Rectify Global Warming Denial

  • 10 years ago
Are you...or do you know any Global Warming Deniers?
If you or they cannot answer every question in this test with True,
you or they are not die-hard deniers and will be susceptible to undenial.

True Global warming deniers have to answer 100% True to this test:

I have no grandchildren…and never will. __True __False

I don't live in, or have relatives who live in, low-lying coastal areas. __True __False

I or my relations will never vacation in low-lying coastal areas. __True __False

Same goes for dry, forested areas. __True __False

I am OK with paying more for food. __True __False

I can go without food. __True __False

I don't care if half the world goes without food. __True __False

I don't care if they all come where I'm living. __True __False

I don't care if my air conditioning bill doubles. __True __False

I don't care if there are only polar bears in zoos. __True __False

I don't believe in science.__True __False

I never do anything that takes a bit of sacrifice. __True __False

I have no problem with moving north. __True __False

Global Warming Deniers and Believers, please add to the test questions in the Contact below.

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Commercial use rights
Sound effects: Bacon Frying by mckinney sound's
License: - End user licence agreement.webloc
Art, writing and video production: iVentive inc. staff
