US Navy Releases Videos Of Strikes On Syria

  • 10 years ago
In the pre-dawn hours of Tuesday, the US Navy began strikes on the Islamic State in Syria. US Navy has released videos pertaining to those strikes.

The US Navy has begun strikes on an Islamic State hub in Syria.

The military branch has since released videos taken from the launching ships of the US Fifth Fleet.

Clips show several missiles taking off, but also provide a glimpse into what the ships of the Navy’s Fifth Fleet look like on the inside, and what’s involved in delivering a missile to its target.

Several people can be seen monitoring a long row of control panels and screens while alerts to live launch conditions and sequences of numbers are called out.

The only significant source of light inside the ship is the blast given off by departing warheads.

Among the many bombs departing the ships were over 45 Tomahawks, each of which measures about 20 feet long and weighs over 3 thousand pounds.

Thus far, reports say that the strikes were successful in that they destroyed some key Islamic State operations.
