The Amazing Hand of Man

  • 10 years ago
Truly amazing. The hand that took us from caves to castles with surround-sound movie theater family rooms. From donkeys to cars and planes that blast us to anywhere we want to go in the wide wide world.

Now it will be asked to create even more amazingly. This time with eyes wide open to how the old ways of building don't fit a world that needs to clean up its act to keep running for now and future generations.

There are amazing men and women out there already creating them. Energy-saving homes and buildings. Solar-heated homes and buildings. Wind and solar-powered electricity. High-mileage energy-saving cars and buses and trains and trucks. Even energy-saving airplanes. And less-polluting fuels. Even energy-saving green skyscraper rooftop gardens.

A quick trip on the Internet will show that now there's no excuse not to see and know the amazing things being built to shape a world that can be home to kids, grandkids, nature and wildlife from now on.

Get these amazing changes going. Take as many as you can with you on this amazing eye-opening journey to greener, cleaner, healthier, happier new years for all who call the earth home.

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