Birds Can Learn to Choose the Best Materials for Their Nest

  • 10 years ago
According to the latest research from scientists at the University of St. Andrews, some kinds of birds can learn how to choose the best available building material for their nests. Previous research had indicated that the materials birds choose to build their nests with was related to their genetics.

According to the latest research from scientists at the University of St Andrews,some kinds of birds can learn how to choose the best available building material for their nests.

Previous research had indicated that the materials birds choose to build their nests with was genetically determined.

But by giving the birds one material to build their nest from, and then giving them a choice between two different materials, the scientists discovered that the birds made a decision as to which of available material would make a better nest.

Doctor Ida Bailey from the University of St. Andrews, who worked on the study, is quoted as saying: “Because birds are not considered to be as clever as people, who can learn to use different materials quite easily, the assumption had been that there was a genetic template in the birds' brains. This shows that actually learning is also very important for their decisions."

Birds are capable of making a large variety of nests in nature, and some of the structures are quite complex.

For example, the long tailed tit uses thousands of pieces of material like moss, lichen, feathers and spider webs to make a dome nest.
