Son Of Chinese Billionaire Buys His Dog 8 New iPhones

  • 8 years ago
Most dogs enjoy simple pleasures like chasing squirrels and playing catch, but for Coco, an Alaskan Malamute in China, it’s all about the latest tech.

Most dogs enjoy simple pleasures like chasing squirrels and playing catch, but for Coco, an Alaskan Malamute in China, it’s all about the latest tech.
A photo of her sitting next to her 8 new iPhone 7s was posted recently on Weibo, a social media site. 
According to CNN, the highly sought after gadgets were a gift from her human companion Wang Sicong, the son of one of China’s richest men. 
The image has drawn numerous comments. 
One Weibo user asked, “Does the dog plan to host a lucky draw?” while another wrote, “Wang Sicong is so gross.” 
According to Apple, availability of the latest iPhone has become scarce worldwide. 
It’s unclear if Coco will be sharing her lush supply with her owner or just chewing on them and burying them in the backyard.


