Woman Inserted Potato In Her Body As Form Of Birth Control

  • 10 years ago
A woman in Colombia reportedly inserted a potato into her vagina in an effort to prevent getting pregnant. That turned into a major problem though, as it began growing inside of her.

Potatoes are an important aspect of diets around the world. They aren't, however, typically associated with birth control.

A woman in Colombia reportedly inserted a potato into her vagina in an effort to prevent getting pregnant. That turned into a major problem though, as it began growing inside of her.

The 22-year-old female had gone to her doctors and said she was experiencing abdominal pains. She also told medical staffers that she had placed the potato in her vagina.

She explained “My mom told me that if I didn't want to get pregnant, I should put a potato up there, and I believed her.”

It remained inside her for two weeks after following that advice. She began suffering from pains because the potato had germinated and roots started to grow.

The nurse who conducted the examination reportedly thought she was being pranked when she saw the roots protruding from the patient’s private parts.

The potato was successfully removed from the woman’s vagina without the need for a surgical procedure. She is expected to make a full recovery.


