Man Sleeps All Night Unaware of 5-Inch Knife in Back

  • 11 years ago
An unidentified male reportedly slept for 10 hours straight completely unaware that there was a knife protruding from his back.

While you may have trouble sleeping, a man in Trenton, New Jersey doesn't seem to have such issues. The unidentified male reportedly slept for 10 hours straight completely unaware that there was a knife protruding from his back.

The 42-year-old finally woke up, confused as to why he was in excruciating pain. He talked to his brother about the physical suffering.

The sibling looked at his back and alerted the male the reason why he was in so much pain was because a knife was stuck in his back. Police were immediately called to the scene and noticed the 5 inch blade lodged in the victim’s body. He was quickly sent to the hospital.

When investigators interviewed him, the male claimed a fight broke out on his front porch the night before, after an unknown man asked for a light to his cigarette. The victim refused to give the suspect one and an altercation escalated to the point where the men began punching one another.

However, at one point the victim got the ‘upper hand’ and seemingly out of nowhere the attacker took off on foot. What the man remained unaware of was the fact that he had been stabbed.
