Up To Half Of All Stars Exist Outside Of Galaxies

  • 10 years ago
According to a recent study, up to half of the stars in the universe aren’t part of any known galaxy.

According to a recent study, up to half of the stars in the universe aren’t part of any known galaxy.

An international team of astronomers working on the Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment or CIBER found that background infrared light is being made by stars removed from their galaxies by cosmic events.

Michael Zemcov of the California Institute of Technology who worked on the study is quoted as saying: "Traditionally, we've talked about galaxies as disks or sometimes spheroids that have a finite extent. They run out of stars and gas at a certain radius."

The results don’t show just how many stars have been separated from their galaxies, because their presence can only be measured by their combined glow.


