Obama Becomes First President To Sit For A 3D Printed Portrait

  • 10 years ago
Barack Obama has become the first president to ever sit for a 3D printed portrait.

Barack Obama has become the first president to ever sit for a 3D printed portrait.

The result of the historic moment is a detailed bust, which is now being displayed in the Smithsonian Castle’s Commons Gallery.

On the president’s part, the undertaking was fairly quick and simple.

He sat in a chair while being flashed with 50 specialized LED lights capable of creating 10 different light scenarios in about a second.

Images were captured by 14 cameras, 8 of them being high-resolution models and the remaining offering wider-angle options.

Handheld 3D scanning equipment was also used.

The team behind the technology-enabled first was comprised of people from various businesses and institutions.

Face scanning equipment was provided by the University of Southern California and the digital models were made by Autodesk.

3D digital-imaging specialists from the Smithsonian Institution performed the actual presidential image capturing.

Inspiration for the project came from a mask that was made of Abraham Lincoln during his time in office.

He didn’t have it so easy, though, as he had to have mold-making materials applied to his face while breathing through two puncture holes.
