How Many Toads You’ll Kiss Before Finding Your Prince

  • 10 years ago
Recent research has determined how many toads a woman will have to kiss, so to speak, before finding The One.

Recent research has determined how many toads a woman will have to kiss, so to speak, before finding The One.

Before a woman settles down, it’s likely she will have already been through two serious relationships and suffered as many heartbreaks.

The upside, is that often times, number 3 is the lucky one.

By the time the wedding day rolls around, however, there are a few other romantic experiences a modern lady is likely to have had.

On the unpleasant side are 4 disastrous dates, one failed co-habitation attempt, and a brush with the pain and awkwardness of being stood up.

Also sprinkled along the path to one’s soul mate are, for better or worse, 15 first kisses, a handful of one-night stands, and a few blind dates, some with people met on the Internet.

6 in 10 people surveyed said there came a time when they had given up on finding love. All is not lost however, as the study of 2 thousand male and female Brits revealed 80 percent of them finally met their true match when they least expected it. How did you meet the love of your life?


