• 4年前
松树毛虫是一种飞蛾, 是南欧大部分落叶的原因. 虽然松树最容易受到毛虫的影响, 但其他针叶树如落叶松也很容易受到伤害. 如果大量存在, 松木毛毛虫可以完全使树木落叶. 它是对中亚, 北非和南欧国家的松树和雪松最具破坏性的物种之一. 毛幼虫的刺毛会引起人类和其他哺乳动物有害反应. 该物种以其幼虫的行为而闻名, 它们在松树高处的帐篷状巢穴中过冬, 并以从嘴里到尾巴的柱状穿过树林, 如法国昆虫学家所述受到刺激性毛发的保护.
Awful Pine Caterpillar:--
The pine caterpillar, a moth of the subfamily "Thaumetopoeinae" in the family "Notodontidae", is responsible for most of the defoliation of southern Europe. Although pines are most susceptible to the caterpillar, other conifer trees such as larches are also vulnerable. The caterpillars can completely defoliate trees if large quantities are present. It is one of the most destructive species to pines and cedars in Central Asia, North Africa and the countries of southern Europe. The bristle hairs of the caterpillar larvae cause harmful reactions in humans and other mammals. The species is notable for the character of its caterpillars, which overwinter in tent-like nests high in pine trees, and which proceed through the woods in nose-to-tail columns, protected by their severely irritating hairs, as described by the French entomologist.


