Radio Telescopes Detect Strong, Mysterious Signal Bursts

  • 10 years ago
Two enormous radio telescopes situated across the world from one another have picked up very strong yet mysterious radio wave bursts.

Two enormous radio telescopes situated across the world from one another have picked up very strong yet mysterious radio wave bursts.

That they came from advanced alien civilizations is not being ruled out, but represent only one of many theories about the origins of the signals.

One of the telescopes, which is located in Australia, has been detecting pulses since 2007. In fact, it has registered so many that some believe it’s just a glitch-ridden piece of equipment.

Recently radio waves were detected in Puerto Rico as well, sparking a renewed interest in the bursts and where they might be coming from.

Thus far, that they’re originating somewhere on Earth has been ruled out. Said one researcher, "Our result is important because it eliminates any doubt that these radio bursts are truly of cosmic origin. The radio waves show every sign of having come from far outside our galaxy - a really exciting prospect."

Beyond aliens, speculated causes and origins include solar flares, suns collapsing and becoming black holes, and neutron stars merging.

More signals are needed to gain a better understanding, but they come by chance so when scientists will be able to further the study is unknown.


