Salt And High Blood Pressure May Not Be As Closely Related As Believed

  • 10 years ago
The relationship between salt and high blood pressure, it turns out, is complicated.

The relationship between salt and high blood pressure, it turns out, is complicated.

For decades, people have been warned that the two are directly and inexorably linked, but a new study out of France is saying that isn’t really the case.

Researchers tested over 85 hundred French men and women and found that while salt and hypertension were related to one other, the common cause and effect scenarios have been ‘overstated.’

After adjusting for factors such as age, the scientists did find that people with hypertension generally consumed more salt and that their bodies reacted differently to it.

What they didn’t confirm was that there was a short, simple, and direct line connecting the two.

How the two are associated was said to be "more complex than once believed."

They found stronger influences on blood pressure to be one’s alcohol consumption and body mass index.

Thus, they concluded that among the most beneficial things a person can do to combat hypertension is watching their weight.

Despite this and other studies, the CDC is remaining resolute in the accuracy and beneficial outcomes of their established guidelines.
