Pediatrician Convicted of Waterboarding Young Girl

  • 10 years ago
58-year-old Melvin Morse was arrested for waterboarding his partner’s daughter.

In 2012, 58-year-old Melvin Morse was arrested for waterboarding his partner’s daughter. He held the then 11-year-old girl’s face under the stream of a running faucet, forcing water to go up her nose.

The form of punishment was witnessed by her mother who failed to intervene or report the incidents. Morse just recently landed in court for the felonies related to waterboarding and suffocation by hand. (
Although Morse maintained his innocence during the trial, he was convicted of one felony for the waterboarding occurrence and five misdemeanors. He was acquitted of the suffocation charge.

In court, the child’s mother, Pauline Morse testified that the defendant used waterboarding in a threatening and punishing manner. (1,9,1) The mom, who pleaded guilty to misdemeanor endangerment charges last year, claimed she never did anything abut the torture because she was afraid to ‘undermine’ Morse.

Prosecutors alleged Morse kept the child confined to one room where she was forced to use her toy box or closet as a bathroom. They also said she was deprived of food.

Morse remained stone faced when the verdict was read. His lawyers stated they plan to appeal the decision. (1,2,1) Morse’s sentencing is scheduled for April 11th.


