• 4年前
西藏位于喜马拉雅山北侧高耸的青藏高原上, 是中国的一个自治区. 它因其高耸的山峰而被昵称为“世界屋脊”. 它与尼泊尔共享山珠穆朗玛峰, 首都拉萨是山顶布达拉宫的所在地, 曾经是达赖喇嘛的冬季故居, 以及西藏的精神中心大昭寺, 因其金色的年轻佛像而备受尊崇.
Tibet, on the lofty Tibetan Plateau on the northern side of the Himalayas, is an autonomous region of China. It's nicknamed the “Roof of the World” for its towering peaks. It shares Mt. Everest with Nepal. Its capital, Lhasa, is site of hilltop Potala Palace, once the Dalai Lama’s winter home, and Jokhang Temple, Tibet’s spiritual heart, revered for its golden statue of the young Buddha.
