Firm Proposes Giant Inflatable Tunnel During L Train Shutdown

  • 8 years ago
Engineering firm AECOM has proposed a 2,400-foot-long inflatable East River tunnel as a potential alternative to the L train between Manhattan and Brooklyn should it be shut down in 2019.

An engineering company has recently proposed an interesting way for 250,000 commuters to travel should the L train between Manhattan and Brooklyn be shut down in 2019. 
According to Gawker, an infrastructure design company called AECOM has developed a concept for an East River tunnel which one of the designers is quoted as saying resembles “a giant condom.” 
A written description of the "L Transporter" reveals a translucent structure that would be about 2,400-feet long and could be completely or partially submerged under water. 
The tunnel would accommodate pedestrians and cyclists who would be able to view images being projected on the walls. 
AECOM’s concept was submitted for a recent contest held by the Van Alen Institute in New York which solicited creative solutions for the likely train disruption, notes Gothamist. 
The "L Transporter" was a finalist, but the winner of the $1,000 prize suggested a combination rail and water option using existing infrastructure.


