• 10 years ago
A woman named Amy Wagner sadly learned from a doctor that she had terminal cancer. Knowing that she didn’t have much time left, Wagner’s daughter Lauren Keppel thought a flash mob might make her feel better about her final days.

After battling ovarian cancer with surgery and chemo, Amy Wagner sadly learned in October of 2013 that it had returned and was terminal. Knowing that she didn’t have much time left, Wagner’s daughter Lauren Keppel thought a flash mob would show her mom how much she is loved during her final days.

Keppel mentioned the idea to her stepfather and he agreed, so she sent out an email and replies soon poured in. Almost right way, Keppel arranged the get-together.

On May 10th, Wagner thought just her immediate family was home with her, but what she didn’t know was that 50 relatives and friends from 5 states had come to celebrate her life and were waiting to spring out at just the right moment.

Keppel had her mom sit while the song, ‘The Best of My Love' by the Emotions kicked on.

Everyone practiced the choreographed dance moves at their homes before the surprise party, while her husband practiced in their basement after Wagner went to bed.

Wagner later commented “It is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I just love them all so much. I am really, really blessed.”


