World’s Oldest Sperm Found

  • 10 years ago
Scientists working in Queensland, Australia have discovered the world’s oldest sperm.

Scientists working in Queensland, Australia have discovered the world’s oldest sperm.

It was found in a cave filled with bat fossils. The sperm itself was encased in bat feces, also known as guano.

Expert analysis has aged the sperm at 17 million years old.

Originally hailing from an ancient shrimp species, the specimen is said to be quite large and bear a striking resemblance to angel hair pasta.

The shrimp from which it came, the ostracod, typically measured about 1 millimeter long, but its sperm, when stretched out, can be up to 10 times that long.

Said one of the researchers, “No one knows why ostracods have giant sperm or how they originated. The new evidence that they have been around for millions of years only adds to the mystery.”

The find also shows that the tiny shrimp have been reproducing in the same manner for all that time.

Males shoot the spaghetti-like sperm towards the female, and she catches it.

As far as how well the soft tissue was preserved, scientists are giving the credit to the guano.

The excrement has done wonders for keeping other fossils in great condition over time, but exactly how remains unknown.


