Family Finds Dead Body During Easter Egg Hunt

  • 10 years ago
A family in Knoxville recently found more than what they were looking for during an Easter egg hunt and it certainly wasn’t pleasant. A woman who was helping her four-year-old child find the eggs, stumbled across a decomposed body underneath her deck.

A family in Knoxville, Tennessee recently found more than what they were looking for during an Easter egg hunt and it certainly wasn’t pleasant. A woman who was helping her four-year-old child find the eggs, stumbled across a decomposed body underneath her deck.

Police claim the remains have been in that spot for approximately 2 weeks. According to the lady who discovered the body, that time frame sounds about right.

About a week prior to the finding, she had noticed a foul smell coming from somewhere on her property. For several days, she searched her yard but couldn’t determine the source of the horrible scent.

She reportedly had someone cut her grass and asked that person to be on the lookout for anything unusual that could be the cause of the odor. Again, nothing was found, that is until the Easter egg hunt.

The woman immediately called police after spotting the male’s body in a narrow spot about 15 to 20 feet from the outer edge of her back deck. Cops currently suspect he passed away from a medical condition, however investigators are awaiting the final results of an autopsy before positively confirming the cause of death.

Law enforcement has not yet been able to identify the victim and no explanation has been offered to explain why he was under the family’s deck.
