number of reasons.....The human death rate has dropped significantly due to better management techniques and fewer people are killed each year. Even at the rate of fifty or sixty kills per year, humans would provide only about three percent of the yearly food requirements for the tiger population of the Sundarbans. Thus, humans are only a supplement to the tiger's diet. Villagers in the area have agreed to occasionally release livestock into the forest in order to provide an alternative food source for the tigers and discourage them from entering the villages. The government has agreed to subsidize the project to encourage village participation.


