Find the exhaust on this electric car

  • 10 years ago
Ads for electric cars say: 'zero emissions', 'no exhaust, no gas, no tailpipe' 'no CO2.'

But you will find its exhaust belching CO2 from the electric power plant that's charging its batteries.

There are home electricity services offering no-exhaust solar and wind electric to charge electric car batteries.

Make these services available to us all and car makers could sell us an electric car that really has no exhaust.

Solar installers are now offering customers solar electricity and clean power at the same or lower cost than coal in states like Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, D.C., Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas and Washington.
Locate a home Solar Power Service near you at

And wind generator farms are being built across the country. Making wind powered electricity an option to coal fueled electricity. Find a service offering Wind Energy Electric in your area at

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Commercial use rights
Song Title: Delicate Piano GarageBand
Sound effects:
Narrator, cartoon art, writing and video production: iVentive inc. staff
