Studies Say Stoned Drivers Are Less Dangerous Than Drunk Ones

  • 9 years ago
It’s never a good idea to get behind the wheel of a car after smoking marijuana or drinking alcohol, but when the two scenarios were compared the former proved to be less dangerous.

It’s never a good idea to get behind the wheel of a car after smoking marijuana or drinking alcohol, but when the scenarios were compared one proved to be less dangerous.

Two new studies conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration support what many have been saying for some time – stoned drivers pose less of a threat than drunk ones.

That doesn’t mean they’re completely safe.

Vehicle operators that test positive for THC are deemed 25 percent more likely to get into an accident.

The shuffling around of some demographic information like age and gender results in figures as low as 5%, but there are still concerns about the reliability of THC tests overall.

One of the study reports noted that how much of the chemical is found in a person’s blood is not an accurate measure of how im


