Chinese Billionaire’s Free NYC Lunch For Homeless Backfires

  • 10 years ago
Chinese recycling magnate Chen Guangbiao recently served 300 homeless people a fancy lunch, as promised, but didn’t follow through on the all of the publicized plans.

Chinese recycling magnate Chen Guangbiao recently served 300 homeless people a fancy lunch, as promised, but didn’t follow through on all of the publicized plans.

Not long ago, Chen took out an ad in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal inviting those down on their luck to join him at the swanky Central Park Boathouse.

The call for guests also specified that each attendee would receive 300 dollars.

At the beginning of the event Chen stood before the crowd and sang ‘We Are The World’. He was surrounded by buckets full of cash.

He handed some out to a few people, but abruptly stopped.

It turns out that in organizing the luncheon, Chen enlisted the help of a local homeless mission.

Their condition for assisting with the event was that no money be given directly to the attendees, as many had drug and alcohol problems and cash-in-hand was a bad idea.

Instead, the money set aside for the guests was given to the organization.

