Champion Runner With MS Can Feel No Pain in Her Legs

  • 10 years ago
Kayla Montgomery, a high school senior, is considered to be one of the country’s fastest long distance runners in her age group. She also has multiple sclerosis.

Kayla Montgomery, a high school senior, is considered to be one of the country’s fastest long distance runners in her age group.

She also has multiple sclerosis, and when a race ends, she collapses to the ground.

Incredibly, the same M.S. that leaves her unable to remain standing at the end of a race, could be what helps make her race times so good.

It blocks the pain receptors in her brain, so when most runners begin to feel pain and slow down, Montgomery can keep sailing along.

Even when she can feel her legs starting to give out, if she keeps moving, she can stay upright.

Her condition started to emerge her freshman year. She began to complain of a lingering numbness in her legs.

Tests revealed that MS was the cause and, as there is no cure, eventually she would be in a wheelchair.

That’s when she decided to make the most of the time she has now.

Since, she’s become the North Carolina state champion with a time that puts her in the nation’s top 25.

In the fall, she’ll be attending Tennessee’s Lipscomb University with a scholarship.
