探秘鳄鱼 (Exploring The Crocodile)

  • 3年前
Exploring The Crocodile:--
In people's minds, crocodiles have big mouths, sharp teeth, and a hard body armor. They look clumsy, but they are actually very flexible, and they have sharp vision and hearing. Crocodiles and dinosaurs are contemporary animals which evolved from amphibians, have a history of 200 million years. At the same time, they are the closest relatives to birds. Crocodile has always been of interest to biologists in the evolutionary history. Why crocodiles after being taken out of their territory, they can return to their own homes. Crocodiles are aggressive predators, scientists come to Costa Rica to explore them. There are 23 types of crocodiles, some of them are very small, they are the "dwarf" of the crocodile family, which is the African dwarf crocodile, and some have small mouths, and spectacular in the crocodile world, all are mysterious and unpredictable.
在人们的心目中, 鳄鱼有着血盆大口, 锋利的牙齿, 一身坚硬的盔甲, 它们看似外貌笨拙, 但其实是动作十分的灵活, 而且视觉, 听觉都很敏锐. 鳄鱼和恐龙是同时代的动物, 它由两栖类生物进化而来, 至今已有两亿年的历史了, 同时它又是现存的与鸟类最近的亲缘物种, 鳄鱼在进化史上一直让生物学家很感兴趣.为什么鳄鱼被带出领地之后还会回到自己的家园, 鳄鱼是一种好斗的捕食者, 鳄鱼可以找到自己的回家之路, 科学家们来到哥斯达黎加探秘鳄鱼. 神秘古老的鳄鱼竟然有23种, 它们有的个子非常小, 是鳄鱼界的侏儒, 这是非洲侏儒鳄, 还有的嘴巴小, 并且因此在鳄鱼界闯出了名声, 这是非洲狭吻鳄. 它们神秘莫测, 生活在人迹罕至的非洲丛林.


