Lets Play sur les Sims 1 en Français. \r
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Créé par Will Wright, développé par Maxis et édité par Electronic Arts.\r
Droits dauteur : \r
This is in response to your request dated January 25, 2014. Unfortunately, EA is not able to provide a blanket permission to use our copyrighted game footage. We have previously advised YouTube that EA generally does not object to fair uses of video footage or screen shots from publicly released versions of our copyrighted games, including on YouTube channels which are commercialized, but that we reserve rights to address inappropriate use of our copyrighted content. We will continue to advise YouTube directly of that position.
Nhésitez pas à me donner vos avis en commentaires.\r
Créé par Will Wright, développé par Maxis et édité par Electronic Arts.\r
Droits dauteur : \r
This is in response to your request dated January 25, 2014. Unfortunately, EA is not able to provide a blanket permission to use our copyrighted game footage. We have previously advised YouTube that EA generally does not object to fair uses of video footage or screen shots from publicly released versions of our copyrighted games, including on YouTube channels which are commercialized, but that we reserve rights to address inappropriate use of our copyrighted content. We will continue to advise YouTube directly of that position.
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