Woman Dying From Cancer Has Month-Long Goodbye Party

  • 10 years ago
By November of 2013, a doctor informed cancer patient, Marcy Glanz that she only had a few more weeks left of life on Earth. In an effort to lessen the grief, both for herself and loved ones, she had only one wish – to have a month-long farewell party.

Some of the grimmest words anyone can ever hear is “you have cancer”. A woman in New York, Marcy Glanz heard that exact phrase in 2011.

By November of 2013, the disease took a turn for the worse and her doctor informed her that she only had a few more weeks left of life on Earth.

In an effort to lessen the grief, both for herself and loved ones, she had only one wish – to have a month-long farewell party. Pretty much everyone she knew in life was invited.

The festivities began in early December and ran through the entire month. Friends from across the country, neighbors and of course her family all visited her apartment.

All together, they reminisced, sifting though photo albums and watching home movies . Of course, they all conversed about how they met.

Glanz’s husband, Marion Stewart said “Many of us die too soon and have no chance to say goodbye, or we have a long, ugly, painful demise. Hers was neither of those.”

After the long party, Glanz peacefully passed away in her bed, surrounded by those who loved her the most.


